The USDA, Economic Research Service's International Baseline Data webpages provide multiple resources enabling users to navigate the 10-year international agricultural projections, which are developed by the USDA, Interagency Agricultural Projections Committee. International baseline projections indicate long-run supply, demand, and trade for major agricultural commodities and major exporting and importing countries and regions. The projections provide foreign country detail supporting the annual USDA Agricultural Projections report, published in February.
Visualization: International Baseline Projections provides information on the supply, demand, and trade projections for major agricultural commodities for select countries/regions. The information is presented through line graphs, using the most recently available international baseline projection data. Limited macroeconomic data for the selected country/region is also made available.
The Agricultural Baseline Topics page provides information regarding the baseline and a listing of baseline-related products:
- USDA Agricultural Projections report
- USDA Agricultural Projections
- Agricultural Baseline Database
- Baseline Questions & Answers page
The international baseline also maintains a Documentation page. The documentation page is intended to clarify the scope and coverage of the data, methods used to develop the projections, strengths and limitations of the projections, related resources, and the recommended citation for the USDA International Baseline Projections.
The most recent and historic international projection data, going back as far as 2002, can be downloaded via a Zip file.
Note: Projections are based on conditions as they existed upon the release of the October 2023 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE). For timely reports on foreign markets please see the USDA’s, Foreign Agricultural Service’s Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) webpage.