Lisa Mancino
- Branch Chief
- Google Scholar Profile
Lisa Mancino is the chief of the Food Markets Branch. As branch chief, she manages a program of research and analysis that is focused on monitoring and estimating indicators of individual, household, and market-level food consumption, prices, and expenditures; food marketing costs; and farm-to-retail price spreads. Research also focuses on food processing and distribution, as well as trends and developments in food wholesale and retail markets.
Lisa became branch chief in September 2021, and previously served as an economist in the Diet, Safety and Health Economics Branch from 2003 to 2019. Her research expertise includes the effects of Government policies, regulations, and programs on individual’s diet, health, and economic well-being—with a focus on applying behavioral economic concepts to nutrition assistance programs, investigating the influence of dietary guidelines on food choices, and estimating the effect of food away from home on diet quality. Prior to her return to ERS, she was an economist with Minnesota’s Department of Human Services.
Lisa has a Ph.D. and an M.S. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Minnesota, and a B.A. in International Management from Gustavus Adolphus College.
Selected Publications
Todd, J., Mancino, L, Restrepo, B, Kavanaugh, C, Dicken, C and Breneman, V. 2021. “Food Away from Home and Caloric Intake: The Roll of Menu Labeling Laws.” Economic Inquiry, 59 (1).
Chen, Y., Lin, B., Mancino, L., Ver Ploeg, M. and Zhen, C. 2020. “Nutritional quality of retail food purchases is not associated with participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for nutrition-oriented households.” PLoS ONE 15(12).
Rogus, S., Guthrie, J., Niculescu, M. and Mancino, L. 2020. “Online Grocery Shopping Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors among SNAP Participants.” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 52(5).
Volpe, R., Cai, X., Schroeter, C. and Mancino, L. 2020. “Adherence to Dietary Recommendations and Food Retail Market Structure: Is there a Connection?” Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, May.
Zeballos, E. Mancino, L. and Lin, B-H. 2020. “Does How You Pay Influence the Share of Healthy Items that You Buy? Assessing Differences in Nutritional Quality of Food Purchases by Payment Type.” Food Policy, 92, April.
Gregory, C, Mancino, L and Coleman-Jensen, A. 2019. Food Security and Food Purchase Quality among Low-Income Households: Findings from the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS), ERR-269 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, August.
Muth, MK., Karns, SA., Mancino, L, and Todd, JE. 2019. “How Much Can Product Reformulation Improve Diet Quality among Children and Adolescents?” 11, 3(2019): 618. Published online March 14, 2019.
Mancino, L., J. Guthrie, and D. Just. 2018. "Overview: Exploring Ways to Encourage Healthier Food Purchases by Low-Income Consumers—Lessons from Behavioral Economics and Marketing," Food Policy, March.
Mancino, L., J. Guthrie, M. Ver Ploeg, and B. Lin. 2018. Nutritional Quality of Foods Purchased and Acquired by Americans: Findings from USDA’s National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey, EIB-188, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
Mancino, L. and J. Guthrie. 2018. "Supermarkets, Schools, and Social Gatherings: Where Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program and Other U.S. Households Acquire Their Foods Correlates with Nutritional Quality," Amber Waves, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
Mancino, L., J. Todd, and B. Scharadin. 2018. USDA’s National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey: Methodology for Imputing Missing Quantities to Calculate HEI-2010 Scores and Sorting Foods into ERS food groups, TB-1947, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
Payne, C., M. Niculescu, J. Guthrie, J. and L. Mancino. 2017. "Can a Better Understanding of the WIC Customer Experiences Increase Benefit Redemption and Help Control Program Food Costs?" Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, October 9.
Guthrie, J., L. Mancino, and J. Lin. 2016. "Nudging Consumers towards Better Food Choices: Policy Approaches to Changing Food Consumption Behaviors," Psychology and Marketing, 32(5): 501-11.