Chart Gallery

  • ICYMI... U.S. beef exports to South Korea reached record high in 2018
    ICYMI... U.S. beef exports to South Korea reached record high in 2018
  • Global exports are positively correlated with global production
    Global exports are positively correlated with global production
  • Slower start for U.S. soybean meal export sales tempers 2019/20 soybean crushing
    Slower start for U.S. soybean meal export sales tempers 2019/20 soybean crushing
  • Significant declines in food insecurity expected by 2029 for many low- and middle income countries
    Significant declines in food insecurity expected by 2029 for many low- and middle income countries
  • ICYMI... Adults who use restaurant nutrition information consume fewer calories per day than similar adults who do not use the information
    ICYMI... Adults who use restaurant nutrition information consume fewer calories per day than similar adults who do not use the information
  • Prevalence of food insecurity varies by length of reference period
    Prevalence of food insecurity varies by length of reference period
  • Veterans in agriculture more likely to be self-employed than those with no military service
    Veterans in agriculture more likely to be self-employed than those with no military service
  • Most States that distribute SNAP benefits over more than 15 days per month are in the South and Midwest
    Most States that distribute SNAP benefits over more than 15 days per month are in the South and Midwest
  • ICYMI... Vietnam and Malaysia drive significant growth in Southeast Asia corn imports
    ICYMI... Vietnam and Malaysia drive significant growth in Southeast Asia corn imports
  • China’s demand for imported pork from the U.S. and other nations continues to accelerate as African Swine Fever spreads
    China’s demand for imported pork from the U.S. and other nations continues to accelerate as African Swine Fever spreads
  • ICYMI... Percent of residents participating in SNAP decreased in 46 States from 2013 to 2018
    ICYMI... Percent of residents participating in SNAP decreased in 46 States from 2013 to 2018
  • Poverty rates in 2017 were highest for children, particularly among those living in rural areas
    Poverty rates in 2017 were highest for children, particularly among those living in rural areas
  • Per capita sweetener deliveries steadily declining largely due to reduced demand for high-fructose corn syrup
    Per capita sweetener deliveries steadily declining largely due to reduced demand for high-fructose corn syrup
  • ICYMI... Value of U.S. cropland appreciated faster than pastureland after Great Recession
    ICYMI... Value of U.S. cropland appreciated faster than pastureland after Great Recession
  • Index of prices paid by U.S. farmers for fertilizer and prices received by farmers for all crops, 1990-2018
    Index of prices paid by U.S. farmers for fertilizer and prices received by farmers for all crops, 1990-2018
  • Agritourism revenue tripled between 2002 and 2017
    Agritourism revenue tripled between 2002 and 2017
  • Growth in School Breakfast Program participation slowed from 2016-2018
    Growth in School Breakfast Program participation slowed from 2016-2018
  • Food insecurity is projected to decline in all regions by 2029
    Food insecurity is projected to decline in all regions by 2029
  • Foodborne disease burden attributable to consumption of animal foods is highest for Africa
    Foodborne disease burden attributable to consumption of animal foods is highest for Africa
  • Joint SNAP-unemployment insurance benefit receipt rose in all six study States over 2006-09
    Joint SNAP-unemployment insurance benefit receipt rose in all six study States over 2006-09
  • Projected changes to the cost of the Federal Crop Insurance Program varies with the climate model and emissions scenario
    Projected changes to the cost of the Federal Crop Insurance Program varies with the climate model and emissions scenario
  • Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) accounts for one-fourth of the population in the 76 countries studied, but represents almost half of the number of food-insecure people
    Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) accounts for one-fourth of the population in the 76 countries studied, but represents almost half of the number of food-insecure people
  • The average corn yield gap between SSA and other countries continues to widen through 2028
    The average corn yield gap between SSA and other countries continues to widen through 2028
  • The number of people receiving unemployment insurance benefits tracks the unemployment rate more closely than the SNAP caseload does
    The number of people receiving unemployment insurance benefits tracks the unemployment rate more closely than the SNAP caseload does
  • The intermountain West and Texas had large agritourism hot spots in 2012, while cold spots were concentrated in the Midwest
    The intermountain West and Texas had large agritourism hot spots in 2012, while cold spots were concentrated in the Midwest
  • The share and total number of the population that is food insecure is projected to fall by 2029
    The share and total number of the population that is food insecure is projected to fall by 2029
  • The per capita food gap for the food-insecure population is expected to increase in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
    The per capita food gap for the food-insecure population is expected to increase in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
  • ICYMI... Food safety actions by the produce industry and commercial buyers have moved food safety practices forward
    ICYMI... Food safety actions by the produce industry and commercial buyers have moved food safety practices forward
  • Contracts are most prevalent in production of poultry, tobacco, hogs, peanuts, and fruits
    Contracts are most prevalent in production of poultry, tobacco, hogs, peanuts, and fruits
  • Average share of income spent on total food in the United States has remained relatively steady since 2000
    Average share of income spent on total food in the United States has remained relatively steady since 2000
  • ICYMI... More than half of Specialty Crop Block Grant funds were awarded to California, Washington, and Florida between fiscal years 2014–2018
    ICYMI... More than half of Specialty Crop Block Grant funds were awarded to California, Washington, and Florida between fiscal years 2014–2018
  • Composition of Canada's total support estimate, 2018
    Composition of Canada's total support estimate, 2018
  • The share of large farms without sufficient income to make loan payments increased more than 4 percentage points between 2012 and 2017
    The share of large farms without sufficient income to make loan payments increased more than 4 percentage points between 2012 and 2017
  • ICYMI... Farm share of U.S. food dollar declined slightly in 2017
    ICYMI... Farm share of U.S. food dollar declined slightly in 2017
  • Prices Diverge for Vegetable and Pulse Markets
    Prices Diverge for Vegetable and Pulse Markets
  • Between 2012 and 2017, the share of large farms in the “red zone” (very low repayment capacity) increased more than 4 percentage points
    Between 2012 and 2017, the share of large farms in the “red zone” (very low repayment capacity) increased more than 4 percentage points