Market Outlook

See the latest Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook report.

Report Summary

Pork/Hogs: The Quarterly Hogs and Pigs reported 2 percent more market hogs on June 1 than a year ago, with higher animal numbers—2 percent in 180 pounds and over and 2 percent in 120–179 pounds, concentrated in the two heaviest weight categories. The breeding herd was 3 percent lower than a year ago, with March–May farrowings slightly higher. A record-high litter rate increased the pig crop to 102 percent of a year ago. Third- and fourth-quarter 2024 pork production are each expected to be about 5 percent greater than a year ago, with prices averaging $63 per cwt for the third quarter and $53 for the fourth quarter. May pork exports were 6 percent lower than a year ago, likely due to weak demand and U.S. dollar appreciation in important export markets.