Chart Gallery

  • Prevalence of U.S. food insecurity in 2019 dipped below pre-Great Recession level for the first time
    Prevalence of U.S. food insecurity in 2019 dipped below pre-Great Recession level for the first time
  • Organic dairy farms had higher costs, but also higher gross returns, than conventional farms in 2016
    Organic dairy farms had higher costs, but also higher gross returns, than conventional farms in 2016
  • Food wholesale sales by type of wholesaler, 2017
    Food wholesale sales by type of wholesaler, 2017
  • Food wholesale sales by type of outlet: Census years 1997-2012
    Food wholesale sales by type of outlet: Census years 1997-2012
  • Merchant food wholesale sales by type of products handled, 2017
    Merchant food wholesale sales by type of products handled, 2017
  • Limes, lemons, and tangerines drove the 2007-18 growth in fresh citrus availability in the United States
    Limes, lemons, and tangerines drove the 2007-18 growth in fresh citrus availability in the United States
  • Farm sector profits forecast to rise in 2020
    Farm sector profits forecast to rise in 2020
  • U.S. agricultural imports have grown significantly over last quarter century
    U.S. agricultural imports have grown significantly over last quarter century
  • U.S. food spending in June 2020 was $12 billion less than in June 2019
    U.S. food spending in June 2020 was $12 billion less than in June 2019
  • Imports from Mexico, Guatemala, and Peru drove some of the largest increases in U.S. fresh fruit imports from FY 2009 to FY 2019
    Imports from Mexico, Guatemala, and Peru drove some of the largest increases in U.S. fresh fruit imports from FY 2009 to FY 2019
  • In fiscal year 2019, fresh fruit made up one-fifth of horticultural product imports
    In fiscal year 2019, fresh fruit made up one-fifth of horticultural product imports
  • Individuals purchase a smaller share of healthy away-from-home food items when paying with a credit or debit card
    Individuals purchase a smaller share of healthy away-from-home food items when paying with a credit or debit card
  • Small organic dairy farms had higher costs and higher gross returns than conventional farms in 2016
    Small organic dairy farms had higher costs and higher gross returns than conventional farms in 2016
  • The five leading fresh fruit imports increased by at least 59 percent over the last decade
    The five leading fresh fruit imports increased by at least 59 percent over the last decade
  • U.S. fresh fruit imports increased by $8.9 billion between 2009 and 2019, comprising about 30 percent of the growth across major horticultural product groups
    U.S. fresh fruit imports increased by $8.9 billion between 2009 and 2019, comprising about 30 percent of the growth across major horticultural product groups
  • Productivity growth has contributed positively to U.S. agricultural output in all sub-periods since 1948
    Productivity growth has contributed positively to U.S. agricultural output in all sub-periods since 1948
  • Child food insufficiency in mid-July 2020 varied by State
    Child food insufficiency in mid-July 2020 varied by State
  • Soybean-to-corn price ratio signals increasing soybean profitability
    Soybean-to-corn price ratio signals increasing soybean profitability
  • Federal spending on food assistance in fiscal year (FY) 2019 at lowest level since FY 2009
    Federal spending on food assistance in fiscal year (FY) 2019 at lowest level since FY 2009
  • A third of U.S.-grown potatoes become frozen french fries used mostly by food service
    A third of U.S.-grown potatoes become frozen french fries used mostly by food service
  • Percent change of first-half 2020 export volumes from first-half exports of 2019
    Percent change of first-half 2020 export volumes from first-half exports of 2019
  • Sugarbeet harvested area and yields, 2007/08 to 2020/21
    Sugarbeet harvested area and yields, 2007/08 to 2020/21
  • Rural poverty rates dropped across all race/ethnicity groups between 2013 and 2018
    Rural poverty rates dropped across all race/ethnicity groups between 2013 and 2018
  • Average net returns of large dairy operations exceeded those of farms with smaller herds between 2005 and 2018
    Average net returns of large dairy operations exceeded those of farms with smaller herds between 2005 and 2018
  • Leading global cotton producers
    Leading global cotton producers
  • Soybean yields poised to mark a record high
    Soybean yields poised to mark a record high
  • U.S. corn harvested area and yield
    U.S. corn harvested area and yield
  • U.S. wheat export competitiveness tends to improve as the all-wheat SAFP falls
    U.S. wheat export competitiveness tends to improve as the all-wheat SAFP falls
  • U.S. rice imports were record high in 2019/20 and are expected to remain strong in 2020/21
    U.S. rice imports were record high in 2019/20 and are expected to remain strong in 2020/21
  • Households are the largest users of fossil fuels in the U.S. food system
    Households are the largest users of fossil fuels in the U.S. food system
  • U.S. sugarcane production expands in Louisiana with new varieties
    U.S. sugarcane production expands in Louisiana with new varieties
  • Eating-out expenditures in May 2020 were 37 percent lower than May 2019 expenditures
    Eating-out expenditures in May 2020 were 37 percent lower than May 2019 expenditures
  • Demand for direct-hire labor in agriculture is seasonal
    Demand for direct-hire labor in agriculture is seasonal
  • Falling hog weights suggest the hog industry is managing supply-chain disruptions from COVID-19
    Falling hog weights suggest the hog industry is managing supply-chain disruptions from COVID-19
  • U.S. feed grain production, 2020/21
    U.S. feed grain production, 2020/21
  • U.S. cattle trade
    U.S. cattle trade