Chart Gallery

  • Predicted prevalence of five common chronic diseases increased as food security worsened
    Predicted prevalence of five common chronic diseases increased as food security worsened
  • By 2026, SSA's share of global rice imports will reach 32 percent
    By 2026, SSA's share of global rice imports will reach 32 percent
  • United States lost SSA rice imports share
    United States lost SSA rice imports share
  • Rural veterans earned more than rural nonveterans in most industries in 2015
    Rural veterans earned more than rural nonveterans in most industries in 2015
  • Just under 40 percent of low-income U.S. households were food insecure in 2016
    Just under 40 percent of low-income U.S. households were food insecure in 2016
  • Per capita sweetener deliveries steadily declining due to reduced high fructose corn syrup demand
    Per capita sweetener deliveries steadily declining due to reduced high fructose corn syrup demand
  • A perk with today’s home-brewed coffee—it costs less than 30 years ago
    A perk with today’s home-brewed coffee—it costs less than 30 years ago
  • Pork imports slow in China as domestic pork production rebounds
    Pork imports slow in China as domestic pork production rebounds
  • Index insurance programs have grown as a risk management tool in Sub-Saharan Africa
    Index insurance programs have grown as a risk management tool in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Some rural establishments are as likely to be innovative as their urban peers
    Some rural establishments are as likely to be innovative as their urban peers
  • Technological innovations have increased corn yields
    Technological innovations have increased corn yields
  • Food spending of SNAP households is concentrated in the few days after receiving SNAP benefits
    Food spending of SNAP households is concentrated in the few days after receiving SNAP benefits
  • Conservation Compliance links crop insurance premium subsidies to soil conservation
    Conservation Compliance links crop insurance premium subsidies to soil conservation
  • Obesity of parents is associated with obesity of children
    Obesity of parents is associated with obesity of children
  • Public sector spending on agricultural research declining in the United States and Western Europe, but rising in China, India, and Brazil
    Public sector spending on agricultural research declining in the United States and Western Europe, but rising in China, India, and Brazil
  • U.S. agricultural exports forecast up in 2017 and slightly down in 2018
    U.S. agricultural exports forecast up in 2017 and slightly down in 2018
  • Restaurant prices are usually less volatile than grocery store food prices
    Restaurant prices are usually less volatile than grocery store food prices
  • Americans’ consumption of vegetables and legumes has moved closer to recommendations
    Americans’ consumption of vegetables and legumes has moved closer to recommendations
  • In recent years, population has declined in rural areas
    In recent years, population has declined in rural areas
  • U.S. meat imports: beef, pork, and poultry, 1976-2016
    U.S. meat imports: beef, pork, and poultry, 1976-2016
  • U.S. meat exports: beef, pork, and poultry, 1976-2016
    U.S. meat exports: beef, pork, and poultry, 1976-2016
  • Total world meat exports, 1976-2016
    Total world meat exports, 1976-2016
  • Prevalence of food insecurity in 2016 essentially unchanged from 2015
    Prevalence of food insecurity in 2016 essentially unchanged from 2015
  • U.S. meat exports as a share of world trade: beef, pork, and poultry, 1976-2016
    U.S. meat exports as a share of world trade: beef, pork, and poultry, 1976-2016
  • U.S. meat export values have more than doubled over the past decade
    U.S. meat export values have more than doubled over the past decade
  • U.S. meat exports as a share of domestic production: beef, pork, and poultry, 1976-2016
    U.S. meat exports as a share of domestic production: beef, pork, and poultry, 1976-2016
  • France, Germany, and the United Kingdom lead the EU in wheat production, but new member states are leading in growth
    France, Germany, and the United Kingdom lead the EU in wheat production, but new member states are leading in growth
  • Inflation in grocery store food prices varies across U.S. metropolitan areas
    Inflation in grocery store food prices varies across U.S. metropolitan areas
  • Low and very low food security were more prevalent among U.S. non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic households, but half of food-insecure households in the United States are non-Hispanic Whites
    Low and very low food security were more prevalent among U.S. non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic households, but half of food-insecure households in the United States are non-Hispanic Whites
  • Food insecurity was higher in nonmetropolitan areas, yet they account for only one-fifth of the U.S. food-insecure population
    Food insecurity was higher in nonmetropolitan areas, yet they account for only one-fifth of the U.S. food-insecure population
  • Prevalence, severity, and distribution of food insecurity among U.S. households in 2016 differed based on household composition
    Prevalence, severity, and distribution of food insecurity among U.S. households in 2016 differed based on household composition
  • Food insecurity has declined since peaking in 2011, but remains above pre-recession level
    Food insecurity has declined since peaking in 2011, but remains above pre-recession level
  • Processed potato availability has fallen over time
    Processed potato availability has fallen over time
  • 2017 net farm income and net cash farm income forecast up over 2016
    2017 net farm income and net cash farm income forecast up over 2016
  • Forest and grassland pasture and range accounted for 57 percent of U.S. land use in 2012
    Forest and grassland pasture and range accounted for 57 percent of U.S. land use in 2012
  • In 2015, working-age rural veterans were more likely to work or have last worked in manufacturing, while elder ones were more likely to work or have last worked in agriculture
    In 2015, working-age rural veterans were more likely to work or have last worked in manufacturing, while elder ones were more likely to work or have last worked in agriculture