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1. Introduction

USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) is making data from USDA’s Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) available through an Application Programming Interface (API) to better serve customers. The data in the API are available in JSON format and provide attribute-based querying. The data are also available in bulk files.

This documentation provides a brief explanation of the API to get you started. For user convenience, we provide demos using R: open source statistical programming language.

A list of variables, by report, is provided in section 3. An exhaustive list of all variables and detailed descriptions is found in the file AllVariables.csv.

2. Getting Started with the API

You may use the ARMS Data API to develop a service to search, display, analyze, retrieve, view, and otherwise "get" information from ARMS data.

2.1 Registration

Users of the ARMS data API are required to sign up for an API key using the form provided by below, a free API management service for Federal agencies. A valid email address is required to obtain a key. Once users have completed the signup requirements, the API key will be automatically sent to the user-provided email address. API keys provide a means to notify users of changes in the APIs.

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2.2 Using the API

The API supports GraphQL and REST API methods:

  • Rest API

    Rest API endpoint:

REST Methods

The REST API supports POST and GET methods for calling data, except where noted.

Each endpoint also supports the OPTIONS method that returns the endpoint schema and details on input fields and requirements, such as format.


This API resource gets all States and the metadata and variables available for each of the States.

Input fields: not needed

Method: supports GET only



This API resource gets all available years for which data are available.

Input fields: not needed

Method: supports GET only



Input fields: "Year" is a required field; at least one of the two input fields ("report" or "variable") is also required.

Method: supports GET and POST

OPTION: returns the schema for the survey data REST resource

 "year": [2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016]
 "state": "all"
 "variable": "igcfi"
 "category": "NASS Regions"
 "category2": "Collapsed Farm Typology"

The above retrieves "Gross Farm Income" for years 2011 through 2016 for "All States" and broken by Category = NASS regions and Category2 = Collapsed Farm Typology.


This GET request returns income statements for years 2015 and 2016 of commercial farms across all States.

Note: Multiple values for fields that allow multiple values are separated by "commas" (,), and names of fields exceeding more than one word are separated by a "plus" sign (+). Different query parameters such as year, State, report, etc., are separated by an "ampersand" (&).


This API resource lists categories and subcategories within each category. It also provides relevant metadata and variables available for each of the categories and subcategories.

Input fields: not required but can be passed on; see below.

Method: supports GET and POST

This resource can be used in two ways:

1. When used without any input variables, ALL categories and subcategories are returned.


2. When used with a specific category name, all details and subcategories within that category are returned.

"name": "Collapsed Farm Typology"

This query returns Category-related information for "Operator age" (id=age) and "Farm Typology" (id=ftypll)


This API resource gets available reports with the relevant metadata and variables available for each report. This resource can be used in two ways:

  1. Retrieve a list of ALL reports.

2. Retrieve metadata and variables for a specific report based on name, ID, or keyword.

"name": "balance sheet"


This API resource gets variables with the relevant information and metadata for each of the variables used in ARMS. This resource can be used in two ways:

  1. List ALL variables.

2. Search "variable" by ID, report, name, and keyword. All input fields are optional, and one can use all or none of them to get the desired data.

  "report": "Business Balance Sheet"
  "name": "Liabilities current debt"


One can use this REST resource to get all Farm Types or search by keyword, name, or ID.

Input fields: optional

Method: supports GET and POST

  "name": "operator households"
  • GraphQL API

GraphQL is a modern method to easily interact with an API. The GraphQL endpoint for ARMS data is

  • GraphQL methods

GraphQL is for advanced users. If you are not familiar with GraphQL, use our REST API. A GraphQL client, such as ChromeiQL, is needed to interact with the ARMS API. More information on GraphQL is available.

3. Reports

ARMS reports are a collection of financial data points about U.S.-based farms that can be sorted and viewed in a variety of ways, including at the national level or State level, and by farmer type or farmer age.

The ARMS team has created some commonly used tailored reports from the ARMS dataset.  Currently, the following tailored reports are available on the web tool and through the API:

  • Farm Business Balance Sheet
  • Farm Business Income Statement
  • Farm Business Financial Ratios
  • Structural Characteristics
  • Farm Business Debt Repayment Capacity
  • Government Payments
  • Operator Household Income
  • Operator Household Balance Sheet

4. Variables

Each report contains a different set of variables. A list of all variables sorted by report and with detailed descriptions and short IDs may be found in the file AllVariables.csv.

5. Available Categories

Categories are meta tags that provide context for the data. The available categories are listed below with their short IDs inside the parentheses.

  • Residence farms
  • Intermediate farms
  • Commercial farms

Economic Class (sal)

  • $1,000,000 or more
  • $500,000 to $999,999
  • $250,000 to $499,999
  • $100,000 to $249,999
  • less than $100,000

Farm Typology (ftyppl)

  • Retirement farms (2012 to present)
  • Off-farm occupation farms (2012 to present)
  • Farming occupation/lower sales farms (2012 to present)
  • Farming occupation/moderate-sales farms (2012 to present)
  • Midsize farms (2012 to present)
  • Large farms (2012 to present)
  • Very large farms (2012 to present)
  • Nonfamily farms (2012 to present)
  • Retirement farms (1996 through 2011)
  • Residential/lifestyle farms (1996 through 2011)
  • Farming occupation/lower sales farms (1996 through 2011)
  • Farming occupation/moderate-sales farms (1996 through 2011)
  • Large farms (1996 through 2011)
  • Very large farms (1996 through 2011)
  • Nonfamily farms (1996 through 2011)

Operator age (age)

  • 34 years or younger
  • 35 to 44 years old
  • 45 to 54 years old
  • 55 to 64 years old
  • 65 years or older

Farm Resource Region (reg)

  • Heartland
  • Northern Crescent
  • Northern Great Plains
  • Prairie Gateway
  • Eastern Uplands
  • Southern Seaboard
  • Fruitful Rim
  • Basin and Range
  • Mississippi Portal

NASS region (n5reg)

  • Atlantic region
  • South region
  • Midwest region
  • Plains region
  • West region

Production Specialty (spec)

  • General cash grains
  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Soybean
  • Tobacco, cotton, peanuts
  • Other field crops
  • Specialty crops (F, V, N)
  • Cattle
  • Dairy
  • Hogs
  • Poultry
  • All other livestock