Chart Gallery

  • Availability of caloric sweeteners drops nearly 19 percent over last 20 years
    Availability of caloric sweeteners drops nearly 19 percent over last 20 years
  • Food gap in world’s most vulnerable regions expected to narrow by 2030
    Food gap in world’s most vulnerable regions expected to narrow by 2030
  • U.S. agricultural exports began rising after 2000
    U.S. agricultural exports began rising after 2000
  • U.S. agricultural exports to major foreign markets fell during world economic crisis of 2008-2009
    U.S. agricultural exports to major foreign markets fell during world economic crisis of 2008-2009
  • Simultaneous future crises in major foreign markets would reduce U.S. agriculture exports
    Simultaneous future crises in major foreign markets would reduce U.S. agriculture exports
  • Updated Atlas allows users to compare low-income and low-supermarket access areas in 2015 and 2019
    Updated Atlas allows users to compare low-income and low-supermarket access areas in 2015 and 2019
  • Share of off-farm income varies by commodity specialization
    Share of off-farm income varies by commodity specialization
  • Counties where 20 percent or more of adults age 25-64 do not have a high school diploma/equivalent, 2015-19
    Counties where 20 percent or more of adults age 25-64 do not have a high school diploma/equivalent, 2015-19
  • Federal spending on food assistance reached record high of $122.1 billion in 2020
    Federal spending on food assistance reached record high of $122.1 billion in 2020
  • Rural-urban earnings gap by educational attainment, 2019
    Rural-urban earnings gap by educational attainment, 2019
  • Educational attainment in rural and urban areas, 2000 and 2019
    Educational attainment in rural and urban areas, 2000 and 2019
  • Cover crop use is more persistent on cotton and corn silage fields
    Cover crop use is more persistent on cotton and corn silage fields
  • U.S. beef trade shaped by production events
    U.S. beef trade shaped by production events
  • Online redemptions of SNAP and P-EBT benefits rapidly expanded throughout 2020
    Online redemptions of SNAP and P-EBT benefits rapidly expanded throughout 2020
  • Per capita availability of all vegetables and pulses
    Per capita availability of all vegetables and pulses
  • Dairy wholesale product prices
    Dairy wholesale product prices
  • U.S. red meats and poultry trade in 2020
    U.S. red meats and poultry trade in 2020
  • U.S. sugar production projected at record in fiscal year 2021
    U.S. sugar production projected at record in fiscal year 2021
  • Cattle and beef cow inventories 1970-2021
    Cattle and beef cow inventories 1970-2021
  • Less than 1 percent of farm estates created in 2020 will owe estate tax
    Less than 1 percent of farm estates created in 2020 will owe estate tax
  • U.S. beef export markets
    U.S. beef export markets
  • U.S. beef import markets
    U.S. beef import markets
  • U.S. beef trade, 1990-2020
    U.S. beef trade, 1990-2020
  • U.S. live cattle trade, 1990-2020
    U.S. live cattle trade, 1990-2020
  • Global cotton mill use and imports
    Global cotton mill use and imports
  • March prospective soybean plantings
    March prospective soybean plantings
  • U.S. corn utilization
    U.S. corn utilization
  • U.S. long-grain rice exports are projected to decrease in 2020/21 for a third consecutive year 1/
    U.S. long-grain rice exports are projected to decrease in 2020/21 for a third consecutive year 1/
  • U.S. wheat area raised as winter wheat's share of total sowings increases
    U.S. wheat area raised as winter wheat's share of total sowings increases
  • Fertilizer costs shape U.S. corn production expenses
    Fertilizer costs shape U.S. corn production expenses
  • China’s rejection of food shipments from U.S. and European Union may have depended on product mix
    China’s rejection of food shipments from U.S. and European Union may have depended on product mix
  • SNAP and P-EBT benefit redemptions surpassed prior 3-year average in 2020
    SNAP and P-EBT benefit redemptions surpassed prior 3-year average in 2020
  • U.S. exports of turkey to China resume in 2020 after trade ban lifted
    U.S. exports of turkey to China resume in 2020 after trade ban lifted
  • Fentanyl and other illicit opioids replaced prescription drugs as drivers of the opioid epidemic in 2011
    Fentanyl and other illicit opioids replaced prescription drugs as drivers of the opioid epidemic in 2011
  • Farm share of U.S. food dollar increased in 2019 after 7 years of decline
    Farm share of U.S. food dollar increased in 2019 after 7 years of decline
  • U. S. citrus production declines by 7 percent from previous season
    U. S. citrus production declines by 7 percent from previous season