
Errata ID Date added Title Content type Report number Description
450 07/22/24 Charts of Note, July 15, 2024 Chart N/A On July 22, 2024, the note that accompanied the chart was revised to improve clarity. No text or data were affected.
449 07/18/2024 Dairy Data Data Product N/A On July 18, 2024, two Dairy data files were reposted to correct a unit conversion error for Other-than-American cheese export and domestic use data for the months February 2024 through May 2024. The files and data affected include the table titled Other Cheese, monthly in the Supply and utilization of dairy product categories (monthly and annual) and the U.S. dairy situation at a glance (monthly and annual) data entries for Domestic disappearance for Other-than-American cheese. No other data were affected by the error.
448 06/20/2024 World Agricultural Production, Resource Use, and Productivity, 1961–2020 Publication EIB-268 On June 20, 2024, a measurement unit error related to GHG emission intensities for agriculture was corrected on pages 44, 45, and 47. No other text was affected.
447 06/07/2024 Farmland Value Topic Page N/A On June 7, 2024, two text references on the farmland value topic page were changed to correct a calculation error. The page now indicates that the Southern Plains region leads all regions in terms of 5-year value of farm real estate growth, at 2.9 percent annual growth over 2017–2022, while the Delta States and Southeast regions (growth rate: -0.6 percent) trail all other annual growth over the same period (all values adjusted for inflation).
446 05/17/2024 World Agricultural Production, Resource Use, and Productivity, 1961–2020 Publication ERR-268 On May 17, 2024, the “Key” of Figure 17 was updated to improve clarity. No text or data were affected.
445 05/07/2024 Major Land Uses Data Product N/A On May 7, 2024, Summary Table 3 "Total Cropland Used for Crops" in the Major Land Uses data product was revised for 2013–15 to be consistent with and reflect the underlying historical data available in the USDA, NASS QuickStats database since 2019. About a third of the values were affected, with revisions to total crops harvested, total cropland harvested, and cropland used for crops. The 2013 value for double cropped acres was also revised.
444 03/25/2024 Charts of Note, March 21, 2024 Chart N/A On March 25, 2024, the map legend was revised to show that areas in yellow without dots represent direct sales of less than $2.5 million.
443 01/12/2024 Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade: November 2023 Outlook FTS-374 On January 12, 2024, table 1 of the November 2023 Trade Outlook report was updated to reflect the correct value of total U.S. agricultural exports for fiscal year 2022.
442 11/30/2023 Farm Household Income and Characteristics Data Product N/A On November 30, 2023, a rounding error was corrected for some historical values in two tables in the Farm Household Income and Characteristics data product (Table 3, "All farms and family farms by farm size class (gross sales), 1996–2021" and Table 13, "Mean and median farm operator household income and ratio of farm household to U.S. household income, 1960–2021"). No other data or text was affected.
441 11/16/2023 State Agricultural Trade Data Data Product N/A On November 16, 2023, U.S. agricultural exports, commodity detail by State: calendar years 2000-2022, and the associated CSV (comma separated values) files were reposted to correct the beef export values for Washington and the United States. No other data were affected by the errors.
440 09/21/2023 Characterizing Rugged Terrain in the United States Publication ERR-322 On September 21, 2023, the shading in figure 4 was corrected. This change clarified the region of five counties in southeastern Maine. The error occurred during visualization of the counties and does not affect anything else in the report.
439 08/21/2023 Despite Challenges, Research Shows Opportunity To Increase Use of Manure as Fertilizer Amber Waves article N/A On August 21, 2023, the table in this article was changed to correct the data for barley acres planted, as well as for acres of barley that were manured and shares of manure-receiving crops. Data in the fourth paragraph also changed to reflect the corrected data on barley.
438 08/18/2023 Increasing the Value of Animal Manure for Farmers Publication AP-109 On August 18, 2023, barley acres planted data were corrected in table 2, which also impacted the acres of barley that were manured and the shares of manure-receiving crops data. No other data were affected.
437 08/17/2023 The Rural Food-Away-from-Home Landscape, 1990–2019 Publication EIB-253 On August 17, figures 2a, 2b, 7, 12a, and 12b were updated to reflect the non-metro status for Aleutians West, Alaska. No other figures or text were affected.
436 08/16/2023 Chart of Note, August 14, 2023 Chart N/A On August 16, this chart was updated with the correct year for when a similar level of income was previously spent on food. No other data were affected.
435 08/15/2023 Charts of Note, April 18, 2023 Chart N/A On August 15, the map was updated with the correct non-metro status for Aleutians West, Alaska. The text and other data were not affected.
434 07/18/2023 Agricultural Exchange Rate Data Set Data Product N/A On July 18, 2023, the .xlsx and .csv files for the Real Annual Commodity Trade Weighted Exchange Rate Indexes and Real Monthly Commodity Trade Weighted Exchange Rate Indexes were reposted to correct the base year. No other data were affected by the errors.
433 07/07/2023 Weekly Retail Food Sales Data Product N/A On July 7, 2023, the volume sales data were removed due to errors in converting some unit values to volumes. They will not be restored due to the complexity of the data.
432 06/26/2023 New Analysis Approach Illuminates Differences in Food Spending Across U.S. Populations AmberWaves Article N/A On June 26, 2023, the second figure in this article was revised to correct the dates represented by the data.
430 05/22/2023 Food Expenditure Series Data Product N/A On May 22, 2023, the csv file “Monthly sales of food, with taxes and tips, for all purchasers” was revised to correct estimates prior to November 2021. No estimates after November 2021 or the xlsx version of this file were affected.
429 05/05/2023 The Rural Food-Away-from-Home Landscape, 1990–2019 Publication EIB-253 On May 5, figures 2a, 2b, 7, 12a, and 12b were updated with data for Honolulu County, Hawaii. No other figures or text were affected.
428 04/28/2023 Charts of Note, April 26, 2023 Chart N/A On April 28, 2023, the Chart of Note from Wednesday, April 26, 2023, was revised to correct the 2021 total sales, shipment values, and revenue from food and beverage manufacturing plants. The chart source was also revised to correct the survey year. No other data were affected.
427 04/25/2023 International Food Security Assessment, 2022–32 Outlook FTS-374 On April 25, 2023, the International Food Security Assessment was reposted to correct a label on figure 11. No other numbers or tables were affected by this error.
426 04/11/2023 Dietary Quality by Food Source and Demographics in the United States, 1977–2018 Publication EIB-249 On April 11, 2023, figures 25 and 27 were updated using the correct conversion factor for total fats. No other figures, tables, or text were affected.
425 04/05/2023 Dairy Data Data Product N/A On 4/5/2023, the “Supply and utilization of dairy product categories” and “U.S. dairy situation at a glance” data sets were reposted to correct errors in production, total supply, and domestic disappearance entries for January 2023.
424 03/27/2023 Major Land Uses Data Product N/A On March 27, 2023, some historical estimates in summary table 3, “Cropland used for crops” within the Major Land Uses data product, were revised. For the years 2017-20, values for total cropland used for crops, cropland harvested, double cropped, crop failure, and cultivated summer fallow were revised. The revisions to individual components changed the total for cropland used for crops in 2017; for 2018, 2019, and 2020, changes to components were offset such that total cropland used for crops remained unchanged. No other data were affected.
423 03/16/2023 Dietary Quality by Food Source and Demographics in the United States, 1977–2018 Publication EIB-249 On March 16, 2023, table 2 was updated with the correct recommended density per 1,000 calories for grains. Text on page 105 and figures 25 and 27 were also updated to reflect the correction. No other tables, text, or figures were affected.
422 03/15/2023 U.S. Organic Production, Markets, Consumers, and Policy, 2000–21 Publication ERR-315 On March 15, 2023, the text corresponding to the yellow bars in figure 2.6 was corrected. No other text or figures were affected.
421 02/15/2023 Food Dollar Series Data Product N/A On February 15, 2023, several data points in the Food Dollar Series application were updated for rounding consistency. No other data were affected.
420 02/15/2023 Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook: March 2022 Outlook FTS-374 On February 15, 2023, the Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook: March 2022 was reposted to correct a scaling error in figure 9 and a labeling error in figure SA3. No other components of the report were affected.
419 02/15/2023 Do Free Trade Agreements Benefit Developing Countries? An Examination of U.S. Agreements Publication EIB-240 On February 15, 2023, a calculation error in figure 18 was corrected for post-CAFTA-DR sugar production. No other aspects of the report were affected by the error.
418 02/03/2023 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: January 2023 Outlook LDP-M-343 On February 3, 2023, the Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: January 2023 was reposted to reflect a recalculation of the November 2022 daily hatch rate in the poultry section figure titled, “Broiler-type chicks hatched per calendar day.”
417 01/25/2023 Food Price Outlook Data Product N/A On January 25, 2023, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) files were revised to correct the 2021 annual percent change for fruits and vegetables and the historical Producer Price Index (PPI) legacy forecast file was revised to correct the 2020 forecast published in July 2020. No other data were affected.
416 12/16/2022 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: December 2022 Outlook LDP-M-342 On December 16, 2022, the Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Outlook: December 2022, was reposted to correct the opening title on page 1. No data or conclusions were changed.
415 11/21/2022 Agricultural Baseline Database Data Product N/A On November 21, 2022, Table 1, “Global GDP Shares and GDP Growth Assumption to 2032”, of the zip file containing macroeconomic projections was reposted to correct errors in historical and projected average gross domestic product (GDP) growth. No other tables were affected by the error.
414 11/09/2022 County-level Data Sets: Download Data Data Product N/A On November 9, 2022, the download file on the Education page of the County-level Data Sets data product was reposted to correct an error in the calculation of the variables (number and percent) for “adults with a high school diploma only, 2007-11” and “adults completing some college or associate’s degree, 2007-11.” No other data were affected, including those available through the HTML reports.
413 10/25/2022 Charts of Note, October 20, 2022 Chart N/A On October 25, 2022, a clarification was made for Florida’s ranking in citrus production.
412 10/21/2022 Weekly Retail Food Sales Data Product N/A On October 21, 2022, the Weekly retail food sales by State and product category data files were updated to correctly label the Volume sales 3 years ago and Unit sales 3 years ago columns. Duplicate variables for Percent change dollars, Percent change units, Percent change volume, Percent change dollars 3 years ago, Percent change units 3 years ago, and Percent change volume 3 years ago were also removed from the csv file. No other data were affected.
411 10/06/2022 International Macroeconomic Data Set Data Product N/A On October 6, 2022, the following data files were reposted to correct errors in percent change calculations: Real Gross Domestic Product (2015 base) Projected and Historical, Gross Domestic Product Deflator Values (2015 base) Projected and Historical, Real Exchange Rates (2015 base) Projected and Historical, Consumer Price Indexes (2015 base) Projected and Historical, and Population (2015 base) Projected. No other tables were affected by the error.
410 09/30/2022 ARMS Farm Financial and Crop Production Practices Data Product N/A Some data within the Tailored Reports: Farm Structure and Finance in the ARMS Farm Financial and Crop Production Practices data product were misreported as "NA" following issues with the underlying data server, starting on or about September 20 through September 27. The issue was resolved on September 27, 2022, and the relevant data were restored.
409 09/15/2022 Vegetables and Pulses Yearbook Tables Data Product N/A On September 15, 2022, the machine-readable Vegetables and Pulses Yearbook Tables file was reposted to include fresh cauliflower data. No other data was affected.
408 09/07/2022 Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade: August 2022 Outlook AES-121 On September 7, 2022, table 4 was revised to correctly label fiscal year 2022 forecast values. No other numbers or tables were affected by this error.
407 08/23/2022 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: August 2022 Outlook LDP-M-338 On August 23, 2022, the Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: August 2022 was corrected to remove a duplicated paragraph in the text. No data or conclusions were changed.
406 08/16/2022 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: July 2022 Outlook LDP-M-337 On August 16, 2022, the Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Outlook: July 2022, was reposted to correct the June 2022 average wholesale price of chicken wings. Text references, intertemporal comparisons and the poultry section figure titled “Chicken wing wholesale prices and cold storage stocks at the end of the month, Jan 2021-Jun 2022” were modified to reflect the correct price. No other numbers or tables were affected by this error.
405 08/12/2022 Adjusting to Higher Labor Costs in Selected U.S. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Industries Publication EIB-235 On August 11, 2022, this report was reposted to correct minimum wage values in figure 2. The corresponding footnote was also updated to reference sources. No text or other figures were impacted.
404 07/14/2022 The Food and Nutrition Assistance Landscape: Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report Publication EIB-237 On July 14, 2022, the report summary title was updated to correct the fiscal year.
403 06/27/2022 Agricultural Exchange Rate Data Set Data Product N/A On June 27, 2022, the Real annual commodity trade weighted exchange rate indexes, Real Monthly Commodity Trade Weighted Exchange Rate Indexes, Monthly Real Exchange Rates, Annual Nominal Exchange Rates, Monthly Nominal Exchange Rates, and Annual Real Exchange Rates files were reposted to update a footnote to clearly indicate certain numbers are projections. In the Monthly Real Exchange Rates, Annual Nominal Exchange Rates, Monthly Nominal Exchange Rates, and Annual Real Exchange Rates files, the name of Brazil’s currency was corrected in row 5. In the Monthly Nominal Exchange Rates file, a footnote was revised in order to correctly list the date of introduction of Brazil’s currency. Agricultural trade weights by commodity or commodity group was reposted in order to remove row 5 (Currency name) and column U (Eurozone). No data were affected by the errors.
402 06/21/2022 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: June 2022 Outlook LDP-M-336 On June 21, 2022, the dairy forecast table in the Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: June 2022 was corrected to reflect data and forecasts updated on June 16, 2022. No other components of the report were affected.
401 06/03/2022 Ag and Food Statistics: Charting the Essentials Data Product N/A On June 3, 2022, the chart notes were revised to correctly identify the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).
400 06/03/2022 Charts of Note, April 23, 2021 Chart N/A On June 3, 2022, the text and chart notes were revised to correctly identify the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).
399 05/18/2022 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: April 2022 Outlook LDP-M-334 On May 18, 2022, corrections were made to the year designations in the table on page 7 of Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: April 2022. No other components of the table or report were affected.
398 05/12/2022 Agricultural Exchange Rate Data Set Data Product N/A On May 12, 2022, Monthly Real Exchange Rates, Annual Nominal Exchange Rates, Monthly Nominal Exchange Rates, Annual Real Exchange Rates, and Agricultural Trade Weights by Commodity or Commodity Group were updated to more clearly specify the regional categorization of countries and add closing parentheses to country codes. No data were affected.
397 04/26/2022 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: April 2022 Outlook LDP-M-334 On April 26, 2022, on page 20 of Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: April 2022 the year was updated to discuss flock depletions that occurred in the first half of 2020. No other components of the report were affected by the error.
396 04/22/2022 Rice Outlook: April 2022 Outlook RCS-22C On April 22, 2022, the April 2022 Rice Outlook Monthly Tables were reposted to correct Thailand’s 2021/22 rice production forecasts in Appendix Table 10. Other reported estimates and the Rice Outlook: April 2022 report were not affected.
395 04/19/2022 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: April 2022 Outlook LDP-M-334 On April 19, 2022, corrections were made to the first paragraph of the Dairy section and the table on page 8 of Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: April 2022. The price for 500-pound barrels of Cheddar cheese for the week ending April 2, along with the change in the price from the week ending March 5, were corrected in both the paragraph and the table. No other components of the report were affected by the errors.
394 04/18/2022 Rural Employment and Unemployment Topic Page N/A On April 18, 2022, the chart and associated descriptive file for “U.S. employment in metro and nonmetro areas, 2007–21” was corrected to remove data for Puerto Rico that was inadvertently included in the analysis. This correction revises one statement in the discussion, which becomes “After nonmetro counties lost 1.4 million jobs from 2007 to 2010, nonmetro employment grew slowly after the Great Recession and by 2019 had returned to 97 percent (20.3 million employed) of pre-Great Recession employment levels (21.0 million employed in 2007).”
393 04/08/2022 Consumers’ Interpretation of Food Labels with Production Claims Can Influence Purchases Amber Waves article N/A On April 8, 2022, the legend labels of the second figure in this article were revised to correctly reflect "Organic" and "Raised without antibiotics" data.
392 03/30/2022 Feed Outlook: March 2022 Outlook FDS-22c On March 30, 2022, a column header in table 4 of the Feed Grain Outlook Tables was corrected to read "Soybean meal, high protein, Central IL." No data was affected by the change.
391 03/30/2022 Feed Outlook: February 2022 Outlook FDS-22b On March 30, 2022, a column header in table 4 of the Feed Grain Outlook Tables was corrected to read "Soybean meal, high protein, Central IL." No data was affected by the change.
390 03/30/2022 Feed Outlook: January 2022 Outlook FDS-22a On March 30, 2022, a column header in table 4 of the Feed Grain Outlook Tables was corrected to read "Soybean meal, high protein, Central IL." No data was affected by the change.
389 03/30/2022 Feed Outlook: December 2021 Outlook FDS-21l On March 30, 2022, a column header in table 4 of the Feed Grain Outlook Tables was corrected to read "Soybean meal, high protein, Central IL." No data was affected by the change.
388 03/30/2022 Feed Outlook: November 2021 Outlook FDS-21k On March 30, 2022, a column header in table 4 of the Feed Grain Outlook Tables was corrected to read "Soybean meal, high protein, Central IL." No data was affected by the change.
387 03/30/2022 Feed Outlook: October 2021 Outlook FDS-21j On March 30, 2022, a column header in table 4 of the Feed Grain Outlook Tables was corrected to read "Soybean meal, high protein, Central IL." No data was affected by the change.
386 03/29/2022 U.S. Agricultural Exports to Colombia: Rising Sales in Response to Trade Liberalization and Changing Consumer Trends Outlook AES-118-01 On March 29, 2022, tables 7 and 9 and corresponding text were revised to indicate the correct average annual growth rates for the period 2013-18 in table 7 and the correct time period covered by the year-to-year changes in exports in table 9. No other text or data were affected.
385 03/14/2022 Food Insecurity for Households With Children Rose in 2020, Disrupting Decade-long Decline Amber Waves article N/A On March 14, 2022, the title of the last chart in this article was revised to clarify that the chart illustrated child food insecurity. The last sentence of the article was revised to clarify that the national average was for data among children.
384 03/08/2022 Farm Structure and Organization: Farm Structure and Contracting Topic Page N/A On March 8, 2022, a chart and text on the Farm Structure and Organization: Farm Structure and Contracting topic page was reposted to correct a programming error. The chart showing the share of farms with contracts and the value of production under contract and a paragraph discussing the chart were corrected. No other text or values on the topic page were affected.
383 03/08/2022 Charts of Note, March 4, 2022 Chart N/A On March 8, 2022, the graphic presented in this Chart of Note was revised to better represent the differences between the dollar amounts of the economic activities.
382 03/04/2022 Weekly Retail Food Sales Data Product N/A On March 4, 2022, the Weekly Retail Food Sales data files were corrected to indicate the data were produced on February 17, 2022. No data were affected.
381 02/28/2022 Cover Practice Definitions and Incentives in the Conservation Reserve Program Publication EIB-233 On February 28, 2022, figure 2a was revised to correct the image used in the figure and table A.2c was revised to correctly label the table. None of the underlying data, other figures, or text were impacted.
380 02/25/2022 USDA Agricultural Projections to 2031 Outlook OCE-2022-01 On February 25, 2022, the USDA Agricultural Projections to 2031 report (OCE-2022-01) was revised to correct the text of the report to state that soybean oil use for biofuels is projected at 12.15 billion pounds in 2031/32. No other data or files were affected by this error.
379 02/18/2022 COVID-19 Working Paper: Filling the Pandemic Meal Gap: Disruptions to Child Nutrition Programs and Expansion of Free Meal Sites in the Early Months of the Pandemic Publication AP-93 On February 22, 2022, figure 3 was revised to correctly label Summer Food Service Program Meals in fiscal year 2020 and Free Meal Sites. No text or other figures were impacted.
378 02/18/2022 COVID-19 Working Paper: U.S.-Mexico Agricultural Trade in 2020 Publication AP-97 On February 18, 2022, figure 7 was revised to correctly label U.S. beef imports, and other colors were modified to improve Section 508 readability requirements. No text or other figures were impacted.
377 01/18/2022 Examining Pathogen-Based Import Refusals: Trends and Analysis From 2002 to 2019 Publication EIB-232 On January 18, the first row of appendix 2 was revised to correct number of pathogen/toxin violations by histamine and aflatoxin to match those shown in figure 5. No other text or figures were affected.
376 01/13/2022 Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook Tables Data Product N/A On January 13, 2022, Table 54 (Mexican price of estándar sugar in Mexico City) and Table 55 (Mexican price of refined sugar in Mexico City) were reposted to correct errors in prices posted for December 2021; Table 10 (U.S. Sugar Producer Price Index) was reposted to correct an error in the index posted for May 2021. No other tables were affected by the error.
375 01/10/2022 America's Diverse Family Farms: 2021 Edition Publication EIB-231 On January 10, 2022, the Federal crop insurance figure on page 27 was revised to correct “All family farms” to “Nonfamily farms.” No other figures were impacted.
374 12/23/2021 Examining Pathogen-Based Import Refusals: Trends and Analysis From 2002 to 2019 Publication EIB-232 On December 23, the title of figure 4 on page 9 was revised to say, “Total number of pathogen/ toxin violations by industry, 2002-19.” In addition, the titles of figures 11b, 11c, and 11d on pages 17 and 18 were revised to show the correct country.
373 12/21/2021 Dairy Data Data Product N/A On December 21, 2021, the “U.S. Dairy situation at a glance” data set was corrected to properly label the units for milk per cow as pounds.
372 11/17/2021 Rice Yearbook Data Product N/A On November 17, 2021, U.S. rice exports by type and top 10 U.S. rice export markets was reposted. Table 12 in the 2021 Rice Yearbook was reposted to correct errors in historic reported values for U.S. broken-rice and rough-rice exports. Table 13 was also updated to also reflect the most current U.S. Census Bureau export data, including the recently released 2020/21 export data.
371 11/16/2021 Understanding the Components of U.S. Food Expenditures During Recessionary and Non-Recessionary Periods Publication ERR-301 On November 16, 2021, Figure 9 was revised to correctly depict the contributions of the Propensity to spend on food versus non-food and the Food-at-home share components. No text or other figures were impacted.
370 11/12/2021 U.S. Agriculture Sector Received an Estimated $35 Billion in COVID-19-Related Assistance in 2020 Amber Waves article N/A On November 12, 2021, the text and the second table were revised to clarify that the Paycheck Protection Program eligibility simulation was carried out on both commercial and intermediate farm operations. No other data or findings are changed.
369 11/12/2021 U.S. Farm Producers Received Almost $6 Billion From the Paycheck Protection Program in 2020 Amber Waves article N/A On November 12, 2021, the text and chart were revised to clarify that the Paycheck Protection Program eligibility simulation was carried out on both commercial and intermediate farm operations. No other data or findings are changed.
368 11/12/2021 Meat Price Spreads Data Product N/A On November 12, 2021, Meat Price Spreads, “Choice values and spreads and the all fresh retail value” and “Summaries of retail prices and spreads,” were updated to correct the all fresh retail value of beef for October 2021. The correct price for the all fresh retail value of beef is 754.8 cents per pound.
367 11/09/2021 Charts of Note, October 27, 2021 Charts of Note N/A On November 9, 2021, the chart and text were revised to clarify that the Paycheck Protection Program eligibility simulation was carried out on both commercial and intermediate farm operations. No other data or findings are changed.
366 11/04/2021 COVID-19 Working Paper: Filling the Pandemic Meal Gap: Disruptions to Child Nutrition Programs and Expansion of Free Meal Sites in the Early Months of the Pandemic Publication AP-093 On November 4, 2021, text on page 6 describing the increase in the number of meals served through the Summer Food Service Program from March through May 2020 as compared to the same period was revised to reflect the correct change. No figures or tables were impacted.
365 11/04/2021 COVID-19 Working Paper: Financial Assistance for Farm Operations and Farm Households in the Face of COVID-19 Publication AP-090 On November 4, 2021, the text and Table 2 were revised to clarify that the Paycheck Protection Program eligibility simulation was carried out on both commercial and intermediate farm operations. No other data or findings are changed.
364 10/29/2021 ARMS Farm Financial and Crop Production Practices Data Product N/A Following issues with the underlying data server, some data within the Tailored Reports: Farm Structure and Finance in the ARMS Farm Financial and Crop Production Practices data product were misreported as "NA,” starting on or about October 20, 2021, through October 28, 2021. The issue was resolved on October 28, 2021, and the relevant data restored.
363 10/25/2021 Charts of Note, October 18, 2021 Charts of Note N/A On October 25, 2021, the map presented in this Chart of Note was revised to show the correct number of counties in the contiguous United States.
362 10/25/2021 Oil Booms Can Reduce Lifetime Earnings and Delay Retirement Amber Waves article N/A On October 25, 2021, the map accompanying this finding was revised to show the correct number of counties in the contiguous United States.
361 10/13/2021 Commodity Costs and Returns Data Product N/A On October 13, 2021, the Commodity Costs and Returns data and visualization tool was reposted to correct errors for Peanuts, Peanuts production costs and returns per planted acre, excluding Government payments. No other tables were affected by the error.
360 09/27/2021 Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook: June 2021 Outlook SSS-M-394 On September 27, 2021, the Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook: June 2021 report was reposted to correct errors that occurred in data transmission. The errors occurred in Table 34, Top global honey producers, 2019—as well as two associated references in the text—and were corrected. No other components of the report were affected by the error.
359 09/14/2021 Meat Price Spreads Data Product N/A On September 14, 2021, the file “Retail prices for beef, pork, poultry cuts, eggs, and dairy products” (cuts.xls) was not updated. The file has now been updated to include August 2021 numbers.
358 08/20/2021 Charting the Essentials Data Product N/A On August 20, 2021, text was revised to correct unit errors for expenditures. Expenditure values were corrected from millions of dollars to billions of dollars. The chart was not affected.
357 08/11/2021 International Food Security Assessment, 2021-31 Outlook GFA-32 On August 11, 2021, the abstract and introduction sections were updated to correct errors. No other components of the report were affected by the errors.
356 08/04/2021 Farm Household Income and Characteristics Data Product N/A On August 4, 2021, the table "Principal farm operator household finances, 2016-21F" in the Farm Household Income and Characteristics (released on both December 2, 2020 and February 5, 2021) was reposted to correct an error.
355 08/03/2021 International Food Security Assessment, 2021-31 Outlook GFA-32 On August 3, 2021, the abstract and introduction section was updated to correct typographical errors. No other components of the report were affected by the error.
354 07/28/2021 Charts of Note, July 26, 2021 Charts of Note N/A On July 28, 2021, the text was revised to correct an error that occurred in data transmission. The chart was not affected by the error.
353 07/28/2021 Charts of Note, July 21, 2021 Charts of Note N/A On July 28, 2021, the chart was revised to correct an error in presentation. No other data or text were affected.
352 07/28/2021 Agricultural Trade Multipliers: 2019 Data Overview Data Product N/A On July 28, 2021, the Agricultural Trade Multiplier Data Product was revised to incorporate corrected multiplier estimates for the ethanol sector and the 2019 Data Overview was updated to reflect these changes.
351 07/28/2021 Agricultural Trade Multipliers Data Product N/A On July 28, 2021, the Agricultural Trade Multiplier data product was revised to incorporate corrected multiplier estimates for the ethanol sector.
350 07/21/2021 Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System Data Product N/A On July 21, 2021, the Loss-adjusted Food Availability dataset’s fruit files were revised to correct the 2019 primary weight for fresh oranges.
349 07/16/2021 Market Segments Topic Page N/A On July 16, 2021, the text describing declines in food-away-from-home sales by type of establishment in 2020 was revised with correct percentages. No data tables or charts were affected.
348 07/16/2021 Food Expenditure Series Data Product N/A On July 16, 2021, the Normalized food expenditures by all purchasers and household final users data were revised to correct the column labels for per capita expenditures among all purchasers.
347 07/15/2021 Oil Crops Outlook: July 2021 Outlook OCS-21g On July 15, 2021, the Oil Crops Outlook Tables and Oil Crops Outlook: July 2021 were reposted to correct year labels on the "U.S. soybean crop conditions as of July 11" map.
346 07/13/2021 Meat Prices Spreads Data Product N/A On July 13, 2021, the Summary of retail prices and price spreads dataset was reposted to correct prices for broiler “Leg - bone-in” and broiler “Breast - boneless.”
345 06/29/2021 How the Removal of Tariffs Would Impact Agricultural Trade Amber Waves article N/A On June 29, 2021, text on South Korea’s corn tariff and the accompanying data point on the global corn tariff in the second figure were revised to correct errors that occurred in data transmission. No other data was affected by the error.
344 06/25/2021 Reforming Market Access in Agricultural Trade: Tariff Removal and the Trade Facilitation Agreement Publication ERR-280 On June 25, 2021, text on South Korea’s corn tariff and the accompanying data point on the global corn tariff in the second figure were revised to correct errors that occurred in data transmission. No other data was affected by the error.
343 06/21/2021 Oil Crops Outlook: June 2021 Outlook OCS-21f On June 21, 2021, Tables 1 and 3 of the Oil Crops Outlook were reposted to correct errors in prior month calculations of biofuel and January soybean crush.
342 06/17/2021 Food Dollar Series Data Product N/A On June 17, 2021, the Food dollar nominal data files were revised to correct the values reported in "million dollars" for 2008-19. No other data were affected.
341 06/09/2021 Trans Fat Levels Among U.S. Youth Fell From 1999 to 2010 Amber Waves article N/A On June 9, 2021, the source of this finding was revised to show that the correct date of the journal article upon which this finding was based is April 2020.
340 05/27/2021 ARMS Farm Financial and Crop Production Practices Data Product N/A Due to a server failure, some data within the Tailored Reports: Farm Structure and Finance in the ARMS Farm Financial and Crop Production Practices data product were misreported as “NA” starting on or about April 21, 2021, through May 26, 2021. The issue was resolved on May 26, 2021, and the relevant data restored.
339 05/25/2021 Oil Crops Outlook: May 2021 Outlook OCS-21e On May 25, 2021, the Oil Crops Outlook Tables were reposted to fix a data transfer error. The peanut domestic food disappearance forecast for 2021/22, Table 7, Peanuts: U.S. supply and disappearance was updated. No other numbers or tables were affected by this error.
338 04/28/2021 FoodAPS National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey Data Product N/A On April 28, 2021, the Meals and Snacks data file and codebook were republished without the variables SNACKEVE1-7. The variables were removed following the discovery of a data processing error.
337 04/21/2021 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: April 2021 Outlook LDP-M-322 On April 21, 2021, an error was corrected in the Beef/Cattle summary to resolve inconsistencies with the main text.
336 04/01/2021 Charts of Note, March 29, 2021 Charts of Note N/A On April 1, 2021, the title was revised to include nonoperator landlords. The text citing total rented farmland acreage owned by those residing within 200 miles of their farmland was corrected to 83 percent. No other data were affected.
335 03/29/2021 Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System Data Product N/A On March 29, 2021, the Dairy (fluid milk, cream, and other products) Loss-Adjusted Food Availability files were updated to correct the retail weights for half and half, eggnog, total miscellaneous cheese, and total dairy products. No other data were affected.
334 03/26/2021 Dairy Data Data Product N/A On March 26, 2021, corrections were made to two data sets: In “U.S. dairy situation at a glance,” corrections were made to the following data items: 2018 annual wholesale price for nonfat dry milk (Central and East); 2019 annual domestic commercial disappearance for American cheese, other-than-American cheese, and dry skim milk products; 2019 annual commercial exports of all products (m.e.-skim); and January 2021 domestic commercial disappearance of dry skim milk products.

In “Commercial disappearance for dairy product categories,” corrections were made to January 2021 entries in the "Dry skim milk, monthly" worksheet. The following items were corrected: production of skim milk powder (SMP), production of dry skim milk for animal use, total supply, domestic commercial disappearance, and total commercial disappearance.
333 03/25/2021 Farm Income and Wealth Statistics Data Product N/A On March 25, 2021, the General Documentation and the Documentation for the Farm Sector Financial Ratios pages in the Farm Income and Wealth Statistics data product were modified to correct formulas and associated text pertaining to value of production and production expenses. These corrections affect the documentation of the data product only, no reported data were affected.
332 03/25/2021 ARMS Farm Financial and Crop Production Practices Data Product N/A On March 25, 2021, documentation supporting the ARMS Farm Financial and Crop Production Practices data product was revised to list the calibration targets that are used to align certain ARMS-based estimates with other published data—including aggregate farm numbers, the number of farms in different sales classes, and harvested acres/commodity production at the national level. No reported data were affected.
331 03/17/2021 Feed Grains Database Data Product N/A On March 17, 2021, the Feed Grains Database was updated to correct the monthly feed and residual use of corn gluten feed and meal.
330 03/02/2021 State Export Data Data Product N/A On March 2, 2021, Top 5 U.S. Agricultural Export Commodities by State: Fiscal year 2020 and Top 5 U.S. Agricultural Import Commodities by State: Fiscal year 2020 were revised to correct an error in the name of a product group category. The group has been renamed “Food preparations.” No other values in the data product were affected by the error.
329 02/24/2021 Season-Average Price Forecasts Data Product N/A On February 24, 2021, the season-average price data product was revised to correct an error in the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates comparison price for corn. No other data or tables were affected by this error.
328 02/23/2021 Economic and Food Security Impacts of Agricultural Input Reduction Under the European Union Green Deal’s Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies Publication EB-30 On February 23, 2021, the Summary table was revised to correct errors that occurred in data transmission. No other components of the report were affected by the error.
327 02/18/2021 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook: February 2021 Outlook LDP-M-320 On February 18, 2021, errors were corrected in the charts for U.S. beef imports and U.S. beef exports, published in the Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook report for February 2021. No other components of the report were affected by the errors.
326 02/08/2021 Agricultural Market Access Under Tariff-Rate Quotas Publication ERR-279 On February 8, 2021, table 2 was revised to correct the over-quota rate for U.S. sugar. No other tables of the report were affected by the error.
325 01/29/2021 Cost Estimates of Foodborne Illnesses Data Product N/A On January 29, 2021, the Vibrio other Excel file (calculated in 2013 dollars) was updated to correct the total cost of illness. No other data were affected.
324 01/21/2021 Vegetables and Pulses Outlook: December 2020 Outlook VGS-365 On January 21, 2021, Figure 2 was revised to correct an error on the x-axis. The accompanying text was also revised and now states, “Interest in fresh-market cauliflower then fell off until per capita availability bottomed out at 1.2 pounds per person in 2012.” No other figures or tables of the report were affected by the error.
323 01/13/2021 Charts of Note, January 8, 2021 Charts of Note N/A On January 13, 2021, the charts on residence and intermediate farms were revised to correct the labels for “Median total income” and “Median off-farm income.”
322 01/06/2021 Agricultural Baseline Database Data Product N/A On January 6, 2021, the Agricultural Baseline Database visualization tool and custom query app were updated to correct errors in data transfer for the category of U.S. eggs, hatching use. No other data or files were affected by this error.