Chart Gallery

  • Red meat availability per person fell from 132 pounds in 1970 to 95 pounds in 2014
    Red meat availability per person fell from 132 pounds in 1970 to 95 pounds in 2014
  • Body mass index fell following a mandatory calorie-labeling law for New York City...
    Body mass index fell following a mandatory calorie-labeling law for New York City...
  • Since 2002, the margin as calculated for the MPP-Dairy Program...
    Since 2002, the margin as calculated for the MPP-Dairy Program...
  • U.S. pulses production and harvested area are on the rise
    U.S. pulses production and harvested area are on the rise
  • U.S. organic corn producers had higher per acre costs for capital, labor, and fuel in 2010
    U.S. organic corn producers had higher per acre costs for capital, labor, and fuel in 2010
  • For soybeans, the ARC-CO price has been higher than the PLC reference price...
    For soybeans, the ARC-CO price has been higher than the PLC reference price...
  • Certified organic operations are concentrated in the West, Northeast, and Upper Midwest
    Certified organic operations are concentrated in the West, Northeast, and Upper Midwest
  • For corn, the ARC-CO price has been higher than the PLC reference price...
    For corn, the ARC-CO price has been higher than the PLC reference price...
  • For rice, the PLC reference price was higher than the ARC-CO price...
    For rice, the PLC reference price was higher than the ARC-CO price...
  • Eggs and milk have the highest premiums of the organic products studied
    Eggs and milk have the highest premiums of the organic products studied
  • U.S. certified organic cropland has increased in most years since 2002
    U.S. certified organic cropland has increased in most years since 2002
  • 2016 estimates of cropland harvested return to 2014 levels, highest since 1997
    2016 estimates of cropland harvested return to 2014 levels, highest since 1997
  • The number of low-income, low-supermarket access census tracts in the Memphis, TN, area rose from 2010 to 2015
    The number of low-income, low-supermarket access census tracts in the Memphis, TN, area rose from 2010 to 2015
  • Retail market share for organic eggs, milk, and the top fruits and vegetables...
    Retail market share for organic eggs, milk, and the top fruits and vegetables...
  • U.S. organic food retail sales, 2005-2015e—Fruits and vegetables are still the top category
    U.S. organic food retail sales, 2005-2015e—Fruits and vegetables are still the top category
  • In 2015, many census tracts in the Memphis, TN, area were low income...
    In 2015, many census tracts in the Memphis, TN, area were low income...
  • Annual per capita vegetable and legume availability reached 424 pounds in 2004
    Annual per capita vegetable and legume availability reached 424 pounds in 2004
  • Oilseed prices continued downward trajectory in the 2015/16 marketing year
    Oilseed prices continued downward trajectory in the 2015/16 marketing year
  • Farmers earned a bigger bite of U.S. households’ spending on fresh vegetables in 2015
    Farmers earned a bigger bite of U.S. households’ spending on fresh vegetables in 2015
  • Nearly 40 percent of U.S. farms run by multiple operators
    Nearly 40 percent of U.S. farms run by multiple operators
  • Updated ERS Atlas allows users to map low-income and low-supermarket access areas
    Updated ERS Atlas allows users to map low-income and low-supermarket access areas
  • Even as the leading producer, China still leads among global pork importers
    Even as the leading producer, China still leads among global pork importers
  • Rural counties’ economies depend on different industries
    Rural counties’ economies depend on different industries
  • Apples/applesauce and pineapples accounted for 56 percent of canned fruit availability in 2010-14
    Apples/applesauce and pineapples accounted for 56 percent of canned fruit availability in 2010-14
  • Educational attainment rates remain lower for rural minorities
    Educational attainment rates remain lower for rural minorities
  • Wholesale choice beef prices falling at a faster rate than retail
    Wholesale choice beef prices falling at a faster rate than retail
  • Brazil remains the largest global sugar exporter
    Brazil remains the largest global sugar exporter
  • Meal preparation time varies across different U.S. demographic groups
    Meal preparation time varies across different U.S. demographic groups
  • Distribution of family farm operator estates, estate-tax returns, and estate taxes across farm types, 2016F
    Distribution of family farm operator estates, estate-tax returns, and estate taxes across farm types, 2016F
  • Non-operators were more likely than operators to inherit farmland
    Non-operators were more likely than operators to inherit farmland
  • California dairy production recovering as prices rise in 2016
    California dairy production recovering as prices rise in 2016
  • Eating out market drove chicken’s popularity
    Eating out market drove chicken’s popularity
  • Seventy percent of U.S. calories consumed in 2010 were from plant-based foods
    Seventy percent of U.S. calories consumed in 2010 were from plant-based foods
  • Switchgrass potential as an energy crop varies across USDA regions
    Switchgrass potential as an energy crop varies across USDA regions
  • Tighter global sugar supplies support recent price increases
    Tighter global sugar supplies support recent price increases
  • More Microloans issued in areas with more beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers
    More Microloans issued in areas with more beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers