Rice Outlook No. (RCS-18D) 28 pp

April 2018

Rice Outlook: April 2018

The April 2018 Outlook Report contains the latest U.S. and global supply, use, and price estimates and projections from USDA's World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report.

Errata: On April 18, 2018, the April Rice Outlook report was reposted to correct the following errors. Global rice trade reported on page 6 was corrected as 48.6 million tons, and the 2018 global import forecast reported on page 7 was corrected to read 48.6 million tons (estimates previously reported were for the marketing year rather than calendar year). Vietnam’s quoted price on page 10 was corrected to $430 per ton.

Keywords: Rice, production, trade, exports, imports, prices, global production, global exports, global imports, stocks, prices

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