In the event that a substantive error is detected in a disseminated information product (research report, market analysis and outlook report, data product, interactive map, or Amber Waves content), ERS will make a correction and report changes on the Errata page.
ERS Publications
ERS publications (research reports, market analysis and outlook reports, Amber Waves articles) will be corrected as soon as possible after an error is discovered. If the information in question is factually incorrect or presented in a manner that is subject to misinterpretation by the reader, a correction statement will be issued on the Errata page on the ERS website and in the report itself.
ERS Data Products
ERS data products (tables, dynamic applications, and interactive maps) will be corrected as soon as possible after an error is discovered. A correction is different from a data update, whereby numbers are revised to incorporate more recent source information (the frequency of updates varies by data product, and updates are noted on the ERS calendar).
A correction notice will be posted on the Errata page and on any files (Excel, HTML, PDF) containing the corrected data. The notices will remain with the data until the next update.