Chart Gallery

  • Livestock producers were more likely to use production contracts, and crop producers were more likely to use marketing contracts, 2020
    Livestock producers were more likely to use production contracts, and crop producers were more likely to use marketing contracts, 2020
  • The percentage of U.S. farms with contracts has declined in 2020 compared with 1996
    The percentage of U.S. farms with contracts has declined in 2020 compared with 1996
  • The value of U.S. farm production under contract changed for many commodities from 1996–97 to 2020
    The value of U.S. farm production under contract changed for many commodities from 1996–97 to 2020
  • Federal spending on food assistance reached record high of $182.5 billion in 2021
    Federal spending on food assistance reached record high of $182.5 billion in 2021
  • Honey imports continue to rise, offsetting declining U.S. production
    Honey imports continue to rise, offsetting declining U.S. production
  • Per capita consumption of milk as a beverage fell among all age groups in the 2010s
    Per capita consumption of milk as a beverage fell among all age groups in the 2010s
  • Per capita consumption of milk in non-dairy beverages like tea and coffee did not significantly change over the 2000s and 2010s
    Per capita consumption of milk in non-dairy beverages like tea and coffee did not significantly change over the 2000s and 2010s
  • U.S. per capita consumption of fluid cow’s milk has fallen further each decade since 1970s
    U.S. per capita consumption of fluid cow’s milk has fallen further each decade since 1970s
  • Per capita consumption of milk with cereal has fallen since the 2000s
    Per capita consumption of milk with cereal has fallen since the 2000s
  • Number of U.S. farms continues slow decline as farm size slowly rises; overall land used remains constant
    Number of U.S. farms continues slow decline as farm size slowly rises; overall land used remains constant
  • U.S. imports of products included in infant formula category surged in March and April 2022
    U.S. imports of products included in infant formula category surged in March and April 2022
  • Percent changes in 2023 production and price forecasts compared with 2022
    Percent changes in 2023 production and price forecasts compared with 2022
  • U.S. beet and cane sugar production, crop year 2013/14 to 2021/22
    U.S. beet and cane sugar production, crop year 2013/14 to 2021/22
  • United States exports of lactose from January 2011 to April 2022
    United States exports of lactose from January 2011 to April 2022
  • Federal Government is primary funder of U.S. agricultural research and development
    Federal Government is primary funder of U.S. agricultural research and development
  • Global cotton ending stocks
    Global cotton ending stocks
  • U.S. and Brazilian soybean exports
    U.S. and Brazilian soybean exports
  • U.S. by-class wheat production, 2021 and 2022
    U.S. by-class wheat production, 2021 and 2022
  • U.S. corn utilization
    U.S. corn utilization
  • U.S. rice imports in 2022/23 projected record high
    U.S. rice imports in 2022/23 projected record high
  • U.S. consumers spent more money on food away from home than food at home in 2021, returning to pre-pandemic trend
    U.S. consumers spent more money on food away from home than food at home in 2021, returning to pre-pandemic trend
  • U.S. retail cotton use rebounded in 2021
    U.S. retail cotton use rebounded in 2021
  • Public agricultural R&D spending in the United States has declined in recent years
    Public agricultural R&D spending in the United States has declined in recent years
  • School foods were the richest source of dairy in children’s diets in 2017–2018
    School foods were the richest source of dairy in children’s diets in 2017–2018
  • Embargoes from highly pathogenic avian influenza reduced demand for U.S. poultry meat
    Embargoes from highly pathogenic avian influenza reduced demand for U.S. poultry meat
  • Land grant universities and other cooperating institutions perform most public agricultural research and development (R&D) in the United States
    Land grant universities and other cooperating institutions perform most public agricultural research and development (R&D) in the United States
  • The United States has been losing ground to other countries in public agricultural research and development (R&D) investment
    The United States has been losing ground to other countries in public agricultural research and development (R&D) investment
  • Funders and performers of U.S. public agricultural research in 2019
    Funders and performers of U.S. public agricultural research in 2019
  • Public spending on agricultural research and development (R&D) fell over the 2000s in the United States
    Public spending on agricultural research and development (R&D) fell over the 2000s in the United States
  • From 2002 to 2019, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) spending increased for technical assistance to support Farm Bill program implementation
    From 2002 to 2019, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) spending increased for technical assistance to support Farm Bill program implementation
  • Sunflower oil production makes up 9 percent of all vegetable oil produced globally
    Sunflower oil production makes up 9 percent of all vegetable oil produced globally
  • USDA’s NRCS is the most common source of technical assistance for crop fields with self-reported soil and water related resource concerns
    USDA’s NRCS is the most common source of technical assistance for crop fields with self-reported soil and water related resource concerns
  • Cheese accounts for largest share of per capita U.S. dairy product consumption
    Cheese accounts for largest share of per capita U.S. dairy product consumption
  • FCIP Protection Distribution
    FCIP Protection Distribution
  • More farmers are adding fall cover crops to their corn-for-grain, cotton, and soybean fields
    More farmers are adding fall cover crops to their corn-for-grain, cotton, and soybean fields
  • Farmers report resource concerns on almost half of their fields; and seek technical assistance on about a fourth of fields with a concern
    Farmers report resource concerns on almost half of their fields; and seek technical assistance on about a fourth of fields with a concern