Chart Gallery

  • U.S. price received for corn, by marketing year
    U.S. price received for corn, by marketing year
  • U.S. total rice supplies projected to increase 8 percent in 2023/24
    U.S. total rice supplies projected to increase 8 percent in 2023/24
  • Social connections drive healthcare professionals to locate to and stay in rural towns
    Social connections drive healthcare professionals to locate to and stay in rural towns
  • Alfalfa hay acreage in drought (percent)
    Alfalfa hay acreage in drought (percent)
  • Western States land area experiencing drought (percent)
    Western States land area experiencing drought (percent)
  • United States serves up large chunks of cheese to top destinations
    United States serves up large chunks of cheese to top destinations
  • Avian flu losses in 2022 affected turkey breast prices more than whole hens
    Avian flu losses in 2022 affected turkey breast prices more than whole hens
  • Conservation Reserve Program is regionally concentrated
    Conservation Reserve Program is regionally concentrated
  • United States leads in fuel ethanol consumption; Brazil leads in blend rate, 2018
    United States leads in fuel ethanol consumption; Brazil leads in blend rate, 2018
  • Foods with “natural” labels accounted for 16 percent of U.S. consumer food spending in 2018
    Foods with “natural” labels accounted for 16 percent of U.S. consumer food spending in 2018
  • Farmers received larger slice of retail Cheddar cheese price in 2022
    Farmers received larger slice of retail Cheddar cheese price in 2022
  • ‘All other food at home’ spending changes varied by household race and ethnicity between 2016–19 and 2020
    ‘All other food at home’ spending changes varied by household race and ethnicity between 2016–19 and 2020
  • Food-at-home spending grew in 2020 from 2016–19, led by ‘all other food at home’ category
    Food-at-home spending grew in 2020 from 2016–19, led by ‘all other food at home’ category
  • Steer prices hit record high in April 2023
    Steer prices hit record high in April 2023
  • Florida, California, and Georgia accounted for one-third of H-2A jobs in FY 2022
    Florida, California, and Georgia accounted for one-third of H-2A jobs in FY 2022
  • Trade agreement with Japan projected to help U.S. pork exports grow
    Trade agreement with Japan projected to help U.S. pork exports grow
  • Food spending in Washington, DC, differs from 50-State averages
    Food spending in Washington, DC, differs from 50-State averages
  • U.S. consumers’ eating patterns differ from Federal recommendations
    U.S. consumers’ eating patterns differ from Federal recommendations
  • Groundwater-only organizations and those also engaged in water delivery each focus on different aspects of groundwater management
    Groundwater-only organizations and those also engaged in water delivery each focus on different aspects of groundwater management
  • Less than 1 percent of farm estates created in 2022 must file an estate tax return
    Less than 1 percent of farm estates created in 2022 must file an estate tax return
  • Comparison of export volumes, first-quarters 2023 and 2022: Year-over-year percent changes
    Comparison of export volumes, first-quarters 2023 and 2022: Year-over-year percent changes
  • U.S. lettuce production shifts regionally by season
    U.S. lettuce production shifts regionally by season
  • Milk production per day and number of dairy cows
    Milk production per day and number of dairy cows
  • U.S. sugar supply components, 2013/14—2023/24
    U.S. sugar supply components, 2013/14—2023/24
  • Food spending decreased unevenly across States in 2020
    Food spending decreased unevenly across States in 2020
  • Socially disadvantaged farm operations concentrated in South and West
    Socially disadvantaged farm operations concentrated in South and West
  • Global cotton production and mill use
    Global cotton production and mill use
  • Global soybean production
    Global soybean production
  • U.S. 2023 rice production projected to increase 20 percent
    U.S. 2023 rice production projected to increase 20 percent
  • U.S. corn exports, September through March, marketing years 2002 to 2022
    U.S. corn exports, September through March, marketing years 2002 to 2022
  • U.S. wheat price and ending stocks, 2003/04-2023/24
    U.S. wheat price and ending stocks, 2003/04-2023/24
  • Groundwater organizations see nitrate contamination as top concern
    Groundwater organizations see nitrate contamination as top concern
  • U.S. raisin availability per capita dries up
    U.S. raisin availability per capita dries up
  • Apples and oranges squeeze out others as top fruit choices
    Apples and oranges squeeze out others as top fruit choices
  • U.S. imports of cut flowers and nursery products grew to $3.3 billion in 2022
    U.S. imports of cut flowers and nursery products grew to $3.3 billion in 2022
  • Healthcare professionals cited friendliness and friendships as top factors in deciding whether to locate or stay in rural small towns
    Healthcare professionals cited friendliness and friendships as top factors in deciding whether to locate or stay in rural small towns