Chart Gallery

  • Larger U.S. dairy farms tend to be more profitable than smaller dairy farms
    Larger U.S. dairy farms tend to be more profitable than smaller dairy farms
  • Nonmetro areas faring better than metro areas in recovery from pandemic’s lowest employment levels
    Nonmetro areas faring better than metro areas in recovery from pandemic’s lowest employment levels
  • From 2005 to 2019, working-age veterans more likely to live in food-insecure households than similar nonveterans
    From 2005 to 2019, working-age veterans more likely to live in food-insecure households than similar nonveterans
  • Growth of sales at grocery stores (excluding convenience stores), 2000-19
    Growth of sales at grocery stores (excluding convenience stores), 2000-19
  • Traditional food store sales by segment, 2019
    Traditional food store sales by segment, 2019
  • Robust overseas demand for U.S. meats, led by pork and poultry, drove trade surplus in 2020
    Robust overseas demand for U.S. meats, led by pork and poultry, drove trade surplus in 2020
  • U.S. farm sector liquidity forecast to decline in 2021
    U.S. farm sector liquidity forecast to decline in 2021
  • U.S. fresh strawberry production expands with newer varieties
    U.S. fresh strawberry production expands with newer varieties
  • 2022 production forecasts compared with 2021: year-over-year percent changes
    2022 production forecasts compared with 2021: year-over-year percent changes
  • Milk cows in the United States
    Milk cows in the United States
  • U.S. sugar production projected at record in fiscal year 2022
    U.S. sugar production projected at record in fiscal year 2022
  • U.S. sugar production projected at record level in fiscal year 2022
    U.S. sugar production projected at record level in fiscal year 2022
  • Food services industry share of the food dollar increased in 2019 for eighth consecutive year
    Food services industry share of the food dollar increased in 2019 for eighth consecutive year
  • U.S. farm profit projections remain mixed through 2030
    U.S. farm profit projections remain mixed through 2030
  • Global cotton production and mill use
    Global cotton production and mill use
  • U.S. corn planted area, 2020 vs 2021 crop marketing year
    U.S. corn planted area, 2020 vs 2021 crop marketing year
  • U.S. rice production in 2021 is projected to decrease almost 11 percent
    U.S. rice production in 2021 is projected to decrease almost 11 percent
  • U.S. wheat season-average farm price rises as stocks, stocks-to-use tighten
    U.S. wheat season-average farm price rises as stocks, stocks-to-use tighten
  • US soybean production reach new heights
    US soybean production reach new heights
  • New COVID-19 cases since March 1, 2020: Comparing rural counties with 20 percent or more employment in meatpacking to all other rural counties in the United States
    New COVID-19 cases since March 1, 2020: Comparing rural counties with 20 percent or more employment in meatpacking to all other rural counties in the United States
  • U.S agricultural exports of $142 billion generated an additional $160 billion in the U.S economy in 2019
    U.S agricultural exports of $142 billion generated an additional $160 billion in the U.S economy in 2019
  • Children in Black and Hispanic households experienced greater food insufficiency than other ethnicities during COVID-19 pandemic
    Children in Black and Hispanic households experienced greater food insufficiency than other ethnicities during COVID-19 pandemic
  • COVID-19 Federal financial assistance to U.S. farms varied by State
    COVID-19 Federal financial assistance to U.S. farms varied by State
  • U.S. agricultural exports
    U.S. agricultural exports
  • U.S. economic activity supported by agricultural trade
    U.S. economic activity supported by agricultural trade
  • Value of U.S. Ag Exports
    Value of U.S. Ag Exports
  • U.S. agricultural exports vulnerable to global economic downturns
    U.S. agricultural exports vulnerable to global economic downturns
  • Since pandemic began, U.S. spending on food-at-home increased, while food-away-from-home expenditures dropped, resulting in an overall reduction in total food spending in 2020
    Since pandemic began, U.S. spending on food-at-home increased, while food-away-from-home expenditures dropped, resulting in an overall reduction in total food spending in 2020
  • Processed food and beverages account for more than three-fourths of China's food import refusals but less than a fifth of the value of China's food imports
    Processed food and beverages account for more than three-fourths of China's food import refusals but less than a fifth of the value of China's food imports
  • Corn and soybean use for amimal feed and for exports are projected to increase continually through 2030
    Corn and soybean use for amimal feed and for exports are projected to increase continually through 2030
  • Historical and projected average percent change in real Gross Domestic Product by global region
    Historical and projected average percent change in real Gross Domestic Product by global region
  • China food import refusals and value of imports from the world, 2006-19
    China food import refusals and value of imports from the world, 2006-19
  • China's refusals shifted from U.S. and European products to foods from other countries during 2020
    China's refusals shifted from U.S. and European products to foods from other countries during 2020
  • Countries and regions with the most food shipments refused by China
    Countries and regions with the most food shipments refused by China
  • U.S. meat exports
    U.S. meat exports
  • For food-insecure and food-secure schoolchildren, school meal foods are of higher diet quality than foods from other sources
    For food-insecure and food-secure schoolchildren, school meal foods are of higher diet quality than foods from other sources