Chart Gallery

  • 2018 Farm Act maintains conservation spending
    2018 Farm Act maintains conservation spending
  • Insured acres for selected commodities, 1989-2018
    Insured acres for selected commodities, 1989-2018
  • Inflation-adjusted spending for major conservation programs 1996-2017, with projections to 2023
    Inflation-adjusted spending for major conservation programs 1996-2017, with projections to 2023
  • Share of conservation spending by major programs and predecessors in the 2018 and previous farm acts
    Share of conservation spending by major programs and predecessors in the 2018 and previous farm acts
  • States with ABAWD waivers, 4th quarter of 2018
    States with ABAWD waivers, 4th quarter of 2018
  • The United States exports a significant share of cotton and almond output, among other products
    The United States exports a significant share of cotton and almond output, among other products
  • In choosing where to buy groceries, more men than women prioritize location
    In choosing where to buy groceries, more men than women prioritize location
  • Decreases in production costs lead to productivity gains for U.S. rice farms
    Decreases in production costs lead to productivity gains for U.S. rice farms
  • Drought-tolerant corn accounted for about 40 percent of corn acreage in drought-prone Nebraska and Kansas in 2016
    Drought-tolerant corn accounted for about 40 percent of corn acreage in drought-prone Nebraska and Kansas in 2016
  • 2018 Farm Act mandates spending of $428 billion over 5 years
    2018 Farm Act mandates spending of $428 billion over 5 years
  • Editor's Picks 2018: Charts of Note worth a second look
    Editor's Picks 2018: Charts of Note worth a second look
  • Projected outlays under the 2018 Farm Act, 2019-2023
    Projected outlays under the 2018 Farm Act, 2019-2023
  • The costs of reducing nitrogen discharges to the Gulf of Mexico vary by region
    The costs of reducing nitrogen discharges to the Gulf of Mexico vary by region
  • China holds nearly 70 percent of global rice stocks in storage
    China holds nearly 70 percent of global rice stocks in storage
  • Prices for most baking ingredients decline in 2018
    Prices for most baking ingredients decline in 2018
  • 2018, 2019 Forecast shares of production exported
    2018, 2019 Forecast shares of production exported
  • One-third of U.S. farm output is produced under contract, but the share differs by commodity
    One-third of U.S. farm output is produced under contract, but the share differs by commodity
  • Household income for the largest farms fell in 2017, driven by lower returns from farming
    Household income for the largest farms fell in 2017, driven by lower returns from farming
  • Farms by operating profit margin (OPM) and farm type, 2017
    Farms by operating profit margin (OPM) and farm type, 2017
  • Food accounted for 12.9 percent of household spending in 2017
    Food accounted for 12.9 percent of household spending in 2017
  • Distribution of the value of production by farm type for selected commodities, 2017
    Distribution of the value of production by farm type for selected commodities, 2017
  • Developing countries, such as China and Brazil, lead global productivity growth
    Developing countries, such as China and Brazil, lead global productivity growth
  • Declines in fat content have been largest for home-prepared food
    Declines in fat content have been largest for home-prepared food
  • Rice producers in the southern United States increased adoption of hybrid and herbicide-tolerant seed varieties between 2006 and 2013
    Rice producers in the southern United States increased adoption of hybrid and herbicide-tolerant seed varieties between 2006 and 2013
  • The U.S. agricultural trade balance is projected to decline in fiscal year 2019 to its lowest level since 2007
    The U.S. agricultural trade balance is projected to decline in fiscal year 2019 to its lowest level since 2007
  • As quick-service restaurants proliferate, growth patterns mirror rural-urban migration trends
    As quick-service restaurants proliferate, growth patterns mirror rural-urban migration trends
  • The share of corn and cotton acreage planted with genetically engineered stacked seeds has climbed since 2000
    The share of corn and cotton acreage planted with genetically engineered stacked seeds has climbed since 2000
  • USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program is regionally concentrated
    USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program is regionally concentrated
  • Farm sector profits forecast to decline in 2018
    Farm sector profits forecast to decline in 2018
  • Farm wages are rising, both in inflation-adjusted terms and in relation to nonfarm wages
    Farm wages are rising, both in inflation-adjusted terms and in relation to nonfarm wages
  • Share of global wheat exports by country
    Share of global wheat exports by country
  • U.S. wheat planted area and production
    U.S. wheat planted area and production
  • U.S. Wheat production by class
    U.S. Wheat production by class
  • Although adoption rates for GE seeds have plateaued at the national level, there is significant variation at the State level
    Although adoption rates for GE seeds have plateaued at the national level, there is significant variation at the State level
  • Fruit and vegetable costs vary by product and form
    Fruit and vegetable costs vary by product and form
  • Herbicide tolerant (HT) seed use in the U.S. increased quickly following commercialization in 1996 but has plateaued in recent years
    Herbicide tolerant (HT) seed use in the U.S. increased quickly following commercialization in 1996 but has plateaued in recent years