Chart Gallery

  • USDA began requiring inclusion of whole-grain-rich foods in school foods in 2012
    USDA began requiring inclusion of whole-grain-rich foods in school foods in 2012
  • With domestic chili pepper production cooling off, imports have heated up
    With domestic chili pepper production cooling off, imports have heated up
  • U.S. 2023/24 rice production projected to increase 38 percent
    U.S. 2023/24 rice production projected to increase 38 percent
  • U.S. corn supply and use
    U.S. corn supply and use
  • After 2012, children who ate school-provided foods were more likely to consume whole grains
    After 2012, children who ate school-provided foods were more likely to consume whole grains
  • Children’s diets showed a significant increase in whole-grain density after 2011–2012
    Children’s diets showed a significant increase in whole-grain density after 2011–2012
  • School food became significantly more whole-grain dense after 2012
    School food became significantly more whole-grain dense after 2012
  • Global cotton stocks and prices
    Global cotton stocks and prices
  • U.S. soybean yield
    U.S. soybean yield
  • Balance of refined and whole grain consumption has narrowed only slightly since 2005 Federal recommendations
    Balance of refined and whole grain consumption has narrowed only slightly since 2005 Federal recommendations
  • U.S. by-class wheat exports, 2013/14–2023/24
    U.S. by-class wheat exports, 2013/14–2023/24
  • U.S. wheat exports to Mexico declined in 2022/23 marketing year, and Mexican buyers shifted preferences on wheat types
    U.S. wheat exports to Mexico declined in 2022/23 marketing year, and Mexican buyers shifted preferences on wheat types
  • More than half of U.S. wheat for export was transported by rail between 2003 and 2019
    More than half of U.S. wheat for export was transported by rail between 2003 and 2019
  • Five classes of U.S. wheat
    Five classes of U.S. wheat
  • Fewer than one-third of U.S. adults think their diets were very good or excellent
    Fewer than one-third of U.S. adults think their diets were very good or excellent
  • Export basis for U.S. spring wheat were as much as $60 per metric ton higher than for similar Canadian wheat in late 2022
    Export basis for U.S. spring wheat were as much as $60 per metric ton higher than for similar Canadian wheat in late 2022
  • Average bids for grain shuttle trains in October 2022 reached the highest level since 2014
    Average bids for grain shuttle trains in October 2022 reached the highest level since 2014
  • Rail networks connect U.S wheat production areas to coastal ports
    Rail networks connect U.S wheat production areas to coastal ports
  • Costs of U.S. <i>Vibrio</i> infections projected to increase as seas warm from climate change
    Costs of U.S. <i>Vibrio</i> infections projected to increase as seas warm from climate change
  • Agricultural labor expenses forecast to increase by almost 2 percent in 2023
    Agricultural labor expenses forecast to increase by almost 2 percent in 2023
  • Distribution of census tract mean Road Terrain Ruggedness Index values
    Distribution of census tract mean Road Terrain Ruggedness Index values
  • Computation window for Terrain Ruggedness Index values
    Computation window for Terrain Ruggedness Index values
  • Map of the Area Ruggedness Scale for vintage 2010 U.S. census tracts
    Map of the Area Ruggedness Scale for vintage 2010 U.S. census tracts
  • Map of the Road Ruggedness Scale for vintage 2010 U.S. census tracts
    Map of the Road Ruggedness Scale for vintage 2010 U.S. census tracts
  • Tequila from Mexico drove boost in U.S. imports of alcoholic beverages in 2022
    Tequila from Mexico drove boost in U.S. imports of alcoholic beverages in 2022
  • U.S. beef and pork exports to Japan expected to rise because of trade agreement with Japan
    U.S. beef and pork exports to Japan expected to rise because of trade agreement with Japan
  • Japan’s tariffs on beef and pork imports to decrease for trade agreement partners
    Japan’s tariffs on beef and pork imports to decrease for trade agreement partners
  • Differing trigger levels mean U.S. beef exporters more likely to face higher tariff rates than Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) countries
    Differing trigger levels mean U.S. beef exporters more likely to face higher tariff rates than Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) countries
  • Japan’s gate price tariff system for pork carcass imports works differently under various hypothetical price scenarios
    Japan’s gate price tariff system for pork carcass imports works differently under various hypothetical price scenarios
  • Trade agreements expected to reduce Japan’s beef and pork production, increase imports
    Trade agreements expected to reduce Japan’s beef and pork production, increase imports
  • Among animal proteins, nearly half the calories Japanese adults consumed came from pork and beef in 2019
    Among animal proteins, nearly half the calories Japanese adults consumed came from pork and beef in 2019
  • Rural counties dependent on recreation had the most food-away-from-home outlets in 2019
    Rural counties dependent on recreation had the most food-away-from-home outlets in 2019
  • Irrigation water delivery organizations play important role in conveying water in the western United States
    Irrigation water delivery organizations play important role in conveying water in the western United States
  • Farm sector profits forecast to fall in 2023 from record highs in 2022
    Farm sector profits forecast to fall in 2023 from record highs in 2022
  • Global wheat prices cooling with larger exporter supplies expected in 2023
    Global wheat prices cooling with larger exporter supplies expected in 2023
  • U.S. beef trade, 1990–2022
    U.S. beef trade, 1990–2022