Chart Gallery

  • U.S. Cotton Production
    U.S. Cotton Production
  • U.S. net farm income in 2017: August 2018 estimate vs. February 2018 forecast
    U.S. net farm income in 2017: August 2018 estimate vs. February 2018 forecast
  • World Cotton Production
    World Cotton Production
  • Eligible schools can offer free meals to all students through the Community Eligibility Provision
    Eligible schools can offer free meals to all students through the Community Eligibility Provision
  • Compared to the previous law, the TCJA would have lowered the share of farm estates required to file a tax return and the share that owed estate taxes in 2016
    Compared to the previous law, the TCJA would have lowered the share of farm estates required to file a tax return and the share that owed estate taxes in 2016
  • Labor market conditions show the largest effects on SNAP exits in Oregon when labor market areas are defined as commuting zones
    Labor market conditions show the largest effects on SNAP exits in Oregon when labor market areas are defined as commuting zones
  • Per capita income growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is expected to vary by region
    Per capita income growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is expected to vary by region
  • Percent of population receiving SNAP benefits varied by State in fiscal 2017
    Percent of population receiving SNAP benefits varied by State in fiscal 2017
  • Planting switchgrass would increase nitrogen fertilizer application, but reduce nitrogen runoff across the United States
    Planting switchgrass would increase nitrogen fertilizer application, but reduce nitrogen runoff across the United States
  • School districts with high-needs schools made greater use of CEP in 2015
    School districts with high-needs schools made greater use of CEP in 2015
  • Six commuting zones in Oregon extend into neighboring States
    Six commuting zones in Oregon extend into neighboring States
  • China’s soybean imports from around the world expected to dip after a long-running expansion
    China’s soybean imports from around the world expected to dip after a long-running expansion
  • The number and value of Value-Added Producer Grants have varied substantially
    The number and value of Value-Added Producer Grants have varied substantially
  • SNAP participants spend less on restaurant foods than eligible nonparticipants
    SNAP participants spend less on restaurant foods than eligible nonparticipants
  • The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act estimated to decrease effective tax rates across farm commodity specializations had the law been in effect in 2016
    The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act estimated to decrease effective tax rates across farm commodity specializations had the law been in effect in 2016
  • Cotton 2012 K1
    Cotton 2012 K1
  • Vegetable costs range from 17 cents to $2.47 per cup equivalent
    Vegetable costs range from 17 cents to $2.47 per cup equivalent
  • Produce growers who conducted third-party food safety audits spent 2 to 10 times more on food safety than those without audits
    Produce growers who conducted third-party food safety audits spent 2 to 10 times more on food safety than those without audits
  • Watching TV and working are the top activities that accompany secondary eating
    Watching TV and working are the top activities that accompany secondary eating
  • California and Texas are home to 86 percent of all USDA-certified organic rice growers in the United States
    California and Texas are home to 86 percent of all USDA-certified organic rice growers in the United States
  • Percentage Change in US Exports
    Percentage Change in US Exports
  • Young farmers who owned more of their land also borrowed more and bought more land
    Young farmers who owned more of their land also borrowed more and bought more land
  • Greater shares of larger produce growers used food safety practices in 2015-16
    Greater shares of larger produce growers used food safety practices in 2015-16
  • Small farms produce a different mix of commodities than larger farms
    Small farms produce a different mix of commodities than larger farms
  • U.S. Rice Exports by Type
    U.S. Rice Exports by Type
  • Payment formula differences led to varying Agricultural Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage selections for individual crops
    Payment formula differences led to varying Agricultural Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage selections for individual crops
  • Farm share of retail price of head lettuce rose in 2017
    Farm share of retail price of head lettuce rose in 2017
  • Average annual Global rice consumption (tons), 2012-17
    Average annual Global rice consumption (tons), 2012-17
  • Exports by country, 2003-17
    Exports by country, 2003-17
  • Rice class production by state
    Rice class production by state
  • Share of global rice exports, 2015-17
    Share of global rice exports, 2015-17
  • U.S. Rice Export Markets, 2012-17
    U.S. Rice Export Markets, 2012-17
  • U.S. rice planting to harvest
    U.S. rice planting to harvest
  • U.S. soybean prices reach a 9-year low
    U.S. soybean prices reach a 9-year low
  • Prices of reduced-fat milk in WIC transactions vary by store type
    Prices of reduced-fat milk in WIC transactions vary by store type
  • Since the late 1970s, agricultural productivity growth in high-income countries has raised output and reduced farm input use
    Since the late 1970s, agricultural productivity growth in high-income countries has raised output and reduced farm input use