Chart Gallery

  • Year-to-year production changes for selected fruit and tree nuts, 2022–23f
    Year-to-year production changes for selected fruit and tree nuts, 2022–23f
  • Irrigated agricultural acreage has grown, shifting eastward, while western irrigated acreage has declined
    Irrigated agricultural acreage has grown, shifting eastward, while western irrigated acreage has declined
  • U.S. rice exports by market, 2018/19—2022/23, annual average shipments, 1,000 tons
    U.S. rice exports by market, 2018/19—2022/23, annual average shipments, 1,000 tons
  • Expenditures on child nutrition programs by program, fiscal years 2019–22
    Expenditures on child nutrition programs by program, fiscal years 2019–22
  • Average daily attendance in Child and Adult Care Food Program family day care homes and child care centers, fiscal years 1989–2022
    Average daily attendance in Child and Adult Care Food Program family day care homes and child care centers, fiscal years 1989–2022
  • Snacks served through the National School Lunch Program's after-school snacks component, fiscal years 2003–22
    Snacks served through the National School Lunch Program's after-school snacks component, fiscal years 2003–22
  • Rice exports by country, 2006–23
    Rice exports by country, 2006–23
  • Share of global rice exports, 2021–23
    Share of global rice exports, 2021–23
  • National School Lunch Program lunches served and percent free or reduced-price, fiscal years 1971–2022
    National School Lunch Program lunches served and percent free or reduced-price, fiscal years 1971–2022
  • Child and Adult Care Food Program meals served and percent free or reduced-price, fiscal years 1989–2022
    Child and Adult Care Food Program meals served and percent free or reduced-price, fiscal years 1989–2022
  • Food and beverage manufacturing establishments, 2021
    Food and beverage manufacturing establishments, 2021
  • Summer Food Service Program distribution sites and average daily attendance in July, fiscal years 1989–2022
    Summer Food Service Program distribution sites and average daily attendance in July, fiscal years 1989–2022
  • U.S. rice exports by type, 1977/78—2022/23
    U.S. rice exports by type, 1977/78—2022/23
  • U.S. rice imports by source, 1980/81–2022/23
    U.S. rice imports by source, 1980/81–2022/23
  • School Breakfast Program breakfasts served and percent free or reduced-price, fiscal years 1975–2022
    School Breakfast Program breakfasts served and percent free or reduced-price, fiscal years 1975–2022
  • Organic strawberries bring growers higher prices than conventional berries
    Organic strawberries bring growers higher prices than conventional berries
  • U.S. consumers’ food spending continued to increase in 2022, following the prepandemic trend
    U.S. consumers’ food spending continued to increase in 2022, following the prepandemic trend
  • After pandemic-driven growth in food-at-home-spending, rising prices have correlated with spending decreases since 2021
    After pandemic-driven growth in food-at-home-spending, rising prices have correlated with spending decreases since 2021
  • Intellectual property protections for new crop varieties have increased
    Intellectual property protections for new crop varieties have increased
  • Even with rising prices, food-away-from-home spending continues to grow
    Even with rising prices, food-away-from-home spending continues to grow
  • Spending at other food-at-home establishments increased the most despite sharp decline at pandemic’s onset
    Spending at other food-at-home establishments increased the most despite sharp decline at pandemic’s onset
  • Limited-service restaurants rebounded faster than full-service after spending declines in 2020
    Limited-service restaurants rebounded faster than full-service after spending declines in 2020
  • States with large inflows of out-of-state workers and tourists had biggest drops in per capita food spending in 2020
    States with large inflows of out-of-state workers and tourists had biggest drops in per capita food spending in 2020
  • Share of food-away-from-home spending reached record high in 2022
    Share of food-away-from-home spending reached record high in 2022
  • Global food security improves in 2023 with higher incomes, lower vegetable oil prices
    Global food security improves in 2023 with higher incomes, lower vegetable oil prices
  • More than half of apples available for U.S. consumption are used in juices
    More than half of apples available for U.S. consumption are used in juices
  • Reports on whether paying for school meals contributed to household financial hardship varied by race and ethnicity, December 2022–May 2023
    Reports on whether paying for school meals contributed to household financial hardship varied by race and ethnicity, December 2022–May 2023
  • Pennsylvania leads country in organic mushroom production
    Pennsylvania leads country in organic mushroom production
  • Crop research and development spending tracks sales revenue by major seed companies
    Crop research and development spending tracks sales revenue by major seed companies
  • Global prices for fertilizers returned to 2021 levels in 2023 after surging in 2022 )
    Global prices for fertilizers returned to 2021 levels in 2023 after surging in 2022 )
  • Russia provided 13 percent of all fertilizer trade in 2020
    Russia provided 13 percent of all fertilizer trade in 2020
  • Cereal grain crop yields rise with fertilizer application
    Cereal grain crop yields rise with fertilizer application
  • Grains prices rose along with fertilizer prices in 2022, remained about 2021 levels in 2023
    Grains prices rose along with fertilizer prices in 2022, remained about 2021 levels in 2023
  • U.S. beet and cane sugar production, by fiscal year, 2003/04–2023/24
    U.S. beet and cane sugar production, by fiscal year, 2003/04–2023/24
  • U.S. imports of live swine and cattle in first-half 2023 above last year
    U.S. imports of live swine and cattle in first-half 2023 above last year
  • Milk production per day and number of dairy cows
    Milk production per day and number of dairy cows