Chart Gallery

  • Tightening supplies drive prices higher for major U.S. commodities
    Tightening supplies drive prices higher for major U.S. commodities
  • India's 2021 rice exports projected to be highest on record; Thailand's exports to increase only slightly
    India's 2021 rice exports projected to be highest on record; Thailand's exports to increase only slightly
  • Irrigation delivery organizations acquired most water from Federal water projects and natural water bodies
    Irrigation delivery organizations acquired most water from Federal water projects and natural water bodies
  • U.S. farm sector profits forecast to fall in 2021
    U.S. farm sector profits forecast to fall in 2021
  • Travel distance to WIC stores would increase for WIC participants in Greater Los Angeles if A50 stores did not exist
    Travel distance to WIC stores would increase for WIC participants in Greater Los Angeles if A50 stores did not exist
  • U.S. consumers obtained almost half their chicken at away-from-home eating places, 2013–16 survey showed
    U.S. consumers obtained almost half their chicken at away-from-home eating places, 2013–16 survey showed
  • Acres covered under crop insurance by program type
    Acres covered under crop insurance by program type
  • Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) outlays
    Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) outlays
  • Most agricultural tariff-rate quotas in the World Trade Organization do not classify as fully functional
    Most agricultural tariff-rate quotas in the World Trade Organization do not classify as fully functional
  • Total crop insurance premiums and subsidies
    Total crop insurance premiums and subsidies
  • The Philippines was the top Southeast Asian destination for U.S. exports of dairy products in 2018, followed by Indonesia and Vietnam
    The Philippines was the top Southeast Asian destination for U.S. exports of dairy products in 2018, followed by Indonesia and Vietnam
  • In 2018, Southeast Asian dairy imports from the United States ranked third, behind New Zealand and the European Union
    In 2018, Southeast Asian dairy imports from the United States ranked third, behind New Zealand and the European Union
  • In 2018, Malasia was the largest Southeast Asian dairy importer, followed by Indonesia and the Philippines
    In 2018, Malasia was the largest Southeast Asian dairy importer, followed by Indonesia and the Philippines
  • Shifts in where food is obtained likely to affect specific commodities
    Shifts in where food is obtained likely to affect specific commodities
  • Southeast Asia countries include the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar.
    Southeast Asia countries include the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar.
  • Rural (nonmetro) death rates from COVID-19 surpassed urban (metro) rates in early September
    Rural (nonmetro) death rates from COVID-19 surpassed urban (metro) rates in early September
  • People age 25-54 who worked from home spent more time in food preparation activities and eating at home than those who worked away from home
    People age 25-54 who worked from home spent more time in food preparation activities and eating at home than those who worked away from home
  • COVID-19 case rates in rural (nonmetro) areas surged during summer 2020, eventually surpassing urban (metro) rates
    COVID-19 case rates in rural (nonmetro) areas surged during summer 2020, eventually surpassing urban (metro) rates
  • Legumes, dark greens, and red and orange vegetable expanded their shares of total U.S. vegetable availability over the last 20 years
    Legumes, dark greens, and red and orange vegetable expanded their shares of total U.S. vegetable availability over the last 20 years
  • ICU facilities harder to reach for rural (nonmetro) residents in Great Plains, Mountain West
    ICU facilities harder to reach for rural (nonmetro) residents in Great Plains, Mountain West
  • Beginning farm households rely more on off-farm income than do established farm households
    Beginning farm households rely more on off-farm income than do established farm households
  • Cauliflower’s popularity re-emerges
    Cauliflower’s popularity re-emerges
  • SNAP participation fell between 2013 and 2019 across United States
    SNAP participation fell between 2013 and 2019 across United States
  • COVID-19’s shock to income is projected to add 160 million to the number of food-insecure people in 2020 in the 76 countries studied
    COVID-19’s shock to income is projected to add 160 million to the number of food-insecure people in 2020 in the 76 countries studied
  • Prevalence of food insecurity projected to decline despite GDP shocks from COVID-19
    Prevalence of food insecurity projected to decline despite GDP shocks from COVID-19
  • Number of food-insecure people projected to decline in most regions by 2030
    Number of food-insecure people projected to decline in most regions by 2030
  • Principal farm operators often worked both on and off the farm in 2019
    Principal farm operators often worked both on and off the farm in 2019
  • Cumulative sugar extraction rate
    Cumulative sugar extraction rate
  • Per capita disappearance of red meat and poultry decreases in 2021
    Per capita disappearance of red meat and poultry decreases in 2021
  • U.S. milk production
    U.S. milk production
  • U.S. irrigation organizations performed a variety of water management functions
    U.S. irrigation organizations performed a variety of water management functions
  • Global cotton production and mill use
    Global cotton production and mill use
  • First quarter U.S. soybean stocks shrink with brisk domestic and export demand
    First quarter U.S. soybean stocks shrink with brisk domestic and export demand
  • U.S. all wheat price tends to rise as ending stocks tighten
    U.S. all wheat price tends to rise as ending stocks tighten
  • U.S. corn supply and use, monthly change to ending stocks, December to January 2020/21
    U.S. corn supply and use, monthly change to ending stocks, December to January 2020/21
  • Food-at-home price inflation varies across U.S. metro areas
    Food-at-home price inflation varies across U.S. metro areas