Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook: March 2012
- by Agnes Perez and Kristy Plattner
- 3/30/2012
USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released its March citrus production forecast for marketing year 2011/12 on March 9. Total U.S. citrus production is forecast at 11.6 million tons, down less than 1 percent from 2010/11 and less than 1 percent below the initial October citrus forecast. Production gains for oranges are offset by declines in grapefruit, lemon, and tangerine and mandarin production. NASS forecasts California's 2011/12 all orange crop down 6 percent from last season to 2.3 million tons. This production decline is due to an 8-percent smaller navel crop of 1.8 million tons. California Valencia production is estimated upward to 560,000 tons. The smaller crop has not boosted prices substantially so far this season, but they have remained strong and should increase as supplies dwindle toward the end of the season.
Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook: March 2012
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