Chart Gallery

  • Women still do most of the cleanup, but in 2014-17 more men pitched in than in 2004-07
    Women still do most of the cleanup, but in 2014-17 more men pitched in than in 2004-07
  • U.S rice imports in 2019 are projected at a record high for third consecutive year
    U.S rice imports in 2019 are projected at a record high for third consecutive year
  • The U.S. is forecast to continue exporting more agricultural products than it imports in 2020
    The U.S. is forecast to continue exporting more agricultural products than it imports in 2020
  • Grocery store food prices up 0.9 percent in 2019 compared with 2018
    Grocery store food prices up 0.9 percent in 2019 compared with 2018
  • Average U.S. farm real estate value remains near its historic high
    Average U.S. farm real estate value remains near its historic high
  • Agricultural exports by selected destinations, 2018
    Agricultural exports by selected destinations, 2018
  • U.S. avocado demand is climbing steadily
    U.S. avocado demand is climbing steadily
  • U.S. agricultural imports by selected suppliers, 2018
    U.S. agricultural imports by selected suppliers, 2018
  • Veterans’ diets scored higher on dairy and refined grains, but lower on empty calories
    Veterans’ diets scored higher on dairy and refined grains, but lower on empty calories
  • Production of key exporting countries drives volume of global wheat exports
    Production of key exporting countries drives volume of global wheat exports
  • Lower prices spur gains for U.S. export sales.
    Lower prices spur gains for U.S. export sales.
  • U.S. net imports of textile and apparel
    U.S. net imports of textile and apparel
  • Nearly half of all principal operators of family farms and their spouses work off the farm, but the share varies by farm type
    Nearly half of all principal operators of family farms and their spouses work off the farm, but the share varies by farm type
  • Highest U.S. poverty rates are in the South, with over 20 percent poor in its rural areas
    Highest U.S. poverty rates are in the South, with over 20 percent poor in its rural areas
  • Between 2010 and 2015, 30 States saw an increase in the share of residents living in low-income areas with low access to food stores
    Between 2010 and 2015, 30 States saw an increase in the share of residents living in low-income areas with low access to food stores
  • Weather sours U.S. and Mexican sugar production in 2019/20
    Weather sours U.S. and Mexican sugar production in 2019/20
  • Less fluid milk in the U.S. marketplace, but more of it was low-fat in 2017 than 40 years earlier
    Less fluid milk in the U.S. marketplace, but more of it was low-fat in 2017 than 40 years earlier
  • U.S. acres planted with industrial hemp expanded rapidly in 2019
    U.S. acres planted with industrial hemp expanded rapidly in 2019
  • Minimum hourly agricultural wage rates are highest in Washington and Oregon
    Minimum hourly agricultural wage rates are highest in Washington and Oregon
  • Food insecurity among children was at lowest recorded rate in 2018
    Food insecurity among children was at lowest recorded rate in 2018
  • Average share of production costs comprised by labor (including harvest labor) for selected produce crops
    Average share of production costs comprised by labor (including harvest labor) for selected produce crops
  • Price of fertilizer and prices received for crops have been relatively volatile since 2002
    Price of fertilizer and prices received for crops have been relatively volatile since 2002
  • Estimated food loss for fruits and vegetables in North America throughout the supply chain
    Estimated food loss for fruits and vegetables in North America throughout the supply chain
  • Farm households in 2018 reported that work off the farm provided greater and more stable income, along with health and retirement benefits
    Farm households in 2018 reported that work off the farm provided greater and more stable income, along with health and retirement benefits
  • Low-income food-insecure households score lower on some food-at-home HEI-2010 components than low-income food-secure households
    Low-income food-insecure households score lower on some food-at-home HEI-2010 components than low-income food-secure households
  • Median farm household income in 2018 was greater than the median U.S. household income, except among retirement and low-sales farm households
    Median farm household income in 2018 was greater than the median U.S. household income, except among retirement and low-sales farm households
  • Most bulls are technically efficient, but few bulls are revenue, profit, or allocative efficient
    Most bulls are technically efficient, but few bulls are revenue, profit, or allocative efficient
  • Price volatility in fruit and vegetable markets (compared to feed grain markets)
    Price volatility in fruit and vegetable markets (compared to feed grain markets)
  • Principal operators and their spouses worked off-farm in different occupations, depending on farm type
    Principal operators and their spouses worked off-farm in different occupations, depending on farm type
  • Regardless of farm type, most spouses worked off the farm in 2018 to receive health benefits
    Regardless of farm type, most spouses worked off the farm in 2018 to receive health benefits
  • U.S. hog industry establishes a new, higher level in litter rates in 2019
    U.S. hog industry establishes a new, higher level in litter rates in 2019
  • United States losing dominance in the South Korean corn import market
    United States losing dominance in the South Korean corn import market
  • 2020 inflation in grocery store food prices expected to remain low
    2020 inflation in grocery store food prices expected to remain low
  • Higher Global Imports to Boost U.S. Soybean Export Prospects
    Higher Global Imports to Boost U.S. Soybean Export Prospects
  • U.S. exports gain ground, share of global exports still trails European Union and Russia
    U.S. exports gain ground, share of global exports still trails European Union and Russia
  • Productivity growth is the major source of growth in U.S. agricultural output
    Productivity growth is the major source of growth in U.S. agricultural output