Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook: March 2012
- by Stephen Haley
- 3/14/2012
Based on revised analysis of data from the Comite Nacional Para El Desarrollo Sustentable de la Cana de Azucar (CNDSCA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) made corrections to its Mexico 2010/11 sugar supply and sweetener use from last month. Sugar for human consumption is estimated at 3.950 million metric tons (mt) and ending stocks are estimated at 759,906 mt. Also, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) consumption is estimated at 1.635 million mt, dry weight.
Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook: March 2012
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Table 1: Mexico: sugar production and supply, and sugar and HFCS utilization
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Table 2: Comparison of Mexico sugar and sugarcane forecasts by CNDSCA, USDA, and ERS Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook 1/
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Table 3: USDA estimate of sugar imports in FY 2011
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Table 4: USDA estimate of sugar imports in FY 2012
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Table 5: Projection model of U.S. sugar deliveries for human consumption in FY 2012
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Table 6: U.S. sugar: supply and use, by fiscal year /1
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Table 7: U.S. sugar: supply and use (including Puerto Rico), fiscal years, metric tons 1/
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