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International Baseline Data - Visualization: International Baseline Projections

The International Baseline Visualization offers users a quick, interactive way to explore global agricultural trends. The visualization is laid out with four main panels: (1) a global map representing each model used to develop the long-term projections; (2) line graphs for a selected commodity variable; (3) macroeconomic data for GDP growth; and (4) population by country. The three dropdown lists at the top of the page serve as primary controls for the visualization, which determine the commodity, continent, and/or region or country of interest. 

The commodity dropdown list determines the crop/livestock commodity that will populate based on country/regional selection. If no selection is made in the continental or regional/country dropdown lists the line graphs will reflect aggregated data across all models, totaling data for the entire world. The continental dropdown list allows users to reduce models to a geographical area of focus based on a continental aggregation of the data (e.g., Africa, Europe, North America, etc.). The final region/country dropdown list allows users to focus on a single country or regional model. This selection can be made at the initial view of the global map or at the continental level.

The visualization is based on data from the most recent spreadsheet in the International Baseline Data Sets, accompanied by corresponding historical data with supplemental data from the International Macroeconomic Data Set that provide context for the projected trends.

Viz: International Baseline Projections

Note: The Visualization: International Baseline Projections was last updated with the release of the International Baseline Data on February 21, 2024. Projections are based on conditions as they existed upon the release of the October 2023 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE). For timely reports on foreign markets please see the USDA’s, Foreign Agricultural Service’s Global Agricultural Information Network (GAINS) webpage.