Chart Gallery

  • Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Jordan, Peru: Free trade agreement resulted in growth in total exports and in exports to the United States; meanwhile, U.S. share of total exports increased
    Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Jordan, Peru: Free trade agreement resulted in growth in total exports and in exports to the United States; meanwhile, U.S. share of total exports increased
  • Chile, Morocco, Nicaragua: Free trade agreements resulted in export reallocation
    Chile, Morocco, Nicaragua: Free trade agreements resulted in export reallocation
  • Canada: After free trade agreement, neither total exports nor exports to the United States grew
    Canada: After free trade agreement, neither total exports nor exports to the United States grew
  • Australia, Colombia: Free trade agreements resulted in export growth
    Australia, Colombia: Free trade agreements resulted in export growth
  • Strong growth in organic market slowed in 2021
    Strong growth in organic market slowed in 2021
  • Inflation of wheat-based product prices outpaced overall food price inflation in 2022
    Inflation of wheat-based product prices outpaced overall food price inflation in 2022
  • As new information became known, the 2022 forecast for food-at-home prices converged with the actual percent change by the end of the year
    As new information became known, the 2022 forecast for food-at-home prices converged with the actual percent change by the end of the year
  • The 2022 retail fruits and vegetables price prediction interval contained the actual percent change beginning in March
    The 2022 retail fruits and vegetables price prediction interval contained the actual percent change beginning in March
  • ERS’ Food Price Outlook forecasts now include midpoints and are reported in intervals that vary by food category
    ERS’ Food Price Outlook forecasts now include midpoints and are reported in intervals that vary by food category
  • Food-at-home prices experienced year-over-year increases as high as 13.5 percent in August 2022
    Food-at-home prices experienced year-over-year increases as high as 13.5 percent in August 2022
  • How sweet it is: Deliveries of caloric sweeteners for food and beverage use are on the rise
    How sweet it is: Deliveries of caloric sweeteners for food and beverage use are on the rise
  • Replacement heifers as a percent of milk cows
    Replacement heifers as a percent of milk cows
  • Retail prices per gram of protein for selected livestock, poultry, and egg products 2019/2022
    Retail prices per gram of protein for selected livestock, poultry, and egg products 2019/2022
  • U.S. production of beet sugar and cane sugar by State, 2001/02–2022/23
    U.S. production of beet sugar and cane sugar by State, 2001/02–2022/23
  • U.S. organic food retail sales by category, 2001–2021
    U.S. organic food retail sales by category, 2001–2021
  • U.S. farm inputs have shifted from labor and land to capital, materials, and purchased services in past 70 years
    U.S. farm inputs have shifted from labor and land to capital, materials, and purchased services in past 70 years
  • Leading global cotton consumers
    Leading global cotton consumers
  • Total value of U.S. organic food exports and imports, 2011–21
    Total value of U.S. organic food exports and imports, 2011–21
  • U.S. organic soybean supply, 2014–21
    U.S. organic soybean supply, 2014–21
  • Nonmetro education levels are improving, but still lag metro
    Nonmetro education levels are improving, but still lag metro
  • Australia production and exports, 2010/11–2022/23
    Australia production and exports, 2010/11–2022/23
  • U.S. corn consumed for fuel alcohol production, by month and marketing year, 2017—2022
    U.S. corn consumed for fuel alcohol production, by month and marketing year, 2017—2022
  • U.S. rough-rice exports projected to decline 36 percent in 2022/23
    U.S. rough-rice exports projected to decline 36 percent in 2022/23
  • U.S. planted acreage projected to continue with levels of last 20 years
    U.S. planted acreage projected to continue with levels of last 20 years
  • U.S. crop farm prices are projected to decrease in the near-term, then mostly stabilize
    U.S. crop farm prices are projected to decrease in the near-term, then mostly stabilize
  • U.S. farm prices projected to rise for beef cattle and chicken, stay steady for hogs
    U.S. farm prices projected to rise for beef cattle and chicken, stay steady for hogs
  • U.S. livestock production projected to increase over the next decade
    U.S. livestock production projected to increase over the next decade
  • Major U.S. crop exports are projected to rise
    Major U.S. crop exports are projected to rise
  • Cheese and yogurt popularity grew over last four decades
    Cheese and yogurt popularity grew over last four decades
  • Price of chicken wings easing in time for the big games
    Price of chicken wings easing in time for the big games
  • Farm sector profits projected to fall in 2023 after record highs in 2022
    Farm sector profits projected to fall in 2023 after record highs in 2022
  • From 2010–21, greenfield annual foreign direct investment in Africa ranged from over $90 billion in 2014 and 2016 to under $30 billion during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020
    From 2010–21, greenfield annual foreign direct investment in Africa ranged from over $90 billion in 2014 and 2016 to under $30 billion during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020
  • For Africa’s food and beverage sector, the United States consistently has been one of the top sources of greenfield foreign direct investment, 2006–20
    For Africa’s food and beverage sector, the United States consistently has been one of the top sources of greenfield foreign direct investment, 2006–20
  • In 2019, the United States exported about $4 billion in agricultural goods to Africa, more than half of which was in bulk commodities
    In 2019, the United States exported about $4 billion in agricultural goods to Africa, more than half of which was in bulk commodities
  • The value of Africa’s agricultural imports from outside the region has grown faster than agricultural exports and intraregional trade
    The value of Africa’s agricultural imports from outside the region has grown faster than agricultural exports and intraregional trade
  • Population growth in Africa has outpaced commodity supply growth
    Population growth in Africa has outpaced commodity supply growth