Number of Summer Food Service Program sites and participants stable since 2010
- by Economic Research Service
- 7/31/2013

USDA’s Summer Food Service Program provides nutritious meals and snacks to children in low-income areas during the summer months (and during other long vacation periods for schools on year-round schedules). USDA reimburses schools, local governmental agencies, camps, private nonprofit organizations, and other sponsors for meals and snacks served to children at eligible sites. The program served 144 million meals and snacks at a cost to USDA of $398 million in fiscal year 2012, primarily during summer vacation. After rising in 2008 and 2009, the number of sites offering summer meals to children has been fairly steady at around 39,000 sites since 2010, and participation has remained at around 2.3 million children. This chart is from the Child Nutrition Programs: Summer Food Service Program topic page on the ERS website, updated July 26, 2013.