R. Aaron Hrozencik

Research Agricultural Economist


R. Aaron Hrozencik is a research agricultural economist in the Conservation and Environment Branch of the Resource and Rural Economics Division. Aaron's research interests lie at the intersection of production and natural resource economics, specifically how firms and individuals utilize scarce resources or environmental goods as inputs to production. His past research employs empirical and simulation modeling to understand how the agricultural sector utilizes groundwater. Future research will continue to explore the nuanced relationship between agricultural production and water resources.


Aaron received a Ph.D. in agricultural and resource economics at Colorado State University and a B.A. in economics and philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Selected Publications

Hrozencik, R. A., Suter, J. F., Ferraro, P. J., & Hendricks, N. (2022). Social comparisons and groundwater use: Evidence from Colorado and Kansas. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajae.12415

Hrozencik, R. A., Manning, D. T., Suter, J. F., & Goemans, C. (2022). Impacts of Block‐Rate Energy Pricing on Groundwater Demand in Irrigated Agriculture. American Journal of Agricultural Economics104(1), 404-427. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajae.12231

Lauer, S., Sanderson, M. R., Manning, D. T., Suter, J. F., Hrozencik, R. A., Guerrero, B., & Golden, B. (2018). Values and groundwater management in the Ogallala Aquifer region. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation73(5), 593-600.

Hrozencik, R. A., Manning, D. T., Suter, J. F., Goemans, C., & Bailey, R. T. (2017). The heterogeneous impacts of groundwater management policies in the Republican River Basin of Colorado. Water Resources Research53(12), 10757-10778.