Chart Gallery

  • Small family farms accounted for 90 percent of all U.S. farms and 24 percent of production in 2015
    Small family farms accounted for 90 percent of all U.S. farms and 24 percent of production in 2015
  • Financial performance varies across farms, but more small farms are at risk
    Financial performance varies across farms, but more small farms are at risk
  • Cropland is shifting to larger farms, even as average size changes little
    Cropland is shifting to larger farms, even as average size changes little
  • Most large farms are family operations
    Most large farms are family operations
  • Production has shifted to larger farms
    Production has shifted to larger farms
  • South African imports of bone-in chicken
    South African imports of bone-in chicken
  • FSA issued the majority of Direct Operating Microloans to the program’s targeted groups
    FSA issued the majority of Direct Operating Microloans to the program’s targeted groups
  • Retail food prices in 2016 declined for the first time in nearly 50 years
    Retail food prices in 2016 declined for the first time in nearly 50 years
  • Rural poverty remains regionally concentrated
    Rural poverty remains regionally concentrated
  • Children by age, poverty status, and metro/nonmetro residence, 2015
    Children by age, poverty status, and metro/nonmetro residence, 2015
  • Consumption exceeding production in the global cotton industry for second consecutive year
    Consumption exceeding production in the global cotton industry for second consecutive year
  • Child poverty rates by metro/nonmetro residence, 1989-2015
    Child poverty rates by metro/nonmetro residence, 1989-2015
  • Related child poverty by family type and metro/nonmetro residence, 2015
    Related child poverty by family type and metro/nonmetro residence, 2015
  • Child poverty by race/ethnicity and metro/nonmetro residence, 2015
    Child poverty by race/ethnicity and metro/nonmetro residence, 2015
  • Deep poverty rates by metro/nonmetro residence, 1989-2015
    Deep poverty rates by metro/nonmetro residence, 1989-2015
  • What is “very low food security”?
    What is “very low food security”?
  • With fewer breeding sows than in the past, efficiency gains have resulted in more pigs per sow per year
    With fewer breeding sows than in the past, efficiency gains have resulted in more pigs per sow per year
  • U.S. farm sector’s working capital expected to continue weakening in 2017
    U.S. farm sector’s working capital expected to continue weakening in 2017
  • USDA projections show U.S. corn use is expected to grow through 2026
    USDA projections show U.S. corn use is expected to grow through 2026
  • Grocery store food prices expected to rise as much as 1 percent in 2017
    Grocery store food prices expected to rise as much as 1 percent in 2017
  • A typical  farm’s income varies more than for all farms as a whole
    A typical farm’s income varies more than for all farms as a whole
  • U.S. per capita availability of total red meat, poultry, and fish down from 2007
    U.S. per capita availability of total red meat, poultry, and fish down from 2007
  • USDA funds helped livestock operations in the Chesapeake Bay reduce nutrient runoff
    USDA funds helped livestock operations in the Chesapeake Bay reduce nutrient runoff
  • Farm income for a typical farm varies more than median aggregate farm income
    Farm income for a typical farm varies more than median aggregate farm income
  • Retail orange juice prices dropped swiftly to close out 2016
    Retail orange juice prices dropped swiftly to close out 2016
  • Energy used by the U.S. food system declined with rising energy prices from 2002 to 2012
    Energy used by the U.S. food system declined with rising energy prices from 2002 to 2012
  • Domestic use of high fructose corn syrup continues to decline
    Domestic use of high fructose corn syrup continues to decline
  • Payments for energy production, and the share of farms receiving them, vary by State
    Payments for energy production, and the share of farms receiving them, vary by State
  • Share of household spending devoted to food and calorie availability vary by country
    Share of household spending devoted to food and calorie availability vary by country
  • Steady increases in at-home consumption of berries resulted in a rising share of U.S. berry consumption occurring at home
    Steady increases in at-home consumption of berries resulted in a rising share of U.S. berry consumption occurring at home
  • Wheat producers are eligible to receive loan deficiency payments as prices drop
    Wheat producers are eligible to receive loan deficiency payments as prices drop
  • U.S. farm sector’s net farm income forecast to continue to decline in 2017
    U.S. farm sector’s net farm income forecast to continue to decline in 2017
  • Cattle dressed weights increased 9 percent since 2011, but leveled off in 2016
    Cattle dressed weights increased 9 percent since 2011, but leveled off in 2016
  • Energy Consumption and Production in Agriculture
    Energy Consumption and Production in Agriculture
  • Early data indicates that 2016 meat trade will rebound to 2014 levels
    Early data indicates that 2016 meat trade will rebound to 2014 levels
  • Developing countries, such as China and Brazil, lead global productivity growth
    Developing countries, such as China and Brazil, lead global productivity growth