Chart Gallery

  • Farm households estimated to have received $2,167 on average from Economic Impact Payments in 2020
    Farm households estimated to have received $2,167 on average from Economic Impact Payments in 2020
  • Farm labor contractors (FLCs) have come to account for a majority of H-2A certifications in the vegetables and melons sectors
    Farm labor contractors (FLCs) have come to account for a majority of H-2A certifications in the vegetables and melons sectors
  • The number of firms employing H-2A through farm labor contractors (FLCs) increased nearly 800 percent between 2010 and 2019
    The number of firms employing H-2A through farm labor contractors (FLCs) increased nearly 800 percent between 2010 and 2019
  • Total number of H-2A positions certified increased across different sectors between 2010 and 2019
    Total number of H-2A positions certified increased across different sectors between 2010 and 2019
  • The number of firms requesting H-2A workers increased 95 percent between 2010 and 2019
    The number of firms requesting H-2A workers increased 95 percent between 2010 and 2019
  • H-2A certifications increased threefold between 2010 and 2019, growing across product categories
    H-2A certifications increased threefold between 2010 and 2019, growing across product categories
  • The average prevalence of food insecurity in 2021 is estimated to be almost 7 percentage points higher than in 2020
    The average prevalence of food insecurity in 2021 is estimated to be almost 7 percentage points higher than in 2020
  • Prevalence of food insecure people increases from 2020 to 2021 in 56 countries
    Prevalence of food insecure people increases from 2020 to 2021 in 56 countries
  • Food insecurity in 2021 is more prevalent in lower income countries relative to higher income countries
    Food insecurity in 2021 is more prevalent in lower income countries relative to higher income countries
  • The number of food insecure people by 2031 is projected to decline for most IFSA regions
    The number of food insecure people by 2031 is projected to decline for most IFSA regions
  • Across all age groups, food at home contributed nearly double the average number of calories to U.S. diets than food away from home in 2017-18
    Across all age groups, food at home contributed nearly double the average number of calories to U.S. diets than food away from home in 2017-18
  • School foods were the richest sources of the dairy food group in children's diets in 2017-18.
    School foods were the richest sources of the dairy food group in children's diets in 2017-18.
  • Per capita Gross Domestic Product remains below pre-pandemic levels in 2021
    Per capita Gross Domestic Product remains below pre-pandemic levels in 2021
  • At all household income levels, U.S. consumers ate mostly home-prepared food in 2017-18, but food prepared away from home was also important
    At all household income levels, U.S. consumers ate mostly home-prepared food in 2017-18, but food prepared away from home was also important
  • Average dairy food group consumption was highest for children in 2017-18
    Average dairy food group consumption was highest for children in 2017-18
  • School food contributed 9 percent of children's overall calcium intake in 2017-18
    School food contributed 9 percent of children's overall calcium intake in 2017-18
  • AWSept_NutrientIntakes_Graphic1
  • Number of U.S. honey bee colonies rises as honey yield per colony drops
    Number of U.S. honey bee colonies rises as honey yield per colony drops
  • Employment in U.S. agriculture grew 9 percent between 2010 and 2020
    Employment in U.S. agriculture grew 9 percent between 2010 and 2020
  • U.S. farm sector profits forecast to increase in 2021
    U.S. farm sector profits forecast to increase in 2021
  • Apples and oranges remain the top U.S. fruit choices
    Apples and oranges remain the top U.S. fruit choices
  • U.S. irrigated farmland acres in gravity and pressurized systems, 17 Western States, 1984-2018
    U.S. irrigated farmland acres in gravity and pressurized systems, 17 Western States, 1984-2018
  • U.S. irrigation organizations by primary and secondary functions, 2019
    U.S. irrigation organizations by primary and secondary functions, 2019
  • State shares of U.S. irrigated agricultural land, 2017
    State shares of U.S. irrigated agricultural land, 2017
  • Change in U.S. acres of irrigated agricultural land by county, 1997-2017
    Change in U.S. acres of irrigated agricultural land by county, 1997-2017
  • Change in U.S. acres of irrigated agricultural land by county, 2002-07
    Change in U.S. acres of irrigated agricultural land by county, 2002-07
  • U.S. acres of irrigated land by county, 2017
    U.S. acres of irrigated land by county, 2017
  • U.S. harvested acres irrigated for selected major irrigated crops, 1964-2017
    U.S. harvested acres irrigated for selected major irrigated crops, 1964-2017
  • U.S. organic corn and soybean acreage increases but remains less than 1 percent of total
    U.S. organic corn and soybean acreage increases but remains less than 1 percent of total
  • U.S. irrigated acreage and water use per acre irrigated, 1890-2018
    U.S. irrigated acreage and water use per acre irrigated, 1890-2018
  • Pandemic response contributed to 32 percent increase in Federal food assistance spending in FY 2020
    Pandemic response contributed to 32 percent increase in Federal food assistance spending in FY 2020
  • Data show U.S. poverty rates in 2019 higher in rural areas than in urban for racial/ethnic groups
    Data show U.S. poverty rates in 2019 higher in rural areas than in urban for racial/ethnic groups
  • Animal product export shares to major foreign destinations by quantity, January-June 2021
    Animal product export shares to major foreign destinations by quantity, January-June 2021
  • Fields with cover crops more likely to be in a conservation crop rotation, especially in soybean and corn fields
    Fields with cover crops more likely to be in a conservation crop rotation, especially in soybean and corn fields
  • Drought dampens production and export prospects for key U.S. wheat classes
    Drought dampens production and export prospects for key U.S. wheat classes
  • Milk U.S. domestic use per day
    Milk U.S. domestic use per day