Chart Gallery

  • Restaurant food taxes existed throughout the United States in 2019
    Restaurant food taxes existed throughout the United States in 2019
  • U.S. Consumers in 18 States faced grocery taxes in 2019
    U.S. Consumers in 18 States faced grocery taxes in 2019
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) spending created proportionally more impact on the rural economy than the urban economy during the Great Recession recovery period, 2009-14
    Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) spending created proportionally more impact on the rural economy than the urban economy during the Great Recession recovery period, 2009-14
  • Imports of bell peppers from Mexico grow as marketing window for U.S.-grown produce shrinks
    Imports of bell peppers from Mexico grow as marketing window for U.S.-grown produce shrinks
  • Rural counties losing all types of grocery stores except national chains
    Rural counties losing all types of grocery stores except national chains
  • U.S. farm sector profits forecast to increase in 2021
    U.S. farm sector profits forecast to increase in 2021
  • Among the top seven agricultural States, only California has seen a substantial decline in Chapter 12 bankruptcy rates since 2012
    Among the top seven agricultural States, only California has seen a substantial decline in Chapter 12 bankruptcy rates since 2012
  • Lower commodity prices after 2012 contributed to higher bankruptcy rates in some States
    Lower commodity prices after 2012 contributed to higher bankruptcy rates in some States
  • For 13 of the 15 main agricultural States, Chapter 12 bankruptcy rates in 2019 were higher than their 10-year averages
    For 13 of the 15 main agricultural States, Chapter 12 bankruptcy rates in 2019 were higher than their 10-year averages
  • Unseasonably low October wholesale egg prices reported in advance of 2021 holiday season
    Unseasonably low October wholesale egg prices reported in advance of 2021 holiday season
  • Large irrigation organizations are most likely to own water storage infrastructure
    Large irrigation organizations are most likely to own water storage infrastructure
  • Agriculture and related industries provide 10.3 percent of U.S. employment
    Agriculture and related industries provide 10.3 percent of U.S. employment
  • Cranberry production in top-producing States to increase modestly in 2021
    Cranberry production in top-producing States to increase modestly in 2021
  • Rice exports by country, 2006-21
    Rice exports by country, 2006-21
  • Share of global rice exports, 2019-21
    Share of global rice exports, 2019-21
  • U.S. rice exports by market, 2016/17-2020/21, annual average shipments, 1,000 tonnes
    U.S. rice exports by market, 2016/17-2020/21, annual average shipments, 1,000 tonnes
  • U.S. rice exports by type , 1977/78-2020/21
    U.S. rice exports by type , 1977/78-2020/21
  • U.S. rice imports by source, 1980/81-2020/21
    U.S. rice imports by source, 1980/81-2020/21
  • Apple pie takes a larger slice of Thanksgiving food budgets in 2021
    Apple pie takes a larger slice of Thanksgiving food budgets in 2021
  • Food insecurity in late 2020 most prevalent among those unable to look for work because of pandemic
    Food insecurity in late 2020 most prevalent among those unable to look for work because of pandemic
  • Farm prices
    Farm prices
  • COVID-19 vaccination rates vary by metropolitan and persistent poverty status
    COVID-19 vaccination rates vary by metropolitan and persistent poverty status
  • Over the next decade, crop prices are projected to decline while livestock prices generally rise
    Over the next decade, crop prices are projected to decline while livestock prices generally rise
  • Projected animal product exports as a share of production, 2021—2022
    Projected animal product exports as a share of production, 2021—2022
  • US imports of sugar
    US imports of sugar
  • Nearly half of U.S. States lost population in rural areas in 2010-20, according to U.S. census data
    Nearly half of U.S. States lost population in rural areas in 2010-20, according to U.S. census data
  • Year over year changes in milk production of major global dairy exporting countries
    Year over year changes in milk production of major global dairy exporting countries
  • Horticultural imports drove U.S. agricultural imports to new high in fiscal year 2021
    Horticultural imports drove U.S. agricultural imports to new high in fiscal year 2021
  • Corn yields, by State, 1988 to 2021 forecast
    Corn yields, by State, 1988 to 2021 forecast
  • Historical US soybean
    Historical US soybean
  • U.S. rice production in 2021 is projected to decrease almost 15 percent
    U.S. rice production in 2021 is projected to decrease almost 15 percent
  • United States monthly all-wheat price received, 2000–21
    United States monthly all-wheat price received, 2000–21
  • Family farm households received an estimated $2,167 on average from Economic Impact Payments in 2020
    Family farm households received an estimated $2,167 on average from Economic Impact Payments in 2020
  • Global cotton production
    Global cotton production
  • Free Meal Sites Expanded Rapidly To Provide Meals to Children During the Early Months of the Pandemic
    Free Meal Sites Expanded Rapidly To Provide Meals to Children During the Early Months of the Pandemic
  • Import volume and import share of availability have climbed substantially since 1970
    Import volume and import share of availability have climbed substantially since 1970