Chart Gallery

  • More time spent working on the farm leads to less off-farm labor across different commodities
    More time spent working on the farm leads to less off-farm labor across different commodities
  • Production in the Heartland shifted to farms with at least 1,000 acres between 1982 and 2012
    Production in the Heartland shifted to farms with at least 1,000 acres between 1982 and 2012
  • Some SNAP households spend most of their benefits soon after receipt, while others spread spending out over the month
    Some SNAP households spend most of their benefits soon after receipt, while others spread spending out over the month
  • The share of acreage planted with insect-resistant (Bt) cotton in the U.S. tends to be greater than the share of acreage planted with Bt corn
    The share of acreage planted with insect-resistant (Bt) cotton in the U.S. tends to be greater than the share of acreage planted with Bt corn
  • The share of corn and cotton acreage planted with stacked seeds has increased over time
    The share of corn and cotton acreage planted with stacked seeds has increased over time
  • The U.S. agricultural trade balance is projected to decline since 2016 to its lowest levels since 2007 in Fiscal 2019
    The U.S. agricultural trade balance is projected to decline since 2016 to its lowest levels since 2007 in Fiscal 2019
  • Total factor productivity (TFP) increased over time but more slowly for the smallest farms
    Total factor productivity (TFP) increased over time but more slowly for the smallest farms
  • Total factor productivity (TFP) increased with farm size in each Census year
    Total factor productivity (TFP) increased with farm size in each Census year
  • Urban consumers in low-access census tracts who are able to shop in nearby tracts face variety-adjusted food prices that are 3.5 percent higher than those in high-access urban tracts
    Urban consumers in low-access census tracts who are able to shop in nearby tracts face variety-adjusted food prices that are 3.5 percent higher than those in high-access urban tracts
  • The Great Recession affected food spending patterns of elderly households less than those of non-elderly households
    The Great Recession affected food spending patterns of elderly households less than those of non-elderly households
  • The composition of U.S. agricultural exports, by category, remained relatively stable in 2000-17
    The composition of U.S. agricultural exports, by category, remained relatively stable in 2000-17
  • No-till adoption slows for some crops
    No-till adoption slows for some crops
  • Retail and wholesale turkey prices are breaking with past Thanksgiving trends, leading to growing retail markups
    Retail and wholesale turkey prices are breaking with past Thanksgiving trends, leading to growing retail markups
  • Cranberries are America’s second favorite berry
    Cranberries are America’s second favorite berry
  • Percentage change in U.S. ending stocks of red meat, dairy, and poultry (third quarter 2018/2017)
    Percentage change in U.S. ending stocks of red meat, dairy, and poultry (third quarter 2018/2017)
  • U.S. and Mexican avocado production is concentrated in a small number of States
    U.S. and Mexican avocado production is concentrated in a small number of States
  • Rural residents with higher educational attainment were more likely to engage in telehealth activities
    Rural residents with higher educational attainment were more likely to engage in telehealth activities
  • Food pantry use by food-insecure households in 2017 was about five times the rate for all U.S. households
    Food pantry use by food-insecure households in 2017 was about five times the rate for all U.S. households
  • Global food security improvements are projected to be largest in Asia, but all regions are expected to progress
    Global food security improvements are projected to be largest in Asia, but all regions are expected to progress
  • Unemployment rate for rural veterans at its lowest since before the Great Recession
    Unemployment rate for rural veterans at its lowest since before the Great Recession
  • In 2016-17, the rural population increased for the first time this decade, due to lower population loss from net migration
    In 2016-17, the rural population increased for the first time this decade, due to lower population loss from net migration
  • Cranberry production is up in 2018, just in time for the holidays
    Cranberry production is up in 2018, just in time for the holidays
  • Georgia, recently affected by Hurricane Michael, in 2017 ranked 15th among States in U.S. farm sector cash receipts
    Georgia, recently affected by Hurricane Michael, in 2017 ranked 15th among States in U.S. farm sector cash receipts
  • Lower prices have likely blunted the effect of Mexican tariffs on U.S. fresh and frozen pork exports
    Lower prices have likely blunted the effect of Mexican tariffs on U.S. fresh and frozen pork exports
  • Time spent eating and drinking decreased from 2006-08 to 2014-16
    Time spent eating and drinking decreased from 2006-08 to 2014-16
  • Hurricane Michael’s impact on Georgia’s 2018 pecan crop will likely lead to lower production than previously expected
    Hurricane Michael’s impact on Georgia’s 2018 pecan crop will likely lead to lower production than previously expected
  • Among all rural residents in 2015, the higher the educational attainment the more likely they were to conduct telehealth activities
    Among all rural residents in 2015, the higher the educational attainment the more likely they were to conduct telehealth activities
  • Composition of food-away-from-home expenditures by outlet type has changed little in the past two decades
    Composition of food-away-from-home expenditures by outlet type has changed little in the past two decades
  • Food pantry use for food-insecure households in 2017 was about five times the rate for all U.S. households
    Food pantry use for food-insecure households in 2017 was about five times the rate for all U.S. households
  • Growth in quick-service restaurants concentrated in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast and in other scattered counties
    Growth in quick-service restaurants concentrated in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast and in other scattered counties
  • Grocery stores losing share of food-at-home market to warehouse clubs and supercenters
    Grocery stores losing share of food-at-home market to warehouse clubs and supercenters
  • Food security improvements are projected to be largest in Asia
    Food security improvements are projected to be largest in Asia
  • Food sales peak in December most years
    Food sales peak in December most years
  • Food-away-from-home expenditures surpassed food-at-home expenditures in 2010
    Food-away-from-home expenditures surpassed food-at-home expenditures in 2010
  • Prevalence of food insecurity varies across the country
    Prevalence of food insecurity varies across the country
  • Average body mass index of adults fell following a mandatory calorie labeling law for New York City chain restaurants
    Average body mass index of adults fell following a mandatory calorie labeling law for New York City chain restaurants