Market Analysis
- Feed Outlook, monthly
- Feed Grains: Yearbook Tables, annual
- Trends in Production Practices and Costs of the U.S. Corn Sector, July 2021
- Evaluating U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Long-Term Forecasts for U.S. Harvested Area, February 2021
- A Deeper Look Into the USDA Crop Baseline Projections to 2028, With a Focus on Trade, November 2019
Ethanol and Bioenergy
- Feed Outlook: March 2021, Feed Outlook special article (Ethanol Markets in 2020, pdf pages 9-18), March 2021
- Dried Distillers Grains (DDGs) Have Emerged as a Key Ethanol Coproduct, October 2019
- Feed Outlook: April 2013, Feed Outlook special article (High RIN Prices Signal Constraints to U.S. Ethanol Expansion, pdf pages 18-22), April 2013
Commodity Policy
- Potential Variability in Commodity Support: Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage Programs, August 2019
- Climate Change and Agricultural Risk Management Into the 21st Century, July 2019
- Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade, quarterly
- Brazil's Agricultural Competitiveness: Recent Growth and Future Impacts under Currency Depreciation and Changing Macroeconomic Conditions, September 2020
- U.S. Corn Exports to Mexico Have Increased With the Transition to Free Trade Under the North American Free Trade Agreement, August 2020
- The Growing Corn Economies of Mexico and the United States, July 2019
Related Links
U.S. Department of Agriculture
- National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) provides data on yields, acreage, production, and prices by State and nationally, as well as current crop progress, commodity specific reports, and adoption of biotech crops.
- Quick Stats is a searchable database containing information on crop yields, acreage, production, and prices at the State and national levels back to 1800.
- Crop Progress has information on planting and harvesting progress, as well as overall condition of selected crops in major producing States; published weekly during the growing season.
- Statistics by State provides links to State sites for information on crop progress; on State plantings, production, and yields; and on county estimates.
- World Agricultural Outlook Board (WAOB) provides data on supply and utilization of corn and other principal crops for the United States and other countries.
- World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE).
- Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) provides current cash grain prices and market news, as well as information on grain transportation and exporting, and standardization and grading.
- Livestock, Poultry and Grain Market News Portal
- Grain Transportation Report (weekly) contains information on rail car loadings, rail deliveries to ports, ocean grain freight rates, and numbers of vessels in port, as well as quantity of grain exported.
- Export Inspections (weekly) reports the total quantity of exports to all destinations.
- Export Inspections by Destination (monthly) reports quantity inspected and/or weighed by region and country of destination.
- Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) provides data on current U.S. corn export sales; data on supply and demand (including imports and exports) for major corn trading countries; and current world market and trade reports.
- Current World Production, Market and Trade Reports (monthly) makes available Grains: World Markets and Trade.
- Corn Export Sales (weekly). By country and region, for current and previous marketing years.
- Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers extensive information on farm and conservation programs and on specific commodity programs and markets, as well as program-related USDA announcements.
- Farm Loan Programs offers information on direct and guaranteed loans.
- Conservation Programs contains program news for Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP).
- Price Support has information on loan rates and commodity loans.
- Risk Management Agency (RMA) provides information on crop insurance programs.
- Crop Policies gives descriptions of available policies and a list of eligible crops.
National Agricultural Library
National Agricultural Library Digital Collections (NALDC) offers online browsing of historical ERS Agricultural Economic Reports and Agriculture Information Bulletins.
Iowa State University's Corn Production presents information on corn production, processing, marketing, and use.