Chart Gallery

  • USDA agencies funded $287.7 million towards 213 research projects on automation or mechanization in specialty crops, 2008-2018
    USDA agencies funded $287.7 million towards 213 research projects on automation or mechanization in specialty crops, 2008-2018
  • U.S. per capita consumption of total meat was up in 2017
    U.S. per capita consumption of total meat was up in 2017
  • Production contracts dominate hog and poultry production, while marketing contracts are more widely used in crops and dairy
    Production contracts dominate hog and poultry production, while marketing contracts are more widely used in crops and dairy
  • Food-insecure households purchase less fruit than food-secure households
    Food-insecure households purchase less fruit than food-secure households
  • Forecast for farm sector profits in 2020 near average levels since 2000
    Forecast for farm sector profits in 2020 near average levels since 2000
  • Volatility in market prices for fruit and vegetables helps drive food loss during production and distribution
    Volatility in market prices for fruit and vegetables helps drive food loss during production and distribution
  • After decades of rise, China’s pork production projected to fall
    After decades of rise, China’s pork production projected to fall
  • Beginning farm operators worked off the farm more often than established farm operators in 2017
    Beginning farm operators worked off the farm more often than established farm operators in 2017
  • China’s pork imports rise as per capita pork availability per person falls
    China’s pork imports rise as per capita pork availability per person falls
  • About a third of beginning farms and half of established farms produced at least $10,000 worth of output between 2013 and 2017
    About a third of beginning farms and half of established farms produced at least $10,000 worth of output between 2013 and 2017
  • Cropland kept moving to larger farms over 30 years
    Cropland kept moving to larger farms over 30 years
  • Flat in 2018, China’s pork prices began to rise in 2019
    Flat in 2018, China’s pork prices began to rise in 2019
  • Permanent pasture and rangeland moved toward smaller operations
    Permanent pasture and rangeland moved toward smaller operations
  • Persistent and large shifts of major field crops to larger farms
    Persistent and large shifts of major field crops to larger farms
  • Romaine shipments from Yuma, Arizona dropped and recovered in conjunction with U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisories to avoid romaine lettuce during the fall 2018 outbreak of Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli associated with romaine lettuce
    Romaine shipments from Yuma, Arizona dropped and recovered in conjunction with U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisories to avoid romaine lettuce during the fall 2018 outbreak of Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli associated with romaine lettuce
  • The fate of expiring CRP acreage depends on its CRP conservation practice
    The fate of expiring CRP acreage depends on its CRP conservation practice
  • U.S. pork exports rising as world wants more animal protein
    U.S. pork exports rising as world wants more animal protein
  • U.S. projected to process and produce more pork
    U.S. projected to process and produce more pork
  • U.S. veterans and nonveterans fall short in meeting dietary recommendations
    U.S. veterans and nonveterans fall short in meeting dietary recommendations
  • Veterans obtained a higher share of their total calories from added sugars…
    Veterans obtained a higher share of their total calories from added sugars…
  • Whole-grain-to-total-grain ratio of school food surpassed home-prepared food in 2013-14
    Whole-grain-to-total-grain ratio of school food surpassed home-prepared food in 2013-14
  • Throughout most of the day, more women prepared food than did men in 2014-2017
    Throughout most of the day, more women prepared food than did men in 2014-2017
  • While Chinese imports are down, global cotton trade is projected at a 7-Year High in 2019
    While Chinese imports are down, global cotton trade is projected at a 7-Year High in 2019
  • Food-insecure households spend less on food and acquire fewer calories than food-secure households
    Food-insecure households spend less on food and acquire fewer calories than food-secure households
  • New Brazil wheat tariff rate quota expands marketing opportunities for the U.S. and other non-Mercosur exporters
    New Brazil wheat tariff rate quota expands marketing opportunities for the U.S. and other non-Mercosur exporters
  • Business & Industry (B&I) Guaranteed Loans reduced risk of rural business failure
    Business & Industry (B&I) Guaranteed Loans reduced risk of rural business failure
  • Louisiana cane sugar production, 2006/07 to 2019/20
    Louisiana cane sugar production, 2006/07 to 2019/20
  • Palm oil rally sparked by growing biodiesel use in Malaysia and Indonesia
    Palm oil rally sparked by growing biodiesel use in Malaysia and Indonesia
  • Central Illinois soybean oil prices climb to a 3-year high.
    Central Illinois soybean oil prices climb to a 3-year high.
  • Strong second quarter (Q2) use aids in 2019/20 carryout reduction.
    Strong second quarter (Q2) use aids in 2019/20 carryout reduction.
  • Thailand's 2019/20 rice production is projected to be the smallest since the 2015/16 drought-reduced crop.
    Thailand's 2019/20 rice production is projected to be the smallest since the 2015/16 drought-reduced crop.
  • Veterans consume a higher share of calories from added sugars and solid fats than nonveterans
    Veterans consume a higher share of calories from added sugars and solid fats than nonveterans
  • Corn supply and use: percent change from last month's forecast (2019/20)
    Corn supply and use: percent change from last month's forecast (2019/20)
  • The fate of expiring Conservation Reserve Program acreage varied with its conservation practice
    The fate of expiring Conservation Reserve Program acreage varied with its conservation practice
  • As income increases, the share of income spent on food falls
    As income increases, the share of income spent on food falls
  • ICYMI... Family farm households rely on various sources of income
    ICYMI... Family farm households rely on various sources of income