Chart Gallery

  • Percent shares of U.S. beef export markets in 2022
    Percent shares of U.S. beef export markets in 2022
  • Cattle and cow inventories, 1970–2023
    Cattle and cow inventories, 1970–2023
  • About 16 percent of retail food expenditures in 2018 were for products labeled “natural”
    About 16 percent of retail food expenditures in 2018 were for products labeled “natural”
  • Percent shares of U.S. beef import sources in 2022
    Percent shares of U.S. beef import sources in 2022
  • U.S. live cattle imports by use, 2012–2022
    U.S. live cattle imports by use, 2012–2022
  • Fries on the rise: Nearly half of potatoes now go into frozen products
    Fries on the rise: Nearly half of potatoes now go into frozen products
  • U.S. obesity rates grew in most regions during first year of pandemic
    U.S. obesity rates grew in most regions during first year of pandemic
  • Crop seed prices have risen faster than commodity prices, especially for genetically modified (GM) seed
    Crop seed prices have risen faster than commodity prices, especially for genetically modified (GM) seed
  • Two companies accounted for more than half of corn, soybean, and cotton seed sales in 2018–20
    Two companies accounted for more than half of corn, soybean, and cotton seed sales in 2018–20
  • Timeline of actions that established intellectual property rights for new plant varieties and traits
    Timeline of actions that established intellectual property rights for new plant varieties and traits
  • Issuances of intellectual property rights tools for new crop varieties increased from 1971 to 2020
    Issuances of intellectual property rights tools for new crop varieties increased from 1971 to 2020
  • Genetically modified (GM) seeds have been adopted on more than half of U.S. cropland
    Genetically modified (GM) seeds have been adopted on more than half of U.S. cropland
  • Major companies’ spending on crop research and development (R&D) tracks their seed and agrichemical sales revenue
    Major companies’ spending on crop research and development (R&D) tracks their seed and agrichemical sales revenue
  • Aerial imagery remains mostly grounded on U.S. farms
    Aerial imagery remains mostly grounded on U.S. farms
  • Emergency allotments central to SNAP spending growth during pandemic
    Emergency allotments central to SNAP spending growth during pandemic
  • California continues to lead U.S. peach harvest
    California continues to lead U.S. peach harvest
  • Irrigation organizations in Pacific region more likely to trade water with other irrigation organizations
    Irrigation organizations in Pacific region more likely to trade water with other irrigation organizations
  • Federal food and nutrition assistance spending fell in FY 2022, but remained higher than in prepandemic years
    Federal food and nutrition assistance spending fell in FY 2022, but remained higher than in prepandemic years
  • USDA’s School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program once again served the most meals in FY 2022
    USDA’s School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program once again served the most meals in FY 2022
  • Economic conditions influence SNAP participation
    Economic conditions influence SNAP participation
  • SNAP spending rose higher, faster after start of pandemic than after start of Great Recession
    SNAP spending rose higher, faster after start of pandemic than after start of Great Recession
  • Timeline of Federal food and nutrition assistance policy developments, FY 2022
    Timeline of Federal food and nutrition assistance policy developments, FY 2022
  • Mexican total sugar imports, by fiscal year, 2012/13–2023/24
    Mexican total sugar imports, by fiscal year, 2012/13–2023/24
  • Smaller cow-calf operations still outnumber large operations, but herd sizes have increased
    Smaller cow-calf operations still outnumber large operations, but herd sizes have increased
  • Year-over-year percent changes in export volumes and commercial production
    Year-over-year percent changes in export volumes and commercial production
  • U.S. raw milk production
    U.S. raw milk production
  • Obesity rates among U.S. adults increased during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
    Obesity rates among U.S. adults increased during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • India's 2023 and 2024 rice exports projected to decline
    India's 2023 and 2024 rice exports projected to decline
  • U.S. corn for grain exports, by marketing year
    U.S. corn for grain exports, by marketing year
  • United States all wheat exports, 1971/72_2023/24
    United States all wheat exports, 1971/72_2023/24
  • Variable rate technology adoption is on the rise
    Variable rate technology adoption is on the rise
  • Global cotton production and mill use
    Global cotton production and mill use
  • Soybean production by region
    Soybean production by region
  • Rural food-away-from-home establishments were most prevalent in recreation-dependent nonmetro counties in 2019
    Rural food-away-from-home establishments were most prevalent in recreation-dependent nonmetro counties in 2019
  • Share of income spent on food increased 13 percent in 2022, led by food-away-from-home spending
    Share of income spent on food increased 13 percent in 2022, led by food-away-from-home spending
  • Federal projects provide nearly half of water conveyed by large irrigation water delivery organizations
    Federal projects provide nearly half of water conveyed by large irrigation water delivery organizations