Chart Gallery

  • Share of farms and value of production by age and retirement status of the principal operator, 2016
    Share of farms and value of production by age and retirement status of the principal operator, 2016
  • Millennials spend less per person than other generations on grocery store foods
    Millennials spend less per person than other generations on grocery store foods
  • U.S. wholesale beet and cane sugar prices return to more similar levels in 2016/17
    U.S. wholesale beet and cane sugar prices return to more similar levels in 2016/17
  • About half of rural counties now experiencing more deaths than births
    About half of rural counties now experiencing more deaths than births
  • The 2014-15 highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak significantly impacted turkey and egg producers
    The 2014-15 highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak significantly impacted turkey and egg producers
  • Composition of top U.S. food retailers shifted in 2016
    Composition of top U.S. food retailers shifted in 2016
  • U.S. households in the lowest income quintile spent 32.6 percent of their incomes on food in 2016
    U.S. households in the lowest income quintile spent 32.6 percent of their incomes on food in 2016
  • Some rural manufacturing establishments have similar innovation rates as their urban peers
    Some rural manufacturing establishments have similar innovation rates as their urban peers
  • Intellectual property rights for new plant varieties have expanded
    Intellectual property rights for new plant varieties have expanded
  • U.S. ethanol plants are operating near full capacity but constraints limit growth
    U.S. ethanol plants are operating near full capacity but constraints limit growth
  • Households with obese children differ from those with no obese children
    Households with obese children differ from those with no obese children
  • U.S. beef exports to China resume after 14-year absence
    U.S. beef exports to China resume after 14-year absence
  • California farmers shifted to groundwater when drought reduced surface water availability
    California farmers shifted to groundwater when drought reduced surface water availability
  • Editor's Pick 2017: Best of Charts of Note
    Editor's Pick 2017: Best of Charts of Note
  • Inpatient healthcare facilities had modest employment gains in rural areas, despite the effects of the Great Recession
    Inpatient healthcare facilities had modest employment gains in rural areas, despite the effects of the Great Recession
  • Expenditure shares for chicken, turkey, and other poultry generally decline as income rises
    Expenditure shares for chicken, turkey, and other poultry generally decline as income rises
  • Millennials purchase the largest proportion of prepared foods
    Millennials purchase the largest proportion of prepared foods
  • Monthly food shopping trips increase with age, but decrease with income
    Monthly food shopping trips increase with age, but decrease with income
  • The share of vegetable expenditures climbs as income rises
    The share of vegetable expenditures climbs as income rises
  • Per capita monthly food-at-home expenditures rise with age and income
    Per capita monthly food-at-home expenditures rise with age and income
  • Fruit and vegetable consumption falls short for many in the developing world
    Fruit and vegetable consumption falls short for many in the developing world
  • Number of U.S. fast food restaurants grew by 9 percent between 2009 and 2014
    Number of U.S. fast food restaurants grew by 9 percent between 2009 and 2014
  • Share of production by type of farm varies across commodities, 2016
    Share of production by type of farm varies across commodities, 2016
  • U.S. agricultural exports and imports in the 2018 fiscal year are forecast to closely mirror 2017
    U.S. agricultural exports and imports in the 2018 fiscal year are forecast to closely mirror 2017
  • Rural households account for nearly one-fifth of U.S. food-insecure households
    Rural households account for nearly one-fifth of U.S. food-insecure households
  • Mortality rates have increased for working-age rural adults since 2000
    Mortality rates have increased for working-age rural adults since 2000
  • Record acreage and high yields raise U.S. peanut harvest to an all-time high
    Record acreage and high yields raise U.S. peanut harvest to an all-time high
  • Food is the third largest spending category for American households at 12.6 percent
    Food is the third largest spending category for American households at 12.6 percent
  • Share of land used for agricultural purposes has decreased 11 percentage points since 1949
    Share of land used for agricultural purposes has decreased 11 percentage points since 1949
  • Meals at school and social gatherings make up 64 percent of free food events for SNAP households
    Meals at school and social gatherings make up 64 percent of free food events for SNAP households
  • Oilseeds have grown significantly in share of total global agricultural trade while fibers have declined
    Oilseeds have grown significantly in share of total global agricultural trade while fibers have declined
  • Large-scale farms had the biggest share of irrigated acres and water use in 2013
    Large-scale farms had the biggest share of irrigated acres and water use in 2013
  • Children from households with at least one obese child tend to live in a more disadvantaged environment than those from households with no obese children
    Children from households with at least one obese child tend to live in a more disadvantaged environment than those from households with no obese children
  • Cropland is concentrated in the Corn Belt and Northern Plains
    Cropland is concentrated in the Corn Belt and Northern Plains
  • Share of land used for agricultural purposes has decreased 11 percent since 1949
    Share of land used for agricultural purposes has decreased 11 percent since 1949
  • Harvested cropland increased between 2002 and 2012
    Harvested cropland increased between 2002 and 2012