Chart Gallery

  • Editor's Pick 2016: Agricultural exports and trade balance are declining
    Editor's Pick 2016: Agricultural exports and trade balance are declining
  • Editor's Pick 2016: Cheese accounts for largest share of dairy cup-equivalents in U.S. diets
    Editor's Pick 2016: Cheese accounts for largest share of dairy cup-equivalents in U.S. diets
  • Editor's Pick 2016: Food insecurity fell in 2015 for minority-headed households and households with children
    Editor's Pick 2016: Food insecurity fell in 2015 for minority-headed households and households with children
  • Editor's Pick 2016: Ten percent of all land in farms is expected to be transferred during 2015-19
    Editor's Pick 2016: Ten percent of all land in farms is expected to be transferred during 2015-19
  • Editor's Pick 2016: Emerging markets account for most of the growth in U.S. agricultural exports
    Editor's Pick 2016: Emerging markets account for most of the growth in U.S. agricultural exports
  • Editor's Pick 2016: China’s demand for imported soybeans expected to remain strong
    Editor's Pick 2016: China’s demand for imported soybeans expected to remain strong
  • Editor's Pick 2016: Three post-farm industry groups account for about 61 cents of the U.S. food dollar
    Editor's Pick 2016: Three post-farm industry groups account for about 61 cents of the U.S. food dollar
  • Editor's Pick 2016: U.S. net farm income forecast to decline for third consecutive year in 2016
    Editor's Pick 2016: U.S. net farm income forecast to decline for third consecutive year in 2016
  • Editor's Pick 2016: Trade liberalization and regulatory cooperation have facilitated growth in United States-Mexico agricultural trade beyond the NAFTA Period
    Editor's Pick 2016: Trade liberalization and regulatory cooperation have facilitated growth in United States-Mexico agricultural trade beyond the NAFTA Period
  • Editor's Pick 2016: Productivity in U.S. agriculture, not increased input use, has fueled agricultural output growth
    Editor's Pick 2016: Productivity in U.S. agriculture, not increased input use, has fueled agricultural output growth
  • What Is Very Low Food Security and Who Experiences It?
    What Is Very Low Food Security and Who Experiences It?
  • Midsize farm production has shifted towards cash grains and oilseeds, hogs, and poultry
    Midsize farm production has shifted towards cash grains and oilseeds, hogs, and poultry
  • Food insecurity in households with children fell 2.6 percentage points in 2015
    Food insecurity in households with children fell 2.6 percentage points in 2015
  • U.S. ethanol use continues to grow while prices reach decade lows
    U.S. ethanol use continues to grow while prices reach decade lows
  • Average monthly SNAP benefits vary with changes in caseload composition, economic conditions, and policy changes
    Average monthly SNAP benefits vary with changes in caseload composition, economic conditions, and policy changes
  • Source of health insurance coverage, 2015
    Source of health insurance coverage, 2015
  • Share of U.S. farm population without health insurance coverage by commodity specialization of the farm, 2015
    Share of U.S. farm population without health insurance coverage by commodity specialization of the farm, 2015
  • Baking supplies cost less in 2016 than in 2015
    Baking supplies cost less in 2016 than in 2015
  • U.S. trade surplus expected to increase in 2017
    U.S. trade surplus expected to increase in 2017
  • Use of cover crops is more common in the southern and eastern United States
    Use of cover crops is more common in the southern and eastern United States
  • U.S. dairy exports, by any measure, have increased significantly in recent years
    U.S. dairy exports, by any measure, have increased significantly in recent years
  • Variable rate technology used on about a fifth of planted acres for several major crops
    Variable rate technology used on about a fifth of planted acres for several major crops
  • SNAP households are less likely to think they eat the right amount of fruits and vegetables
    SNAP households are less likely to think they eat the right amount of fruits and vegetables
  • U.S. agricultural exports contain a diverse variety of products
    U.S. agricultural exports contain a diverse variety of products
  • Small family farms account for the majority of U.S. farms and half the farmland
    Small family farms account for the majority of U.S. farms and half the farmland
  • Grocery store prices lower in the third quarter of 2016 from a year ago
    Grocery store prices lower in the third quarter of 2016 from a year ago
  • Employment grows in 3 out of 5 rural counties
    Employment grows in 3 out of 5 rural counties
  • As incomes grow, poultry consumption in South Africa rises
    As incomes grow, poultry consumption in South Africa rises
  • Cheese accounts for largest share of dairy cup-equivalents in U.S. diets
    Cheese accounts for largest share of dairy cup-equivalents in U.S. diets
  • Change in farm cash receipts, 2015-2016F, by component of change
    Change in farm cash receipts, 2015-2016F, by component of change
  • Main food shoppers or meal planners in SNAP households are less likely to think they eat the right amount of fruits and vegetables
    Main food shoppers or meal planners in SNAP households are less likely to think they eat the right amount of fruits and vegetables
  • Rural recreation county population grew in the early 2000s but leveled off after the Great Recession
    Rural recreation county population grew in the early 2000s but leveled off after the Great Recession
  • Guidance systems are used on about half of planted acres for several major crops
    Guidance systems are used on about half of planted acres for several major crops
  • GPS soil mapping is used on more planted acres of corn, peanuts, and soybeans
    GPS soil mapping is used on more planted acres of corn, peanuts, and soybeans
  • Rural poverty rates were highest in government-dependent and nonspecialized counties
    Rural poverty rates were highest in government-dependent and nonspecialized counties
  • Rural counties vary in their economic structure with marked regional differences
    Rural counties vary in their economic structure with marked regional differences