2020 Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economics (RIDGE) Conference
Event Details
- Date: 10/14/2020
- Presenters:
- Sponsor: Economic Research Service; Food and Nutrition Service; Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University; and the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at the University of Connecticut.
The 2020 RIDGE Conference, planned for virtual attendance on October 14, will feature new economic research aimed at enhancing food security and dietary quality for low-income Americans. Both new and established investigators who were 2019 RIDGE grantees will present on a variety of topics: evaluating the impact of nutrition-driven changes in school meals; influences of labor policy on SNAP; nutrition assistance participation among populations of interest including college students and multigenerational households; and others. An agenda with all sessions, participants, and presentation topics is available. RIDGE is administered in partnership with Tufts University and the University of Connecticut.
Location and date:
The 2020 RIDGE Conference is set for October 14 at 11 a.m. ET via Zoom.
Attendance is free, but advance registration is required. For additional details or questions, please email ERSFEDRIDGE@usda.gov. In order to receive the Zoom link for the virtual conference, you must register in advance.
2020 Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economics (RIDGE) Conference
11-11:15 Opening remarks
Jay Variyam, director, Food Economics Division, Economic Research Service, USDA
Melissa Abelev, assistant deputy administrator for policy support, Food Nutrition Service, USDA
Parke Wilde, Tufts/UConn RIDGE program director
Session A: Effect of Child Nutrition Program Changes on Student Outcomes
Moderator: Tatiana Andreyeva, Tufts/UConn RIDGE program associate director
11:15-11:45 Did the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act Help Improve Dietary Quality Among School-age Children?
Pourya Valizadeh, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
11:45-12:15 Breakfast in the Classroom, Body Mass Index, and Academic Outcomes
Michael Thomsen, University of Arkansas
12:15-12:30 Break
Session B: Labor Policy Implications for SNAP
Moderator: Sara John, Tufts University
12:30-1 SNAP and Work-related Policies: An In-depth Analysis of Low-wage Worker Perspectives and Behaviors
Caitlin Caspi, University of Minnesota
1-1:30 Labor Supply Distortions from Nutrition Assistance Programs: Evidence From a Bunching Estimator
Jason Cook, University of Pittsburgh
1:30-1:45 Break
Session C: Role of Nutrition Assistance in Key Demographic Groups
Moderator: Leslie Hodges, Economic Research Service, USDA
1:45-2:15 Understanding Barriers to SNAP Enrollment Among College Students
Maggie Dickinson, CUNY Guttman
2:15-2:45 SNAP, School Meals, and the Food Security of Multigenerational Households
Agustina Laurito, University of Illinois at Chicago
2:45-3 Break
Session D: WIC/SNAP and the Wellbeing of Families with Young Children
Moderator: Courtney Paolicelli, Food Nutrition Service, USDA
3-3:30 Food Insecurity and Child Food Consumption Patterns Among WIC Participating Families in Los Angeles County Within the Context of the WIC Food Package Change and WIC + SNAP Concurrent Participation
Pia Chaparro, Tulane University
3:30-4 Does Maternal Depression Caused by Food Insufficiency Influence Parenting Practices and Impact Infant Wellbeing? The role of SNAP.
Irma Arteaga, University of Missouri
4-4:15 Closing Remarks and Adjournment
Parke Wilde, Tufts/UConn RIDGE program director
Christian Gregory, chief, Food Assistance Branch, Economic Research Service, USDA
4:15-4:45 Virtual networking/social time