U.S. cash receipts for selected crops, 2023–24F

Billion dollars (nominal)

Horizontal bar chart with 6 groups and 2 items per group.

Group 1, Corn.
Item 1, 2023 80.09677.
Item 2, 2024F 64.11399.
Group 2, Soybeans.
Item 1, 2023 58.99823.
Item 2, 2024F 50.40072.
Group 3, Fruits and nuts.
Item 1, 2023 28.828266.
Item 2, 2024F 28.284695.
Group 4, Vegetables and melons.
Item 1, 2023 26.063711.
Item 2, 2024F 28.610348.
Group 5, Wheat.
Item 1, 2023 12.967911.
Item 2, 2024F 11.368441.
Group 6, Cotton.
Item 1, 2023 7.156668.
Item 2, 2024F 5.470078.

Note: F = forecast.

Source: USDA, Economic Research Service, Farm Income and Wealth Statistics. Data as of September 5, 2024.