Chart Gallery

  • Rented U.S. farmland was concentrated in the Corn Belt, Northern Plains, and Delta States
    Rented U.S. farmland was concentrated in the Corn Belt, Northern Plains, and Delta States
  • Pumpkin production in Illinois rebounds, while New York drops further in 2016
    Pumpkin production in Illinois rebounds, while New York drops further in 2016
  • U.S. per capita fresh pear use continues to decline
    U.S. per capita fresh pear use continues to decline
  • Survey data point to Americans eating out less often in 2013-14 compared with 2007-08
    Survey data point to Americans eating out less often in 2013-14 compared with 2007-08
  • Child poverty rates by metro/nonmetro residence, 1989-2016
    Child poverty rates by metro/nonmetro residence, 1989-2016
  • Deep poverty rates by metro/nonmetro residence, 1989-2016
    Deep poverty rates by metro/nonmetro residence, 1989-2016
  • Related child poverty by family type and metro/nonmetro residence, 2016
    Related child poverty by family type and metro/nonmetro residence, 2016
  • Child poverty by race/ethnicity and metro/nonmetro residence, 2016
    Child poverty by race/ethnicity and metro/nonmetro residence, 2016
  • Children by age, poverty status, and metro/nonmetro residence, 2016
    Children by age, poverty status, and metro/nonmetro residence, 2016
  • U.S. cattle dressed weights are down slightly in 2017, but remain above long term averages
    U.S. cattle dressed weights are down slightly in 2017, but remain above long term averages
  • Younger adults generally have higher educational attainment than older ones
    Younger adults generally have higher educational attainment than older ones
  • Oranges and apples are America’s top fruit and fruit juice choices
    Oranges and apples are America’s top fruit and fruit juice choices
  • Driven by growing per capita consumption in West Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa is projected to be a major rice consumer
    Driven by growing per capita consumption in West Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa is projected to be a major rice consumer
  • Distance to grocery stores and vehicle access influence where low-income households shop for food
    Distance to grocery stores and vehicle access influence where low-income households shop for food
  • The Paris futures market has gained influence in wheat price discovery, but Chicago remains the leader
    The Paris futures market has gained influence in wheat price discovery, but Chicago remains the leader
  • Drought is typically the largest single driver of crop disaster assistance and indemnity payments
    Drought is typically the largest single driver of crop disaster assistance and indemnity payments
  • Low-income countries had the highest rate of agricultural growth, but middle-income countries had the highest rate of productivity growth
    Low-income countries had the highest rate of agricultural growth, but middle-income countries had the highest rate of productivity growth
  • Sources of growth in global agricultural output by country income groups, 2001-14
    Sources of growth in global agricultural output by country income groups, 2001-14
  • The fall apple harvest is expected to dip slightly this year, but still plenty to go around
    The fall apple harvest is expected to dip slightly this year, but still plenty to go around
  • SNAP benefits play a strong role in the food budgets of participant households with children and those in deep poverty
    SNAP benefits play a strong role in the food budgets of participant households with children and those in deep poverty
  • Texas accounted for 6 percent ($21 billion) of U.S. farm sector cash receipts in 2016
    Texas accounted for 6 percent ($21 billion) of U.S. farm sector cash receipts in 2016
  • In 2016, 73 percent of USDA school lunches were free or reduced price
    In 2016, 73 percent of USDA school lunches were free or reduced price
  • Over half of manufacturing plants survived (still had paid employees) between 1996 and 2011
    Over half of manufacturing plants survived (still had paid employees) between 1996 and 2011
  • Brazil is a key trade partner for U.S. ethanol markets
    Brazil is a key trade partner for U.S. ethanol markets
  • Likelihood of low-income adults having a chronic disease increases as food security worsens
    Likelihood of low-income adults having a chronic disease increases as food security worsens
  • Declines in pollinator forage suitability concentrated in the Midwest
    Declines in pollinator forage suitability concentrated in the Midwest
  • Consumers are increasing their purchases of whole milk in lieu of lower fat milks
    Consumers are increasing their purchases of whole milk in lieu of lower fat milks
  • Rail disruptions following Hurricane Harvey nearly halt grain deliveries to Texas Gulf ports
    Rail disruptions following Hurricane Harvey nearly halt grain deliveries to Texas Gulf ports
  • The manufacturing sector’s share of employment and earnings in rural (nonmetro) counties exceeds its share in urban (metro) counties
    The manufacturing sector’s share of employment and earnings in rural (nonmetro) counties exceeds its share in urban (metro) counties
  • Per capita rice consumption in the ECOWAS excluding Nigeria region has surpassed global average rice consumption
    Per capita rice consumption in the ECOWAS excluding Nigeria region has surpassed global average rice consumption
  • Manufacturing employment declines were highest in the Eastern United States between 2001 and 2015
    Manufacturing employment declines were highest in the Eastern United States between 2001 and 2015
  • Sub-Saharan Africa food consumption has shifted toward rice and wheat in recent years
    Sub-Saharan Africa food consumption has shifted toward rice and wheat in recent years
  • Rural plant survival rates are consistently higher than urban survival rates
    Rural plant survival rates are consistently higher than urban survival rates
  • Expansion of Sub-Saharan Africa rice production began after 2004
    Expansion of Sub-Saharan Africa rice production began after 2004
  • Rural (nonmetro) manufacturing establishments are as likely to be substantive innovators as their urban peers
    Rural (nonmetro) manufacturing establishments are as likely to be substantive innovators as their urban peers
  • The Paris futures market has gained influence in wheat price discovery, but Chicago remains the leader
    The Paris futures market has gained influence in wheat price discovery, but Chicago remains the leader