Chart Gallery

  • High poverty areas are widespread across the South, but those with extreme poverty are primarily concentrated in rural South Dakota and Mississippi
    High poverty areas are widespread across the South, but those with extreme poverty are primarily concentrated in rural South Dakota and Mississippi
  • Farm prices are more volatile than wholesale and retail food prices
    Farm prices are more volatile than wholesale and retail food prices
  • Net returns: The value of production less total costs listed was positive for California and Gulf Coast rice, 2014-2018
    Net returns: The value of production less total costs listed was positive for California and Gulf Coast rice, 2014-2018
  • Number of farms harvesting rice in major producing States, 1997 and 2017
    Number of farms harvesting rice in major producing States, 1997 and 2017
  • Toddlers participating in WIC are more likely to drink whole milk than their lower income counterparts...
    Toddlers participating in WIC are more likely to drink whole milk than their lower income counterparts...
  • U.S. rice producing regions
    U.S. rice producing regions
  • U.S.-planted rice acres and production, 1995-2017
    U.S.-planted rice acres and production, 1995-2017
  • COVID-19-related labor force absences in beef packing facilities significantly impact record pace of beef production
    COVID-19-related labor force absences in beef packing facilities significantly impact record pace of beef production
  • Higher SNAP benefits expand spending on food, and on other goods and services
    Higher SNAP benefits expand spending on food, and on other goods and services
  • Broiler processing volumes decrease sharply as plants adjust operations in response to COVID-19
    Broiler processing volumes decrease sharply as plants adjust operations in response to COVID-19
  • Forecast for higher solvency ratios in 2020 indicates that more of the farm sector’s assets are financed by credit or debt
    Forecast for higher solvency ratios in 2020 indicates that more of the farm sector’s assets are financed by credit or debt
  • The foodservice industry accounted for 37 cents of the 2018 U.S. food dollar
    The foodservice industry accounted for 37 cents of the 2018 U.S. food dollar
  • Record increase in March farm-to-wholesale beef price spread driven by sharp wholesale price changes in mid-March 2020
    Record increase in March farm-to-wholesale beef price spread driven by sharp wholesale price changes in mid-March 2020
  • Agriculture contributed 10.5 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2018
    Agriculture contributed 10.5 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2018
  • Exports of U.S. agricultural products in 2018 created an estimated additional $162.9 billion in the U.S. economy
    Exports of U.S. agricultural products in 2018 created an estimated additional $162.9 billion in the U.S. economy
  • European Union imports of corn have trended upwards since 2000
    European Union imports of corn have trended upwards since 2000
  • Corn supply and use: percent change from last month's forecast (2019/20)
    Corn supply and use: percent change from last month's forecast (2019/20)
  • Outstanding U.S. export soybean sales lack signs of previous summer revivals
    Outstanding U.S. export soybean sales lack signs of previous summer revivals
  • U.S. long-grain ending stocks in 2019/20 are projected to be the lowest since 2003/04
    U.S. long-grain ending stocks in 2019/20 are projected to be the lowest since 2003/04
  • U.S. long-grain ending stocks in 2019/20 are projected to be the lowest since 2003/04
    U.S. long-grain ending stocks in 2019/20 are projected to be the lowest since 2003/04
  • U.S. wheat prices remain above most key exporters, European Union wheat price near lowest
    U.S. wheat prices remain above most key exporters, European Union wheat price near lowest
  • U. S. sugar supply, use, and ending stocks, 2006-07 to 2019/20
    U. S. sugar supply, use, and ending stocks, 2006-07 to 2019/20
  • World cotton mill use and trade
    World cotton mill use and trade
  • Among low-income households, nutrition scores of some dietary components are lower for those that are food-insecure
    Among low-income households, nutrition scores of some dietary components are lower for those that are food-insecure
  • Most conservation practices in USDA’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program are part of multi-practice contracts
    Most conservation practices in USDA’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program are part of multi-practice contracts
  • Record high table egg lay rates in the second half of 2019 drove up egg production despite reduced flock size
    Record high table egg lay rates in the second half of 2019 drove up egg production despite reduced flock size
  • Food insecurity among children most prevalent among single-mother households and low-income households in 2018
    Food insecurity among children most prevalent among single-mother households and low-income households in 2018
  • Agricultural consolidation has increased the midpoint acreage for most crops since 1987
    Agricultural consolidation has increased the midpoint acreage for most crops since 1987
  • Productivity growth helped accelerate growth in world agricultural output through 2016
    Productivity growth helped accelerate growth in world agricultural output through 2016
  • Farm share of U.S. food dollar rose in 2018
    Farm share of U.S. food dollar rose in 2018
  • Most uncompleted Environmental Quality Incentives Program conservation practices are on partially completed contracts
    Most uncompleted Environmental Quality Incentives Program conservation practices are on partially completed contracts
  • More women prepared food and for a longer time than did men in both 2004-07 and 2014-17
    More women prepared food and for a longer time than did men in both 2004-07 and 2014-17
  • The costliness of WIC-approved 16-ounce 100-percent whole-wheat bread packages relative to other package sizes was smaller in 2015 compared with 2009
    The costliness of WIC-approved 16-ounce 100-percent whole-wheat bread packages relative to other package sizes was smaller in 2015 compared with 2009
  • The share of Americans age 15 years and older who purchased non-grocery food increased by 19.5 percent over a decade
    The share of Americans age 15 years and older who purchased non-grocery food increased by 19.5 percent over a decade
  • Time spent grocery shopping grew by 6 percent between 2004-07 and 2014-17
    Time spent grocery shopping grew by 6 percent between 2004-07 and 2014-17
  • USDA funded $287.7 million to 213 research projects to develop or enhance the use of automation or mechanization in specialty crops, 2008-18
    USDA funded $287.7 million to 213 research projects to develop or enhance the use of automation or mechanization in specialty crops, 2008-18