Chart Gallery

  • U.S. apricot production trends lower
    U.S. apricot production trends lower
  • Predicted prevalence of five chronic diseases increased as household food security worsened
    Predicted prevalence of five chronic diseases increased as household food security worsened
  • Recent rice and fertilizer price surges affected U.S. rice farming profitability
    Recent rice and fertilizer price surges affected U.S. rice farming profitability
  • Country shares of global pork exports, by volume, 2022
    Country shares of global pork exports, by volume, 2022
  • Country shares of U.S. hog exports, 2000−2022
    Country shares of U.S. hog exports, 2000−2022
  • U.S. hog imports from Canada, 1990−2022
    U.S. hog imports from Canada, 1990−2022
  • U.S. pork export and world export shares, 1990–2022
    U.S. pork export and world export shares, 1990–2022
  • U.S. commercial pork production versus breeding beginning stocks, 1980–2022
    U.S. commercial pork production versus breeding beginning stocks, 1980–2022
  • Country shares of U.S. pork exports, 2022
    Country shares of U.S. pork exports, 2022
  • SNAP participation varied across States in fiscal year 2022
    SNAP participation varied across States in fiscal year 2022
  • Genetically engineered crops continue to dominate soybean, cotton, and corn acres planted by U.S. farmers
    Genetically engineered crops continue to dominate soybean, cotton, and corn acres planted by U.S. farmers
  • Farm production receives fifth largest share of U.S. food dollar among industries along supply chain
    Farm production receives fifth largest share of U.S. food dollar among industries along supply chain
  • Value is added by four primary production factors across supply chain
    Value is added by four primary production factors across supply chain
  • Farm share includes expenses paid to nonfarm establishments
    Farm share includes expenses paid to nonfarm establishments
  • Farm share shows proportion of U.S. spending that pays for U.S. farm commodities
    Farm share shows proportion of U.S. spending that pays for U.S. farm commodities
  • The population of ReConnect areas had less formal education, and was poorer and older on average than the population of ineligible areas, fiscal years 2019–21
    The population of ReConnect areas had less formal education, and was poorer and older on average than the population of ineligible areas, fiscal years 2019–21
  • Larger share of American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) population was in eligible ReConnect areas; smaller share of eligible AIAN lived in areas with program applications, fiscal years 2019–21
    Larger share of American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) population was in eligible ReConnect areas; smaller share of eligible AIAN lived in areas with program applications, fiscal years 2019–21
  • About 0.6 percent of the U.S. population lived in areas eligible for ReConnect in 2020, and 21 percent of those eligible lived in areas approved for the program
    About 0.6 percent of the U.S. population lived in areas eligible for ReConnect in 2020, and 21 percent of those eligible lived in areas approved for the program
  • Fruit and vegetable imports from Mexico continue upward trend as Mexico’s growers adopt U.S. food safety rules
    Fruit and vegetable imports from Mexico continue upward trend as Mexico’s growers adopt U.S. food safety rules
  • California contracted processing tomato harvested acres and yield, 2014–23
    California contracted processing tomato harvested acres and yield, 2014–23
  • Mexican sugar exports by destination, by fiscal year, 2013/14–2023/24
    Mexican sugar exports by destination, by fiscal year, 2013/14–2023/24
  • Import share of disappearance: Red meats and dairy, 2015–2024
    Import share of disappearance: Red meats and dairy, 2015–2024
  • Milk cows and milk-feed ratio
    Milk cows and milk-feed ratio
  • Number of counties in persistent poverty falls from a decade ago
    Number of counties in persistent poverty falls from a decade ago
  • Food insecurity in U.S. households with older adults increased in 2022
    Food insecurity in U.S. households with older adults increased in 2022
  • United States by-class wheat exports
    United States by-class wheat exports
  • Monthly U.S. corn exports to Mexico and other trade partners
    Monthly U.S. corn exports to Mexico and other trade partners
  • U.S. long-grain rice export forecast raised 2.0 million hundredweight to 61.0 million
    U.S. long-grain rice export forecast raised 2.0 million hundredweight to 61.0 million
  • Brazilian soybean production and yield
    Brazilian soybean production and yield
  • Leading global cotton consumers
    Leading global cotton consumers
  • Population and income drive world food production projections
    Population and income drive world food production projections
  • Unpriced inventories of major crops ranged in volume according to farm size after the 2019 harvest
    Unpriced inventories of major crops ranged in volume according to farm size after the 2019 harvest
  • More than half of all food-insecure households work full time
    More than half of all food-insecure households work full time
  • Growth rate in global agricultural output slowed over past decade as rate of total factor productivity (TFP) slowed
    Growth rate in global agricultural output slowed over past decade as rate of total factor productivity (TFP) slowed
  • Food services continue to claim largest share of U.S. food dollars
    Food services continue to claim largest share of U.S. food dollars
  • Exports of forest products such as lumber drove U.S. market share in United Kingdom (U.K.) in 2021
    Exports of forest products such as lumber drove U.S. market share in United Kingdom (U.K.) in 2021