Economic Research Report No. (ERR-2) 86 pp
Greenhouse Tomatoes Change the Dynamics of the North American Fresh Tomato Industry
The North American greenhouse tomato industry has grown rapidly since the early 1990s and now plays a major role in the fresh tomato industry. However, relatively little is known about this new industry, in part because of the lack of reliable production, trade, and price data. Both analysts and industry members will benefit from a more comprehensive understanding of the rising greenhouse industry and its effect on the entire fresh field tomato sector.
Keywords: Greenhouse tomatoes, field tomatoes, mature green tomatoes, United States, Canada, Mexico, market integration, product differentiation, seasonality in production
In this publication...
- Entire Report
- Abstract, Acknowledgments, and Contents
- Summary
- Introduction
- Canadian Greenhouse Tomato Industry
- Mexican Greenhouse Tomato Industry
- U.S. Greenhouse Tomato Industry
- Market Analysis: Price and Consumption Trends
- Impact of Greenhouse Tomatoes on the Fresh Field Tomato Industry
- Growing Pains: Conflict and Cooperation
- Conclusions
- References
- Appendices
- Cover file