International Agriculture and Trade Outlook No. (WRS-012) 76 pp
China: Agriculture in Transition
The Chinese grain sector faces pressure from both external competition and internal shifts in consumer preferences that could reshape the industry. The report focuses on the long-term expectations for China's agriculture in the face of continued growth and openness to trade.
Keywords: China, agriculture, grains, livestock, cotton, grain policy, WTO, production
In this publication...
- China: Agriculture in Transition
- Table of Contents
- Frontmatter
- Summary
- China's Continued Growth Leaves Agriculture Facing Changes
- U.S. China Bilateral WTO Agreement and Beyond
- Changes in Labor, Land, and Credit Markets Lead China's Farmers on the Path Toward Modernization
- Subsidized Corn Exports Help Prices Rebound
- Surplus Wheat Production Brings Emphasis on Quality
- Tradeoffs Between Quantity and Quality of China's Rice
- Policy Changes Continue to Affect China's Oilseeds Trade Mix
- Livestock Production Competitive, But Exports Remain Small
- China's Cotton Reserves to Meet Shortfall, Avert Price Rise
- USDA Revision of China Grain Stock Estimates
- List of Tables and Figures
- Appendix Tables
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