Trade and Prices by Category

These tables provide vegetable and pulses data by category (e.g. price, imports, exports, etc.) for fresh and processed products. Tables are updated as new information is available throughout the year (typically monthly). USDA, ERS previously published these data in conjunction with the USDA, ERS report Vegetables and Pulses Outlook (previously, Vegetables and Melons Outlook) and in the annual Vegetables and Pulses Yearbook.

The current release features monthly and calendar year U.S. imports and exports, average retail prices for selected commodities, and price indexes for commodities and commodity aggregates. For data not included here, see the Yearbook Tables.

This data product is a work in progress. For help understanding the data, see the Documentation.

U.S. Imports

U.S. Exports

Consumer Price Indexes

 Producer Price Indexes

 Retail Prices