Chart Gallery

  • An accelerated devaluation scenario results in higher expected returns
    An accelerated devaluation scenario results in higher expected returns
  • Brazil’s currency devaluations had a positive effect on agricultural trade, contributing to an increase in export orientation for Brazilian agriculture
    Brazil’s currency devaluations had a positive effect on agricultural trade, contributing to an increase in export orientation for Brazilian agriculture
  • Brazil’s exports under an accelerated devaluation scenario indicate increasing exports of most major commodities
    Brazil’s exports under an accelerated devaluation scenario indicate increasing exports of most major commodities
  • Brazil’s economic performance is closely related to major export commodity prices
    Brazil’s economic performance is closely related to major export commodity prices
  • Climatic effects contributed negatively to total factor productivity on Wisconsin dairy farms between 1996 and 2012
    Climatic effects contributed negatively to total factor productivity on Wisconsin dairy farms between 1996 and 2012
  • As of August, food-at-home prices in 2020 were above 2019 levels
    As of August, food-at-home prices in 2020 were above 2019 levels
  • Crop support services and livestock sector added the most jobs from 2010 to 2019
    Crop support services and livestock sector added the most jobs from 2010 to 2019
  • India's consistently high soybean prices challenge its domestic soybean processing industry’s competitiveness
    India's consistently high soybean prices challenge its domestic soybean processing industry’s competitiveness
  • Depreciation of the Brazilian real boosted Brazil’s soybean exports to China, from 2005-19
    Depreciation of the Brazilian real boosted Brazil’s soybean exports to China, from 2005-19
  • Participation in the National School Lunch Program fell 6 percent between 2009 and 2019, and participation in the School Breakfast Program rose 32 percent
    Participation in the National School Lunch Program fell 6 percent between 2009 and 2019, and participation in the School Breakfast Program rose 32 percent
  • Real wages for hired U.S. farmworkers rose from 1990 to 2019
    Real wages for hired U.S. farmworkers rose from 1990 to 2019
  • The average age of hired farm workforce increased from 2008 to 2018
    The average age of hired farm workforce increased from 2008 to 2018
  • The number of H-2A positions increased fivefold from 2005 to 2019
    The number of H-2A positions increased fivefold from 2005 to 2019
  • The policy region follows along the Upper Arkansas River, with enrollments concentrated in the Western District
    The policy region follows along the Upper Arkansas River, with enrollments concentrated in the Western District
  • Water use and saturated thickness trends of unenrolled farmers in the matched sample are similar to the average of unenrolled farmers in the Western District
    Water use and saturated thickness trends of unenrolled farmers in the matched sample are similar to the average of unenrolled farmers in the Western District
  • Women accounted for an increasing share of the hired farm workforce from 2006 to 2018
    Women accounted for an increasing share of the hired farm workforce from 2006 to 2018
  • Consumer Price Index for fresh fruit
    Consumer Price Index for fresh fruit
  • U.S. cotton product imports recovering from COVID-19 impact
    U.S. cotton product imports recovering from COVID-19 impact
  • Genetically engineered soybean, cotton, and corn seeds have become widely adopted
    Genetically engineered soybean, cotton, and corn seeds have become widely adopted
  • Child care centers accounted for 75 percent of meals provided by USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program in fiscal year 2019
    Child care centers accounted for 75 percent of meals provided by USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program in fiscal year 2019
  • Blueberry imports from Latin America increase to meet year-round demand
    Blueberry imports from Latin America increase to meet year-round demand
  • USDA’s Purchase to Plate Price Tool estimates food cost for national food intake data
    USDA’s Purchase to Plate Price Tool estimates food cost for national food intake data
  • January-July imports of meat and dairy: Percent change from January-July 2019
    January-July imports of meat and dairy: Percent change from January-July 2019
  • Sugarbeet harvested area and yields, 2007/08 to 2020/21
    Sugarbeet harvested area and yields, 2007/08 to 2020/21
  • Food security outlook improves for 76 low- and middle-income countries by 2030 despite income impacts of COVID-19
    Food security outlook improves for 76 low- and middle-income countries by 2030 despite income impacts of COVID-19
  • Corn supply and use: percent change from last month's forecast (2019/20)
    Corn supply and use: percent change from last month's forecast (2019/20)
  • Global cotton stocks and prices
    Global cotton stocks and prices
  • Lower yields, brighter export sales spark a rally in Central Illinois soybean prices
    Lower yields, brighter export sales spark a rally in Central Illinois soybean prices
  • Production boosts help to lift Australia and Canada's share of global exports in 2020/21
    Production boosts help to lift Australia and Canada's share of global exports in 2020/21
  • Most land exiting USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program was used for annual crop production
    Most land exiting USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program was used for annual crop production
  • U.S. rice production in 2020 is projected to increase 22 percent
    U.S. rice production in 2020 is projected to increase 22 percent
  • Composition of Mexico’s Total Support Estimate, 2018
    Composition of Mexico’s Total Support Estimate, 2018
  • Producers see negative net returns for corn, soybeans, and wheat in recent years
    Producers see negative net returns for corn, soybeans, and wheat in recent years
  • Mexico’s agricultural secretariat had a budget of about 65.4 billion pesos ($US 3.4 billion) for 2019
    Mexico’s agricultural secretariat had a budget of about 65.4 billion pesos ($US 3.4 billion) for 2019
  • Mexico Total Agricultural Support Estimate (TSE)
    Mexico Total Agricultural Support Estimate (TSE)
  • Mexico’s budget for PEC and SADER, 2006-20
    Mexico’s budget for PEC and SADER, 2006-20