Maria Bukowski

Agricultural Economist


Maria Bukowski serves as an Agricultural Economist with the Crops Branch in the Market and Trade Economics Divisions. Her primary responsibilities include market research and analysis, and coordinating monthly outlook reports for oil crops and oilseed products. In addition, she is a member of the Interagency Commodity Estimates Committee that develops projections for the monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates.

Before joining the Economic Research Service, Maria was in the private agricultural industry for more than 25 years wherein she focused on oilseeds markets research and analysis. She started her agricultural career with Cargill and continued at Louis Dreyfus Corporation. Maria completed her undergraduate and graduate programs at Krakow University of Economics and earned her MBA at the University of Connecticut. She grew up on a grain and livestock farm in Poland. In her free time, she likes to hike and ski.


Maria earned B.S and M.S. degrees in International Economic Relations at Krakow University of Economics, Poland. She also holds an MBA degree from University of Connecticut.

Professional Affiliations

American Agricultural Economics Association