Chart Gallery

  • Cost of food at home was $6 or less for 78 percent of low-income NHANES participants compared with 69 percent of participants with incomes above 300 percent of poverty in 2013
    Cost of food at home was $6 or less for 78 percent of low-income NHANES participants compared with 69 percent of participants with incomes above 300 percent of poverty in 2013
  • Disparities in educational attainment by race/ethnicity persisted in rural America despite overall improvement between 2000 and 2018
    Disparities in educational attainment by race/ethnicity persisted in rural America despite overall improvement between 2000 and 2018
  • Farms used futures, options, and marketing contracts in 2016
    Farms used futures, options, and marketing contracts in 2016
  • Food insecurity rates among adults receiving HUD assistance were similar for men and women in 2011-12, but varied by age, race/ethnicity, and disability status
    Food insecurity rates among adults receiving HUD assistance were similar for men and women in 2011-12, but varied by age, race/ethnicity, and disability status
  • For 75 percent of NHANES participants, at-home food costs totaled $6 or less per day in 2013
    For 75 percent of NHANES participants, at-home food costs totaled $6 or less per day in 2013
  • Corn and soybean farmers covered part of their production with futures, options, and/or marketing contracts in 2016
    Corn and soybean farmers covered part of their production with futures, options, and/or marketing contracts in 2016
  • Large and mid-sized farms with corn and soybean commodities were more likely to use futures, options, and marketing contracts in 2016
    Large and mid-sized farms with corn and soybean commodities were more likely to use futures, options, and marketing contracts in 2016
  • Participants in HUD's Housing Choice Voucher program reported the highest rates of food insecurity and very low food security in 2011-12
    Participants in HUD's Housing Choice Voucher program reported the highest rates of food insecurity and very low food security in 2011-12
  • Share of disposable personal income spent on food at home has fallen over time, while the share spent on food away from home has risen
    Share of disposable personal income spent on food at home has fallen over time, while the share spent on food away from home has risen
  • Pumpkins: Ten States produce most of the value of America’s popular fall icon
    Pumpkins: Ten States produce most of the value of America’s popular fall icon
  • Cotton Acreage 2017
    Cotton Acreage 2017
  • U.S. export sales of soybeans set a fast start in 2020/21 with revived demand in China
    U.S. export sales of soybeans set a fast start in 2020/21 with revived demand in China
  • USDA’s Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in Kansas largely attracts participants with higher rates of groundwater depletion
    USDA’s Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in Kansas largely attracts participants with higher rates of groundwater depletion
  • Global cotton stocks-to-use and price, 2010-20
    Global cotton stocks-to-use and price, 2010-20
  • Global cotton production and mill use, 2004-20
    Global cotton production and mill use, 2004-20
  • Leading global cotton mill users, 2010-20
    Leading global cotton mill users, 2010-20
  • Leading global cotton importers, 2010-20
    Leading global cotton importers, 2010-20
  • Leading global cotton exporters, 2010-20
    Leading global cotton exporters, 2010-20
  • Leading U.S. cotton producing States, 2018-20
    Leading U.S. cotton producing States, 2018-20
  • Leading global cotton producers, 2010-20
    Leading global cotton producers, 2010-20
  • World Statistics Day: Agricultural Trade Multipliers showcase the many ways agricultural exports affect U.S. economy
    World Statistics Day: Agricultural Trade Multipliers showcase the many ways agricultural exports affect U.S. economy
  • The share of children receiving free school lunches and breakfasts rose between 2009 and 2019
    The share of children receiving free school lunches and breakfasts rose between 2009 and 2019
  • World Food Day: A look at international food spending and calorie availability
    World Food Day: A look at international food spending and calorie availability
  • January-August 2020 Live Cattle Imports Larger Than in Same Period Last Year, Hog Imports Flat
    January-August 2020 Live Cattle Imports Larger Than in Same Period Last Year, Hog Imports Flat
  • Sugarbeet harvested area and yields, 2007/08 to 2020/21
    Sugarbeet harvested area and yields, 2007/08 to 2020/21
  • Brazil’s emergence as a competitor for the United States in global agricultural markets is rooted in currency depreciation
    Brazil’s emergence as a competitor for the United States in global agricultural markets is rooted in currency depreciation
  • Global wheat production and exports raised from September forecasts
    Global wheat production and exports raised from September forecasts
  • Leading global cotton consumers
    Leading global cotton consumers
  • Surge in 2020/21 U.S. soybean exports to extend a decline in stocks
    Surge in 2020/21 U.S. soybean exports to extend a decline in stocks
  • U.S. corn harvested area and yield
    U.S. corn harvested area and yield
  • Racial and ethnic minorities made up about 22 percent of the rural population in 2018, compared to 43 percent in urban areas
    Racial and ethnic minorities made up about 22 percent of the rural population in 2018, compared to 43 percent in urban areas
  • U.S. rice imports in 2020/21 projected near-record high
    U.S. rice imports in 2020/21 projected near-record high
  • Sharp increase in imports from Asia boosted U.S. 2019/20 rice imports to record high, with little decline projected for 2020/21
    Sharp increase in imports from Asia boosted U.S. 2019/20 rice imports to record high, with little decline projected for 2020/21
  • SNAP participation and spending respond to economic conditions
    SNAP participation and spending respond to economic conditions
  • Conservation spending remained roughly level in recent years, a trend projected to continue through 2023
    Conservation spending remained roughly level in recent years, a trend projected to continue through 2023
  • More COVID-19 cases per capita in U.S. metro than nonmetro areas, but the share of cases in nonmetro areas is increasing
    More COVID-19 cases per capita in U.S. metro than nonmetro areas, but the share of cases in nonmetro areas is increasing