Chart Gallery

  • U.S. apple crop estimate up
    U.S. apple crop estimate up
  • ICYMI... SNAP participation continued to contract in 2018
    ICYMI... SNAP participation continued to contract in 2018
  • Monthly and prices for Central Illinois no. 2 yellow corn and corn distillers dried grain.
    Monthly and prices for Central Illinois no. 2 yellow corn and corn distillers dried grain.
  • U.S. sugar imports, from Mexico, 2006/07 to 2019/20
    U.S. sugar imports, from Mexico, 2006/07 to 2019/20
  • Central Illinois cash prices fluctuate as export prospects evolve.
    Central Illinois cash prices fluctuate as export prospects evolve.
  • New antibiotics for food animals decreased as a share of overall veterinary drug approvals between 1992 and 2015
    New antibiotics for food animals decreased as a share of overall veterinary drug approvals between 1992 and 2015
  • Global rice ending stocks in 2019/20 are projected to increase for the 13th consecutive year
    Global rice ending stocks in 2019/20 are projected to increase for the 13th consecutive year
  • Leading cotton importers
    Leading cotton importers
  • U.S. share of global wheat exports gaining some ground
    U.S. share of global wheat exports gaining some ground
  • Median farm household income in 2018 was greater than the median U.S. household income, except among retirement and low-sales farm households
    Median farm household income in 2018 was greater than the median U.S. household income, except among retirement and low-sales farm households
  • ICYMI... Brazil projected to outpace other top beef-exporting countries over the next decade
    ICYMI... Brazil projected to outpace other top beef-exporting countries over the next decade
  • Number of people living in low-income areas with low access to food stores grew in some States over 2010-15
    Number of people living in low-income areas with low access to food stores grew in some States over 2010-15
  • ICYMI... Rural families headed by single adults had higher poverty rates than urban counterparts in 2017
    ICYMI... Rural families headed by single adults had higher poverty rates than urban counterparts in 2017
  • Poor weather during sugarbeet harvest reduces expected U.S. sugar production for 2019/20
    Poor weather during sugarbeet harvest reduces expected U.S. sugar production for 2019/20
  • Limited-service restaurants’ share of the eating-out market has grown over the past two decades
    Limited-service restaurants’ share of the eating-out market has grown over the past two decades
  • ICYMI... Since 1970, increasing cattle weights have fueled growth of U.S. beef production as cattle used have decreased
    ICYMI... Since 1970, increasing cattle weights have fueled growth of U.S. beef production as cattle used have decreased
  • Public agricultural research expenditures as a percentage of agricultural GDP has fallen in high-income countries since 2009
    Public agricultural research expenditures as a percentage of agricultural GDP has fallen in high-income countries since 2009
  • ICYMI... Foodservice employees are more likely to use a food thermometer at home
    ICYMI... Foodservice employees are more likely to use a food thermometer at home
  • ICYMI... American adults consumed ready-to-eat foods more often in 2015–16 than in 2007–08
    ICYMI... American adults consumed ready-to-eat foods more often in 2015–16 than in 2007–08
  • Food insecurity among children is most prevalent among single-mother households and low-income households
    Food insecurity among children is most prevalent among single-mother households and low-income households
  • Food insecurity among children was at lowest recorded rate in 2018
    Food insecurity among children was at lowest recorded rate in 2018
  • In 2018, food insecurity affected 13.9 percent of households with children; children themselves were food insecure in 7.1 percent of households with children
    In 2018, food insecurity affected 13.9 percent of households with children; children themselves were food insecure in 7.1 percent of households with children
  • Loss-adjusted availability of chicken grew from about 22 pounds per capita in 1970 to 52 pounds in 2017
    Loss-adjusted availability of chicken grew from about 22 pounds per capita in 1970 to 52 pounds in 2017
  • Most current Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land receives annual payments at or above the average county cropland cash rental rates (2013 and 2016)
    Most current Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land receives annual payments at or above the average county cropland cash rental rates (2013 and 2016)
  • Percent of households with children affirming food insecurity conditions is lower for more severe conditions
    Percent of households with children affirming food insecurity conditions is lower for more severe conditions
  • The 2018 Farm Act maintains the long-run shift toward funding of working lands conservation
    The 2018 Farm Act maintains the long-run shift toward funding of working lands conservation
  • Total annual funding for USDA conservation programs projected to remain between $5 and $6 billion through 2023
    Total annual funding for USDA conservation programs projected to remain between $5 and $6 billion through 2023
  • Total per capita U.S. caloric sweetener deliveries have trended downward since 2000, driven by declining high-fructose corn syrup use (HFCS)
    Total per capita U.S. caloric sweetener deliveries have trended downward since 2000, driven by declining high-fructose corn syrup use (HFCS)
  • Farm sector profits forecast to increase in 2019
    Farm sector profits forecast to increase in 2019
  • Potatoes and tomatoes are America’s top vegetable choices
    Potatoes and tomatoes are America’s top vegetable choices
  • Another large U.S. cranberry crop expected in 2019
    Another large U.S. cranberry crop expected in 2019
  • Retail and wholesale turkey prices are breaking with past Thanksgiving trends, leading to growing retail markups
    Retail and wholesale turkey prices are breaking with past Thanksgiving trends, leading to growing retail markups
  • Time to head to the grocery store?
    Time to head to the grocery store?
  • U.S. agricultural trade balance is projected to fall to $5.2 billion in fiscal year 2019
    U.S. agricultural trade balance is projected to fall to $5.2 billion in fiscal year 2019
  • Sugarbeet harvested area and yields, 2007/08 to 2019/20
    Sugarbeet harvested area and yields, 2007/08 to 2019/20
  • China's rice exports are forecast to continue to increase in 2020
    China's rice exports are forecast to continue to increase in 2020