Kate Binzen Fuller
- Research Agricultural Economist (Conservation Liaison)
- kate.fuller@usda.gov
- Google Scholar Profile
Kate Binzen Fuller is a research agricultural economist in the Conservation and Environment Branch of the Resource and Rural Economics Division of USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS). Her emphasis is on the economics of soil health and conservation practices including cover cropping and tillage systems.
In her role as conservation liaison, she communicates USDA, ERS’ conservation work to USDA and external stakeholders, and incorporates stakeholder feedback into the research process.
Kate joined USDA, ERS in November 2023. She was previously an associate professor and extension specialist at Montana State University. While at MSU, her work focused on understanding farm-level management decisions surrounding conservation, risk management, and farm program participation. She also led extension programming efforts covering topics of crop and grazing leasing, agricultural market outlook, as well as Federal risk management and safety net programs.
Kate holds a Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis, in agricultural and resource economics and a B.A. in economics and mathematics from the University of North Carolina, Asheville.
Selected Publications
Fuller, K.B., Janzen, J., & Munkhnasan, B. (2021). Farmland rental rates: Does organic certification matter? Land Economics. 97(1), 80–106.
Belasco, E., & Fuller, K.B. (2021). Who buys crop insurance? Predictors of the participation gap between organic and conventional farms. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 44(3), 1,554–1,572.
Fuller, K.B., McIntosh, C., & Zidack, N. (2020) Valuing disease prevention in a vegetatively propagated annual crop: Benefits from the Montana Seed Potato Certification Program. Plant Disease. 104, 2,060–2,067.