Steven Ramsey
- Research Agricultural Economist
- Google Scholar Profile
Steven Ramsey is a research agricultural economist with the Crops Branch in the Market and Trade Economics Division.
Steven research projects are related to topics such as land-use modeling and neural network applications to agricultural and resource economics. Most recently, he has conducted research on the adoption and economics of conservation agriculture.
Steven received a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics in 2017 from Kansas State University. He received an M.S. (2009) and B.S. (2007) in Economics from the University of Kansas.
Selected Publications
Ramsey, S.M., Bergtold, J.S., Canales, E., and J. Williams. 2019. “Effects of Farmers’ Yield Risk Perceptions on Conservation Practice Adoption in Kansas.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 44(9): 380-403.
Bergtold, J.S., Ramsey, S.M., Maddy, L., and J. Williams. 2017. “A Review of Economic Considerations for Cover Crops as a Conservation Practice.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems: 1-15.